Public authorities
Found 59 public authorities beginning with ‘R’
Also called RWAA.
0 requests.
Formerly the Queensland All Codes Racing Industry Board.
1 request.
The objectives of the Foundation are to contribute to the improvement in the quality of health care provision in Redcliffe through the funding of moder...
0 requests.
The Refugee Resettlement Advisory Council is a ministerially-appointed expert and independent body that provides advice to the Government on matters re...
0 requests.
Also called RRT.
A final merits review tribunal which provides an independent review of decisions to refuse to grant or to cancel protection visas.
0 requests.
Regional Development Australia (RDA) is an Australian Government initiative that brings together all levels of government to enhance the development of...
2 requests.
Also called RIC.
The Regional Investment Corporation (RIC) administers the delivery of:
$2 billion for farm business loans
$2 billion for national water infrastruct...
1 request.
Also called ROC.
The Registered Organisations Commission (ROC) monitors and educates registered organisations in Australia.
3 requests.
The Repatriation Medical Authority determines Statements of Principles for any disease, injury or death that could be related to military service, base...
1 request.
Also called RBA.
The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) is Australia's central bank and derives its functions and powers from the Reserve Bank Act 1959. Its duty is to co...
28 requests.
Also called RTWSA.
Return To Work SA is a statuatory authority responsible for providing work injury insurance and regulating the South Australian Return to Work scheme.
0 requests.
Authority responsible for the enforcement and implementation of the Noxious Weeds Act.
0 requests.
Authority responsible for the enforcement and implementation of the Noxious Weeds Act.
0 requests.
The purpose of the RCSAC is to provide advice to the management agency on matters relating to the protection, conservation, presentation and management...
0 requests.
Also called RMIT.
As a university, RMIT University will hold information on its admission statistics and policy.
3 requests.
Roads ACT was a business within Territory and Municipal Services (TAMS) with responsibility for the management, use and maintenance of the ACT roads, b...
1 request.
Formerly known as the Office of Road Safety - WA
0 requests.
The Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal (RSRT) is an independent national tribunal that has functions relating to the road transport industry.
0 requests.
Also called RMS.
Requests to this agency are centrally managed by Transport for NSW so some responses may be from that agency instead.
51 requests.
To supply water for stock watering and domestic purposes to landholders in the Board's area.
0 requests.
Authority responsible for the enforcement and implementation of the Noxious Weeds Act.
1 request.
The RACP is not subject to the Freedom of Information Act but it has been included on this site because it receives significant public funding
1 request.
The Trust provides residences for eligible persons who are in necessitous circumstances and, if the Trust approves, the dependants of such eligible per...
1 request.
The company provides access to discounted recreational accommodation for RAAF members, their families and other eligible persons. It also provides fina...
0 requests.
Also called RWTF.
The Royal Australian Air Force Welfare Trust Fund is part of the Defence portfolio, and functions in an executive management capacity.
1 request.
The RANZCOG is not subject to the Freedom of Information Act but it has been included on this site because it receives significant public funding
0 requests.
The Royal Australian Mint is a listed entity within the Commonwealth Government portfolio of the Treasury and is the sole supplier of Australia's circu...
4 requests.
Also called RANRTF.
The Royal Australian Navy Relief Trust Fund (RANRTF) was established in 1913 with the object of providing welfare assistance to serving and ex-serving...
1 request.
The Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens is responsible for managing Tasmania's botanical heritage. The 14-hectare Gardens, established in 1818, provides...
0 requests.
Also known as The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Victoria).
2 requests.
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