Public authorities
Found 174 public authorities beginning with ‘Q’
Formerly Indigenous Queenslanders Foundation
0 requests.
The role of the Queensland Advisory Committee on the Commemoration of the Anzac Centenary is to provide advice to the Premier of the Government of Quee...
0 requests.
The Queensland Advisory Committee to the AMEB is responsible for advising the Minister for Education, Training and Employment on the conduct of AMEB ex...
0 requests.
To provide advice to the corporation about; trianing of, and delivery of services to students of the agricultural college; the needs of communities ser...
0 requests.
The Animal Welfare Advisory Board advises the Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries on the development and promotion of codes of practices for the hum...
1 request.
The Anti-Discrimination Commission consists of the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner and staff of the Commissioner. Apart from specific powers given by...
0 requests.
To administer the Anzac Day Trust Fund which collects and distribures funds for the general welfare of ex-services people, their dependants and organis...
0 requests.
Responsible for conducting the audits in each finacial year of public sector entities comprising departments, statutory bodies, government owned corpor...
1 request.
The Board of Examiners is established under Part 10 of the Coal Mining Safety and Health Act 1999 and part 10 of the Mining and Quarrying Safety and He...
0 requests.
On behalf of the Medical Board of Australia, the Queensland Board of the Medical Board of Australia is established under the Health Practitioner Regula...
0 requests.
Also called QBCC.
The Service Trade Council assists and provides an internal review process for disciplinary decision of Queensland Building and Construction Commission.
1 request.
QLeave is a Body Corporate and is empowered under the Building and Construction Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Act 1991 to provide an equitable...
0 requests.
Also called Construction Skills Queensland.
0 requests.
To determine appeals lodged by applicants who are dissatisfied with a decision on a development application. Building and Development Committees are es...
0 requests.
Also called SEQWATER.
Queensland Bulk Water Supply Authority trades as Seqwater. It provides bulk water storage and treatment services to people of South East Queensland in...
0 requests.
Make investment decisions on behalf of the Business Development Fund which has the aim of growing the pool of angel and venture capital funding availab...
0 requests.
The Council was established under the Carer (Recognition) Act 2008 to provide advice to the Minister on issues relating to carers.
0 requests.
Hospital and Health Boards will govern and control the Hospital and Health Services (HHS) for which the Board has been established. HHS are the princip...
1 request.
Also called QCAT.
QCAT makes decisions on a range of matters for the first time known as original decisions. QCAT also reviews decisions previously made by government ag...
0 requests.
The Queensland College of Teachers is responsible to the Minister for the registration of persons entitled to be registered as teachers under the Educa...
0 requests.
The Commonwealth Games Infrastructure Authority (the authority) will assist the Minister for Economic Development Queensland (MEDQ) in relation to the...
0 requests.
To undertake economic regulation and provide advice to the Premier and treasurer regarding third party access, prices oversight and comptetive neutrali...
0 requests.
Assesses workers with an injury or injuries who may require assessment by a number of different specialists.
0 requests.
The primary function of the construction industry sector standing committee is to give advice and make recommendations to the work health and safety bo...
0 requests.
Queensland Corrective Services (QCS) contributes to a fair, safe and just Queensland by managing government and privately operated custodial facilities...
1 request.
The Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority is established under the Education (Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority) Act 2014 (the Ac...
2 requests.
Also called QED.
The Department of Education delivers world-class education services for Queenslanders at every stage of their personal and professional development. Th...
28 requests.
Sub-divisions include the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Services.
1 request.
The Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads handles right to information requests relating to Translink.
22 requests.
On reference to it by WorkCover Queensland of a claim for compensation by a worker, the Tribunal determines whether the matters alleged in the applicat...
0 requests.
The Director of Public Prosecutions prepares, institutes and conducts on behalf of and in the name of Her Majesty - (a) Criminal Proceedings (b) Procee...
2 requests.
The Queensland Disability Advisory Council operates as a key channel for advice to the Minister for Disability Services on state and national disabilit...
0 requests.
The Fund was established as a vehicle for receiving surplus moneys from appeals which were opened to raise funds to assist the victims of natural disas...
0 requests.
On reference to it by WorkCover Queensland of an application for compensation by a worker, to the extent that the application relates to prescribed dis...
0 requests.
The State Award Committee provides strategic guidance for the delivery of the Award in Queensland and promotes the Award through industry and community...
0 requests.
On reference to it by WorkCover Queensland of a claim for compensation by a worker, the Tribunal determines whether the matters alleged in the applicat...
0 requests.
The Electrical Equipment Committee is to give advice and make recommendations to the board about energy efficiency, and the safety and performance of e...
0 requests.
The major functions of the Electrical Licensing Committee are to give advice and make recommendations to the Electrical Safety Board about electrical l...
0 requests.
The primary function of the Electrical Safety Board is to give advice and make recommendations to the Minister about policies, stragegies and legislati...
0 requests.
Also called Powerlink Queensland.
Queensland Electricity Transmission Corporation Limited uses a trading name of Powerlink Queensland
1 request.
The Embracing 2018 Advisory Committee have a lead role in helping to achieve lasting benefits from the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games for the state...
0 requests.
Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland (EWOQ) is a free, fair and independent dispute resolution service for Queensland's energy and water consumers. Th...
0 requests.
Advisory body to provide advice on the annual estimated costs associated with the Office of Groundwater Impact Assessment's underground water managemen...
0 requests.
The Queensland Family and Child Commission (QFCC) was established on 1 July 2014 as a statutory body. The QFCC’s functions involve promoting the safety...
1 request.
The objectives of the Commission, as set out in the Family Responsibilities Commission Act 2008, are primarily to hold conferences with community membe...
0 requests.
Section 316 of the Gaming Machine Act 1991 provides for the Gambling Community Benefit Committee to distribute non-recurrent grant funding to non profi...
0 requests.
The Gasfields Commission was established to manage and improve the sustainable co-existence of landholders, regional communities and the onshore gas in...
0 requests.
Make a request to the Queensland Department of Health.
21 requests.
To provide strategic advice to the Minister on matters relating to Queensland's cultural heritage including for example, the measures necessary to cons...
0 requests.
Queensland Hydro is a publicly owned entity established by the Queensland Government to design, deliver, operate and maintain long duration pumped hydr...
6 requests.
To determine remuneration and allowances for state Members of Parliament.
0 requests.
The Island Industries Board trades as Islanders Board of Industry and Service
0 requests.
The Legal Services Commission receives complaints against lawyers and is responsible for the investigation of complaints; decides whether or not discip...
1 request.
To act as agent of the Library Board of Queensland in raising funds through gifts, grants and other forms of financial assistance, property and benefit...
0 requests.
Commissions are established from time to time to assess whether a proposed local government change is in the public interest, eg a change to the bounda...
0 requests.
To determine the remuneration to be paid to local government Councillors and Mayors
0 requests.
The primary function of the Committee is to give advice and make recommendations to the Minister and the Workplace Health and Safety Board about promot...
0 requests.
The Mental Health Commission is established under the Queensland Mental Health Commission Act 2013 (Part 2). Its primary role is to provide strategic l...
0 requests.
Address systemic mental health, alcohol and other drug issues.
1 request.
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