National Film and Sound Archive

Part of the Attorney-General portfolio and a Federal authority, also called NFSA

The National Film and Sound Archive of Australia is the national audiovisual archive, playing a key role in documenting and interpreting the Australian experience and actively contributing to the development of Australia's audiovisual industry. The NFSA develops, preserves and presents Australia's national collection and other related collections and makes them available to all Australians.

2 requests
OFFICIAL Dear Glenn Hamiltonshire, I refer to your enclosed request to access documents held by the National Film and Sound Archive of Australia unde...
Visa Sponsorship In Media
Response by National Film and Sound Archive to Bivin Mathew on .

Awaiting classification.

OFFICIAL Dear Bivin Mathew,   I refer to your request below for access to documents under the Freedom of information Act 1982 (FOI Act).   P...

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?