Public authorities

Found 56 public authorities in the category ‘Attorney-General’

Established under the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975 as an integral part of the administrative review system at the Commonwealth level of gov...
0 requests.
The Admiralty Rules Committee is part of the attorney_general portfolio, and functions in an regulatory, review, inquiry, commission capacity. The A...
4 requests.
The Advisory Committee for Indigenous Repatriation is part of the Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts and Sport portfolio, and functions in an a...
1 request.
The Artbank Advisory Committee advises the Director on policy issues, makes recommendations on Artbank to the Minister, assesses the suitability of pot...
0 requests.
27 requests.
Also called AGD. The Attorney-General's Department was one of the original departments established at Federation in 1901. It serves the Attorney-General's and the Minis...
222 requests.
Also called Australia Council. The Australia Council for the Arts is the Australian Government's arts funding and advisory body.
6 requests.
The ACTF is a national children’s media production and policy hub. We help develop children’s television policy; distribute and invest in Australian ch...
1 request.
Also called ACLEI. ACLEI's function is to detect, investigate and prevent corruption in the Australian Crime Commission, the Australian Federal Police, the Australian Cus...
12 requests.
Also called ACC. The role of the ACC is to: undertake criminal intelligence collection and analysis; set clear national criminal intelligence priorities; and conduct in...
25 requests.
Also called AFP. Do not request personal information using this site. Why? The AFP polices counter terrorism, human trafficking and sexual servitude, cyber-crime an...
215 requests.
Also called AFTRS. Contributes to the sustainability of the Australian screen and broadcast industries through the provision of advanced and training to highly talented a...
2 requests.
AFSA fulfils the role of Inspector-General in Bankruptcy, the Official Receiver, and the Official Trustee in Bankruptcy. The Inspector-General is resp...
3 requests.
Also called AGS. AGS provides legal and related services in support of the full range of activities of Australian Government departments and agencies. These services in...
14 requests.
The Australian Human Rights Commission's goals are to foster greater understanding and protection of human rights in Australia and to address the human...
28 requests.
Also called AIC. The Institute conducts policy relevant research in the field of criminal justice, publishes research findings, and conducts conferences, seminars and r...
6 requests.
Also called ALRC. The Australian Law Reform Commission conducts inquiries into, and reviews of, specific areas of the law and makes recommendations for reform to the Fed...
7 requests.
The Australian National Academy of Music (ANAM) is dedicated to the artistic and professional development of the country's most exceptional young music...
1 request.
Also called ANMM. To bring maritime heritage to life and preserve it for future generations through exhibitions, programs and events; the National Maritime Collection; r...
2 requests.
Also called ASIS. Our functions, as set out in the Intelligence Services Act 2001, are to: collect foreign intelligence, not available by other means, which may impact...
10 requests.
Also called ASIO. ASIO's role is to identify and investigate threats to security, wherever they arise, and to provide advice to protect Australia, its people and its int...
19 requests.
Also called AUSTRAC. The Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC) is Australia's anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing (AML/CTF) regulat...
15 requests.
The Bundanon Trust Board is responsible for the performance of the company and its management of the Bundanon property given to the Australian people i...
0 requests.
Also called ACopyT. The Copyright Tribunal was established under the Copyright Act 1968. It has the power to:- inquire into the amount of royalty payable in respect of the...
0 requests.
Creative Partnerships Australia was established to offer a resource hub for the facilitation of business partnerships, social investment and philanthro...
0 requests.
Also called CRC. Established by the Criminology Research Act 1971 as a CAC agency, the Council is co-funded by the Australian, State and Territory Governments, and meet...
1 request.
CrimTrac is the national information-sharing service for Australia’s police, law enforcement and national security agencies.
10 requests.
Also called DFDAT. Pursuant to the Defence Force Discipline Appeals Act 1955 (Cwlth) ("Act"), the Tribunal can hear appeals as against conviction, prescribed acquittal an...
1 request.
The Family Court of Australia, through its specialised judges and staff, helps Australians resolve their most complex family disputes. The Court was es...
10 requests.
Also called FLC. A statutory authority established by section 115 of the Family Law Act 1975. Advises and makes recommendations to the attorney_general concerning the w...
0 requests.
The Federal Circuit Court of Australia was established to provide a simple and accessible alternative to litigation in the Federal Court of Australia (...
18 requests.
The Federal Court of Australia is a national court which deals with over 120 Federal Acts of Parliament. It sits in all capital cities and elsewhere in...
43 requests.
Also called FCAB. The Film Certification Advisory Board provides advice to the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and the Arts on: certificates of eligibility for th...
0 requests.
In 1901 the High Court of Australia was established by section 71 of the Constitution and, to the extent that legislative provision was necessary, was...
15 requests.
The Immigration Assessment Authority (the IAA) was established in April 2015, as a separate office within the Refugee Review Tribunal. From 1 July 201...
4 requests.
Also called ITSA. The Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia is the government agency responsible for the administration and regulation of the personal insolvency syst...
0 requests.
The Inspector of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC Inspector) is established by the National Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2022. Its role...
1 request.
Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the minister’s capacity as a local member of parliament ar...
1 request.
Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the minister’s capacity as a local member of parliament ar...
0 requests.
Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the minister’s capacity as a local member of parliament ar...
2 requests.
Also called MOAD. The Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House is a living museum of social and political history, located in a nationally listed heritage...
2 requests.
Also called NAA. The Archives plays the leading role in the management of Commonwealth records; makes available to the public non-exempt Commonwealth records over 30 ye...
17 requests.
The National Cultural Heritage Committee advises the Minister on the operation of the Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Act 1986, on the operatio...
0 requests.
Also called NFSA. The National Film and Sound Archive of Australia is the national audiovisual archive, playing a key role in documenting and interpreting the Australian...
2 requests.
Also called NGA. To meet the cultural needs of the people of Australia as their National Gallery through the quality of the collection, the excellence of the exhibition...
5 requests.
The National Legal Assistance Advisory Body advises the attorney_general on issues affecting the legal assistance system.
0 requests.
Also called NLA. Serves the Australian people and their libraries, delivering information that records our past and will shape our future.
22 requests.
Also called NNTT. The National Native Title Tribunal works with people to develop an understanding of native title and reach enduring native title and related outcomes t...
3 requests.
The purpose of the National Portrait Gallery is to increase the understanding and appreciation of the Australian people – their identity, history, cult...
3 requests.
Also called OPC. The objective of OPC is to enable the Government to carry out its legislative program and (subject to Government priorities) to assist Private Members...
37 requests.
Also called OAIC. The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner has three sets of functions. They are: freedom of information functions, in particular, oversight...
184 requests.
Also called CDPP. The principal functions and responsibilities of the NSW Director of Public Prosecutions are a) to institute and conduct, on behalf of the Crown, prosec...
15 requests.
The Privacy Advisory Committee advises the Information Commissioner on privacy issues, and the protection of personal information; provides strategic i...
1 request.
Also called PLRC. The Public Lending Right (PLR) Committee represents Australian authors, publishers and libraries. It is appointed by the Minister for the Environment,...
0 requests.
Also called SA. Screen Australia is the Commonwealth Government screen agency providing support to Australian film, television, documentary and digital media makers.
12 requests.
The Solicitor-General is the second Law Officer of the Commonwealth. He provides written and oral advice on matters of significance to the Australian G...
6 requests.

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