Public authorities
Found 325 public authorities in the category ‘Queensland’
The object of the company is to provide Performing Arts training and opportunities to Indigenous students.
0 requests.
Aviation Australia is an accredited, world class training facility established to support the development and growth of the aviation and aerospace indu...
0 requests.
The functions of the Board for the school in which it is constituted, are to supervise, maintain and control the conduct of the school, erect, alter, a...
0 requests.
The functions of the Board for the school in which it is constituted, are to supervise, maintain and control the conduct of the school, erect, alter, a...
0 requests.
The functions of the Board for the school in which it is constituted, are to supervise, maintain and control the conduct of the school, erect, alter, a...
0 requests.
The functions of the Board for the school in which it is constituted, are to supervise, maintain and control the conduct of the school, erect, alter, a...
1 request.
The functions of the Board for the school in which it is constituted, are to supervise, maintain and control the conduct of the school, erect, alter, a...
0 requests.
The functions of the Board for the school in which it is constituted, are to supervise, maintain and control the conduct of the school, erect, alter, a...
0 requests.
The functions of the Board for the school in which it is constituted, are to supervise, maintain and control the conduct of the school, erect, alter, a...
0 requests.
The functions of the Board for the school in which it is constituted, are to supervise, maintain and control the conduct of the school, erect, alter, a...
0 requests.
Brisbane Housing Company provides affordable housing options for people on low incomes in housing need.
0 requests.
Seven regional disability advisory councils have been established to represent the views and opinions of importance to regional Queenslanders on region...
0 requests.
Building Queensland provides the Queensland Government with independent, expert advice on major infrastructure. We work closely with all departments, g...
1 request.
The objects of the Foundation are to acquire, manage and apply property and income arising there from to continuing objects within or associated with t...
0 requests.
Hospital and Health Boards will govern and control the Hospital and Health Services (HHS) for which the Board has been established. HHS are the princip...
0 requests.
Advise the Minister responsible for the Nature Conservation Act 1992, about matters relating to protected areas in the Cape York Peninsula including, I...
0 requests.
The role of the Celebrate Queensland Committee is to provide advice to the Premier on strategies to nurture a vibrant sense of individual, community, S...
0 requests.
The Central and Northern Queensland Regional Parole Board makes decisions on early release and parole of offenders serving terms of three to eight year...
0 requests.
Hospital and Health Boards will govern and control the Hospital and Health Services (HHS) for which the Board has been established. HHS are the princip...
1 request.
Seven regional disability advisory councils have been established to represent the views and opinions of importance to regional Queenslanders on region...
0 requests.
Also known as The Children's Hospital Foundation. A Statutory Body formed to acquire, manage and apply property and income arising there from to contin...
0 requests.
Hospital and Health Boards will govern and control the Hospital and Health Services (HHS) for which the Board has been established. HHS are the princip...
2 requests.
Also called CNI.
0 requests.
Cross River Rail will be delivered by the Cross River Rail Delivery Authority in partnership with the private sector through three major infrastructure...
1 request.
Hospital and Health Boards will govern and control the Hospital and Health Services (HHS) for which the Board has been established. HHS are the princip...
0 requests.
Ensure land situated in the rabbit district is maintained free from rabbits. Maintain the rabbit check fence so that the fence is rabbit proof.
0 requests.
This body was formed as a special purpose wehicle to be the owner and lessor of the assets comprising the Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal.
0 requests.
The Deemed Disease Review Panel is established by the Minister for Industrial Relations to assist WorkCover Queensland in determining the total number...
0 requests.
Also called DESI.
department recognises the enormous value a clean environment, innovative society and economy, and vibrant culture contributes to our lives.
As a div...
3 requests.
The function of the trust is to carry out works designed to improve the flow of water in the rivers and tributaries within Part of the Shire of Bowen t...
0 requests.
To implement the agreement between Queensland and New South Wales regarding sharing the waters of the Border rivers. To control of the construction, op...
0 requests.
To provide a co-ordinated drainage system for the removal and disposal of excess water from agricultural lands.
0 requests.
Perform functions that are permitted or required under the Act. Conduct a review of the appropriateness of the number of electoral districts whenever t...
3 requests.
To provide the Minister with advice on the maintenance, conduct and operation of Agricultural Colleges and to provide approved courses of instruction.
0 requests.
To conduct 'water activities' (defined term) decided by the Authority.
0 requests.
The objectives of the Foundation are to contribute to the improvement in the quality of health care provision in Far North Queensland through the fundi...
0 requests.
Port authority for the management of the Ports of Cairns, Mourilyan, Karumba, Thursday Island, Cape Flattery, Skardon River, Burketown, Cooktown and Qu...
0 requests.
Seven regional disability advisory councils have been established to represent the views and opinions of importance to regional Queenslanders on region...
0 requests.
To supply water for stock watering and domestic purposes to landholders in the board's area.
0 requests.
The purpose of the CAC is to provide advice to the management agency on matters relating to the protection, conservation, presentation and management o...
0 requests.
The purpose of the IAC is to provide advice to the management agency on matters relating to the protection, conservation, presentation and management o...
0 requests.
The purpose of the FIWHASAC is to provide advice to the management agency on matters relating to the protection, conservation, presentation and managem...
0 requests.
The purpose of the Gladstone Foundation is to provide a structured approach to address the social infrastructure needs of the people of the Gladstone r...
0 requests.
To supply water for stock watering and domestic purposes to landholders in the Board's area.
0 requests.
Also known as GoldOC
0 requests.
Manages major events on the Gold Coast.
0 requests.
Hospital and Health Boards will govern and control the Hospital and Health Services (HHS) for which the Board has been established. HHS are the princip...
0 requests.
The HIV Foundation Queensland has a mandate to reduce HIV rates in Queensland. It is responsible for the delivery of the Queensland HIV Strategy 2013-2...
0 requests.
The objectives of the Foundation are to contribute to the improvement in the quality of health care provision associated with the Ipswich Hospital thro...
0 requests.
The function of the trust is to carry out works designed to improve the flow of water in the rivers and tributaries within the City of Ipswich to corre...
0 requests.
The purpose of the Land Holding Act Stakeholder Reference Panel is to give information and advice to the Minister for Natural Resources and Mines as pr...
0 requests.
The purpose of the Land Holding Act Stakeholder Reference Panel is to give information and advice to the Minister for Natural Resources and Mines as pr...
0 requests.
The purpose of the Land Holding Act Stakeholder Reference Panel is to give information and advice to the Minister for Natural Resources and Mines as pr...
0 requests.
To provide a coordinated drainage system for the removal and disposal of excess water from agricultural lands in the water authority's area.
0 requests.
Hospital and Health Boards will govern and control the Hospital and Health Services (HHS) for which the Board has been established. HHS are the princip...
0 requests.
The Major Brisbane Festivals Pty Ltd was created by the State Government and the Brisbane City Council to oversee the management of major festivals in...
0 requests.
The Department of Transport and Main Roads manages the Right to Information process for Maritime Safety Queensland.
1 request.
To provide a coordinated drainage system for the removal and disposal of excess water from agricultural land.
0 requests.
To supply water for stock watering and domestic purposes to landholders in the Board's area.
6 requests.
The Trust is responsible for the development and management of the grounds for the purpose of showgrounds, parks and recreation. The Trust is responsib...
0 requests.
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