Also called CSU.
As a university, Charles Sturt University will hold information on its admission statistics and policy.
3 requests.
Also known as the NSW Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development. A wide range of information is held concerning the various divisions and...
8 requests.
Also called EFA.
0 requests.
The Greater Sydney Commission was set up to provide for the constitution of planning panels for the Greater Sydney Region; to amend the Environmental P...
1 request.
Also called HETI.
The Health Education and Training Institute (HETI) is a leading provider of high quality training and education to support more than 110,000 clinical a...
3 requests.
The Information and Privacy Commission NSW (IPC) is an independent statutory authority that administers New South Wales (NSW) legislation dealing with...
7 requests.
Also called icare.
Delivers insurance and care services to the people of New South Wales.
1 request.
As a university, Macquarie University will hold information on its admission statistics and policy.
11 requests.
Ausgrid is no longer subject to the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act)
7 requests.
Also called DEC.
Formerly called the NSW Department of Education and Communities, NSW Department of Education and Training (DET).
51 requests.
On 1 July 2024, the NSW Department of Primary Industries became the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development with a focus on Agric...
0 requests.
Also called NESA.
TNSW_he New South Wales Education Standards Authority is the state government education statutory authority with the responsibility for the establishme...
2 requests.
No GIPA request email address listed: waiting to hear back from Service NSW for a contact address. (Admin)
0 requests.
IMPORTANT: Do not use to request access to medical records, or information held by hospitals, local health districts, or health services. People seekin...
0 requests.