Public authorities

Found 602 public authorities in the category ‘All Federal authorities’

1 request.
The PSTC advises the Government on the composition of the Pathology Services Table (PST). The key responsibility of PSTC is to review the PST to ensure...
0 requests.
The Payments System Board is required to inform the Government of its policies. In the event of a difference of opinion between the Government and the...
0 requests.
The PCEHR Act established the PCEHR Independent Advisory Council (PCEHR IAC) to advise on the operation and participation in the PCEHR system, clinical...
0 requests.
The PCEHR Act established the PCEHR Jurisdictional Advisory Committee (PCEHR JAC) to advise the System Operator on matters relating to the interests of...
0 requests.
Also called PBAC. The Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee advises the Minister for Health and Ageing about which drugs and medicinal preparations should be made a...
5 requests.
The Pharmaceutical Benefits Pricing Authority (PBPA) is an independent non-statutory body established by the Minister for Health and Ageing. It makes r...
0 requests.
Also called PBRT. Under Division 3 of the National Health Act 1953, determines the Commonwealth price paid to pharmacists for supplying pharmaceutical benefits under the...
0 requests.
The Plant Biosecurity CRC (PBCRC) aims to develop and deploy knowledge and tools to provide the scientific support essential for safeguarding Australia...
0 requests.
Also called PBRAC. The Plant Breeder's Rights Advisory Committee (PBRAC) is an independent statutory committee established under Part 7 of the Plant Breeder's Rights Act...
0 requests.
The Poultry CRC’s major challenge is to help Australia achieve sustainable, ethical poultry production in the face of population growth and climate cha...
0 requests.
Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the prime minister's capacity as a local member of parliam...
53 requests.
The Prime Minister Advisory Council on Ex-Service Matters considers and advises the Prime Minister and Government on strategic and complex matters impa...
1 request.
The Prime Minister's Science, Engineering and Innovation Council provides advice to government on scientific and technological developments.
2 requests.
The Privacy Advisory Committee advises the Information Commissioner on privacy issues, and the protection of personal information; provides strategic i...
1 request.
Also called PHIAC. PHIAC is the financial regulator for the private health insurance industry. It's roles are to monitor the financial performance of private health insur...
2 requests.
Also called PHIO. An independent service for health insurance problems and enquiries
0 requests.
Also called PC. The Productivity Commission is the Australian Government's independent research and advisory body on a range of economic, social and environmental issu...
7 requests.
The Advisory Group's primary role is to provide independent advice to the Minister for use in the development of a list of products proposed to be cons...
0 requests.
Also called PSR. Professional Services Review (PSR) examines suspected cases of inappropriate medical practice referred by Medicare Australia.
3 requests.
Also called PSBBPTM. Accredits courses of study provided by tertiary institutions as meeting the requirements for registration as a patent and trade marks attorney and asse...
0 requests.
The Programs Reference Group advises the Minister for Health and Ageing and the Agreement Consultative Committee, when such advice is requested, on the...
0 requests.
The Prostheses List Advisory Committee advises the Minister for Health on prostheses and their appropriate benefits in the Prostheses List.
0 requests.
Also called PLRC. The Public Lending Right (PLR) Committee represents Australian authors, publishers and libraries. It is appointed by the Minister for the Environment,...
0 requests.
Questacon – The National Science and Technology Centre and its programs are administered within the Australian Government Department of Industry. At Qu...
3 requests.
The Refugee Resettlement Advisory Council is a ministerially-appointed expert and independent body that provides advice to the Government on matters re...
0 requests.
Also called RRT. A final merits review tribunal which provides an independent review of decisions to refuse to grant or to cancel protection visas.
0 requests.
Regional Development Australia (RDA) is an Australian Government initiative that brings together all levels of government to enhance the development of...
2 requests.
The Repatriation Medical Authority determines Statements of Principles for any disease, injury or death that could be related to military service, base...
1 request.
