Public authorities

Found 101 public authorities beginning with ‘D’

The Dairy Futures CRC will directly address the major dairy industry challenge – a return to 2% total factor productivity gains that drove the expansi...
1 request.
10 requests.
Hospital and Health Boards will govern and control the Hospital and Health Services (HHS) for which the Board has been established. HHS are the princip...
0 requests.
Ensure land situated in the rabbit district is maintained free from rabbits. Maintain the rabbit check fence so that the fence is rabbit proof.
0 requests.
This body was formed as a special purpose wehicle to be the owner and lessor of the assets comprising the Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal.
0 requests.
As a university, Deakin University will hold information on its admission statistics and policy.
6 requests.
The Deemed Disease Review Panel is established by the Minister for Industrial Relations to assist WorkCover Queensland in determining the total number...
0 requests.
Please note: This authority is not technically subject to FOI, but you can still make requests to it 

The Deep Exploration Technologies CRC (DET CRC)...
0 requests.
Defence Families of Australia is the recognised group within Defence that provides the views and interests of ADF families. Members are volunteers, and...
0 requests.
Also called DFDAT. Pursuant to the Defence Force Discipline Appeals Act 1955 (Cwlth) ("Act"), the Tribunal can hear appeals as against conviction, prescribed acquittal an...
1 request.
Also called DFRT. Inquires into and determines pay and pay related allowances for the Regular and Reserve members of the Australian Defence Force (ADF).
1 request.
Also called DHA. The primary role of Defence Australia (DHA) is to supply and related services to Defence members and their families
7 requests.
Also called DIGO. DIGO is the lead geospatial and imagery intelligence organisation in the Department of Defence. Its functions, as prescribed in the Intelligence Ser...
5 requests.
Defence Industry Innovation Board provides high level advice on Defence industry programs to the Federal Government.
3 requests.
The Defence Industry Innovation Centre Advisory Committee provides advice to the Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research and the Depart...
2 requests.
Also called DIO. The Defence Intelligence Organisation (DIO) was established in 1990 as the Australian Government's source of expertise for matters relating to global s...
5 requests.
The council enhances availability of the Reserves component of the ADF by promoting the benefits of Reserve service to, and establishing a flexible par...
0 requests.
The Defence Reserves Support Council promotes the benefits of Reserve Service and encourages employers and the community to support Reservists.
0 requests.
Defence SA is South Australia's lead government agency for all defence matters and the nation's only stand-alone state defence organisation.
1 request.
DSTO is the Australian Government’s lead agency charged with applying science and technology to protect and defend Australia and its national interests
4 requests.
The Defence Strategic Reform Advisory Board is part of the Defence portfolio, and functions in an advisory capacity.
0 requests.
0 requests.
1 request.
Also called DECYP. The Department for Education, Children and Young People (the Department) provides services that enable all Tasmanians to learn, regardless of their age...
6 requests.
This department no longer exists. Please make your request to the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment Develops and implements pol...
46 requests.
Also called DAFF. The Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry works to enhance our agricultural, fisheries and forestry industries. They create new and maintain...
13 requests.
Also called AWE. The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment will work to protect and strengthen our agriculture, water resources, the environment and our...
14 requests.
Also called DCCEE. This department has merged with the Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education
0 requests.
The department delivers programs in and advises the Australian Government about the communications and arts sectors.
59 requests.
Also called Defence. The Defence mission is to defend Australia and its national interests. It is accountable to the Commonwealth Parliament, on behalf of the Australian pe...
262 requests.
The Australian Government Department of Education is responsible for national policies and programmes that help Australians access quality and affordab...
119 requests.
Also called DESE. The Australian Government Department of Employment is responsible for national policies and programmes that help Australians find and keep employment a...
51 requests.
Also called DEWR.
17 requests.
Also called DESI. department recognises the enormous value a clean environment, innovative society and economy, and vibrant culture contributes to our lives. As a div...
3 requests.
Also called Finance. Budget policy advice and process, and review of governmental programmes; Government financial accountability, governance and financial management frame...
147 requests.
Also called DFAT. External Affairs, including: relations and communications with overseas governments; treaties, including trade agreements; bilateral, regional and mult...
209 requests.
Also called Health. Services for the aged, including carers; Public health and medical research; Health promotion and disease prevention; Primary health care of Aboriginal...
340 requests.
Do not request personal information using this site. Why? responsible for immigration and customs border policy, as well as: National security an...
1450 requests.
The Department of Industry Portfolio was established on 18 September 2013. The new department consolidates the Australian Government’s efforts to dr...
147 requests.
The department is responsible for the design and implementation of the Australian Government's infrastructure, transport and regional development polic...
95 requests.
The Department of Parliamentary Services (DPS) supports the parliamentary process by providing a multitude of services to the Senators and Members, the...
41 requests.
Also known as the NSW Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development. A wide range of information is held concerning the various divisions and...
8 requests.
The Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts and Sport has been abolished. Regional development and local government has moved to the D...
1 request.
Also called RET. The Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism is the key advisor to Government on policy options for Australia's resources, energy and tourism indust...
3 requests.
The Department’s name has changed from the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs to the Department of Social Servi...
112 requests.
This department no longer exists. Please make your request to the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment Environment protection and...
74 requests.
The Department was established on 1 May 1901. It supports the House of Representatives and the Parliament by providing advice and services of the highe...
25 requests.
Also called DPMC. The central role of the department is to support the Prime Minister and assist in achieving a coordinated approach to the development and implementatio...
327 requests.
The Department of the Senate is one of three parliamentary departments dedicated to providing the Senate, its committees, the President of the Senate a...
15 requests.
Also called Treasury. The Treasury provides advice to the Government on a range of matters including: Economic, fiscal and monetary policy; Taxation; Public borrowing; Inter...
130 requests.
Also called DVA. Serving members of Australia's veteran and defence force communities, war widows and widowers, widows and dependants, through programs of care, rehabil...
241 requests.
Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the prime minister's capacity as a local member of parliam...
3 requests.
0 requests.
1 request.
Also called DTA. Formerly known as the Digital Transformation Office (DTO), the Digital Transformation Agency was established as an executive agency in July 2015 and is...
39 requests.
The Director of National Parks is a corporation solely established under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, with the pr...
6 requests.
The Disability Employment Services Reference Group provides the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations with timely access to balan...
3 requests.
Disability SA leads strategic planning, policy development, intake and resource allocation for the disability sector in South Australia.
0 requests.
0 requests.
The Commission is an independent, accountable and transparent agency that amplifies the voices of people with experience of domestic, family and sexual...
0 requests.
The Domestic Offsets Integrity Committee assesses methodology proposals for use under the Carbon Farming Initiative and advises the Minister for Climat...
1 request.
The function of the trust is to carry out works designed to improve the flow of water in the rivers and tributaries within Part of the Shire of Bowen t...
0 requests.
0 requests.
0 requests.
4 requests.
To implement the agreement between Queensland and New South Wales regarding sharing the waters of the Border rivers. To control of the construction, op...
0 requests.
2 requests.

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