Royal Australian Navy Relief Trust Fund

Part of the Defence portfolio and a Federal authority, also called RANRTF

The Royal Australian Navy Relief Trust Fund (RANRTF) was established in 1913 with the object of providing welfare assistance to serving and ex-serving members of the RAN and their families. The RANRTF provides a range of financial products and services in the form of Home Management Services grants, Family Support Services loans, General Purpose loans and Special loans. All products and services are reviewed periodically to ensure they remain consistent with the RANRTF Vision, Mission and Values and to ensure they continue to meet the needs of Navy members. The RANRTF is established under the Services Trust Fund Act 1947 (Cth) and does not receive funding from the Defence Budget. The only sources of income for the Fund are contributions from the RAN Central Canteen Fund, interest accrued from investments and small loan administration fees.

1 request
Response by Royal Australian Navy Relief Trust Fund to Glenn Hamiltonshire on .

Partially successful.

OFFICIAL Dear Glenn   I refer to your Freedom of Information (FOI) request to the Royal Australian Navy Relief Trust Fund (RANRTF), seeking acce...

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?