Also called RBA. The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) is Australia's central bank and derives its functions and powers from the Reserve Bank Act 1959. Its duty is to co...
25 requests.
The Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal (RSRT) is an independent national tribunal that has functions relating to the road transport industry.
0 requests.
The R​ACP is not subject to the Freedom of Information Act but it has been included on this site because it receives significant public funding
1 request.
The Trust provides residences for eligible persons who are in necessitous circumstances and, if the Trust approves, the dependants of such eligible per...
1 request.
The company provides access to discounted recreational accommodation for RAAF members, their families and other eligible persons. It also provides fina...
0 requests.
The Royal Australian Air Force Welfare Trust Fund is part of the Defence portfolio, and functions in an executive management capacity.
1 request.
The R​ANZCOG is not subject to the Freedom of Information Act but it has been included on this site because it receives significant public funding
0 requests.
Also called RANRTF. The Royal Australian Navy Relief Trust Fund (RANRTF) was established in 1913 with the object of providing welfare assistance to serving and ex-serving...
1 request.
Also called SRCC. Responsible for developing and issuing licences under the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988; ensuring that obligations imposed on a Comm...
4 requests.
Leads and coordinates national efforts to improve OHS and workers compensation arrangements.
6 requests.
Also called SA. Screen Australia is the Commonwealth Government screen agency providing support to Australian film, television, documentary and digital media makers.
11 requests.
Also called Seacare. Oversees the operation of the Seafarers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1992 and the Occupational Health and Safety (Maritime Industry) Act 1993.
1 request.
The SIGB is a Board of Secretaries and Chief Executives representing central bodies, portfolio departments and delivery agencies. This Board will: Ov...
3 requests.
Do not request personal information using this site. Why? Services Australia is an Australian Government agency which is responsible for delivering...
323 requests.
The Small Business Advisory Committee (SBAC) has been established as part of the Government’s Better Regulation Agenda.  The SBAC provides government a...
2 requests.
Smart Services CRC creates new and improved services for industry to enable customers to receive affordably and easily personalised, continuous service...
0 requests.
1 request.
Also called SSAT. The Social Security Appeals Tribunal is the first level of external review of decisions made by Centrelink about social security, family assistance, or...
6 requests.
The Solicitor-General is the second Law Officer of the Commonwealth. He provides written and oral advice on matters of significance to the Australian G...
6 requests.
Also called SBS. The principal function of the SBS is to provide multilingual and multicultural radio and television services which inform, educate and entertain all Au...
9 requests.
The Specialist Medical Review Council is a statutory body which, on request, reviews decisions made by the Repatriation Medical Authority on Statements...
2 requests.
Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the minister’s capacity as a local member of parliament ar...
4 requests.
Also called SRMC. Coordinates the development of recreation and sport and provides a forum for liaison and cooperation between the Commonwealth, State and Territory Gove...
0 requests.
Our role is to provide advice and assistance to counter the: use of prohibited substances and methods in sport abuse of children and other pe...
1 request.
The Statutory Fishing Rights Allocation Review Panel is part of the Agriculture portfolio, and functions in an regulatory, review, inquiry, commission...
1 request.
Also called SRDC. The corporation investigates and evaluates the research and development (R&D) requirements of the sugar industry.
1 request.
Also called SCT. An independent tribunal set up by the Commonwealth Government to resolve most complaints that members, former members (or beneficiaries in relation to...
11 requests.
The Sydney Airport Community Forum (SACF) advises the Government on noise abatement and related environment issues, providing an important voice for th...
1 request.
The Sydney Harbour Federation Trust is responsible for protecting and improving public access to former defence and Commonwealth sites around Sydney Ha...
4 requests.
The Takeovers Panel is a peer review body that regulates corporate control transactions in widely held Australian entities, primarily by the efficient,...
0 requests.
The Tax Practitioners Board is responsible for the registration and regulation of tax practitioners and for ensuring compliance with the Tax Agent Serv...
3 requests.
The Teacher Education Ministerial Advisory Group has been established to provide advice on how teacher programmes could be improved to better prepare n...
0 requests.
Also called TUSMA. The Telecommunications Universal Service Management Agency (TUSMA) was folded into the Communications Department in 2015. Read more about this at ZDNet...
1 request.
Also called TEQSA. The Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) is a statutory authority that registers providers and accredits courses of study. TEQSA reg...
4 requests.
The HEARing CRC is focused on the twin challenges of more effective prevention and improved remediation of hearing loss. Hearing loss affects one in si...
0 requests.
The Navy’s Anchorage remains the only independent provider of welfare in the defence industry, providing prosperity and benefits without Government ass...
1 request.
Also called TGA. The Therapeutic Goods Administration is responsible for regulating therapeutic goods including medicines, medical devices, blood and blood products.
71 requests.
Also called TGACC. The Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code Council advises the Minister on matters concerning the regulation of advertising of therapeutic goods, including...
1 request.
The Therapeutic Goods Committee advises the Minister for Health and Ageing on the adoption of standards for therapeutic goods, matters relating to stan...
2 requests.
The Vision CRC will address the major challenges of significant vision impairment and eye health issues by solving problems related to ocular and conta...
0 requests.
The Threatened Species Scientific Committee advises the Minister on the amendment and updating of the national lists of threatened species, threatened...
1 request.
Also called TSRA. TSRA develops policies and manages programs to overcome disadvantage and to improve the economic status and social well-being of Torres Strait Islander...
0 requests.
Tourism Australia is Australia's tourism marketing authority responsible for marketing Australia overseas.
12 requests.
The Tourism Quality Council of Australia (TQCA) was established to oversee the National Tourism Accreditation Framework (NTAF) and administer T-QUAL Ac...
1 request.
Tourism Research Australia is a branch within Austrade. We are Australia's leading provider of quality tourism intelligence across both international a...
1 request.
0 requests.
The Tradespersons' Rights Regulation Act Central Committee determine the requirements an applicant must meet in order to be awarded an Australian Recog...
0 requests.
13 requests.
The Tuition Protection Service (TPS) is an initiative of the Australian Government to assist international students whose providers are unable to fully...
0 requests.
The Uluru-Kata Tjuta Board of Management is established under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. The Board manages the...
0 requests.
The University of Notre Dame Australia is an Australian private Catholic university established in 1989 by the University of Notre Dame Australia Act 1...
3 requests.
The VVCS – Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service provides counselling and group programs to Australian veterans, peacekeepers and their fa...
1 request.
The Veterans' Review Board is an independent tribunal to review decisions made by the Repatriation Commission on claims for acceptance of injury or dis...
4 requests.
Also called WELS. The Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards (WELS) Scheme is a cooperative Commonwealth/state and territory regulatory system established as a cost ef...
3 requests.
Also called WEA. Established to regulate the export of bulk wheat from Australia through the Wheat Export Accreditation Scheme.
0 requests.
The Wheat Industry Advisory Taskforce will examine key issues facing the wheat industry, including availability of stocks information and quality integ...
0 requests.
[This authority has been replaced by the Australian Grape and Wine Authority ]. Also known as the Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation or the Austra...
0 requests.
Also called Wine Australia R&D. [This authority has been replaced by the Australian Grape and Wine Authority]. Wine Australia supports a competitive wine sector by investing in resea...
0 requests.
The Woomera Prohibited Area (WPA) Advisory Board monitors and reports on the balance of national security and economic interests in the WPA; oversees t...
1 request.
The Workplace Gender Equality Agency is an Australian Government statutory agency created by the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012. The Agency is char...
5 requests.
The Wound Management Innovation CRC will examine key challenges in improving wound healing to provide quality-of-life for people with wounds, and cost-...
0 requests.
WBACC administers the ownership and management of the land and waters within the Jervis Bay Territory and represents community interests. Established b...
0 requests.

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