Public authorities

Found 2699 public authorities

Also known as the State Heritage Office
0 requests.
The Tasmanian Heritage Council and Heritage Tasmania in the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, work with the community to...
1 request.
0 requests.
In 1901 the High Court of Australia was established by section 71 of the Constitution and, to the extent that legislative provision was necessary, was...
10 requests.
The Higher Education Research Reference Group provides advice to the Minister to inform the development of policy for higher research and program deliv...
0 requests.
The Higher Education Standards Panel is responsible for advising and making reccomendations to the Minister or Research Minister on making or varying t...
1 request.
0 requests.
The HIV Foundation Queensland has a mandate to reduce HIV rates in Queensland. It is responsible for the delivery of the Queensland HIV Strategy 2013-2...
0 requests.
1 request.
3 requests.
HomeStart was created by the South Australian Government in 1989, as a response to high interest rates and a lack of affordable home loan finance optio...
1 request.
Formerly the WA Regional Power Corporation
0 requests.
2 requests.
Housing ACT provides information on housing assistance options - public, private, and community based and emergency/crisis housing. Assesses the eligib...
5 requests.
Housing Australia (Formerly National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation until 2023) is an independent national housing authority established un...
1 request.
1 request.
2 requests.
Housing Tasmania connects Tasmanians on low incomes and in crisis, with long-term stable housing and support. Aboriginal Housing Services Tasmania is a...
0 requests.
9 requests.
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0 requests.
A Government Business Enterprise
0 requests.
The Iconic Sites Taskforce advises the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities on matters relating to heritage and...
0 requests.
The Illawarra Region Innovation and Investment Fund Advisory Committee supports the Illawarra region by stimulating investment and diversifying the eco...
1 request.
The Immigration Assessment Authority (the IAA) was established in April 2015, as a separate office within the Refugee Review Tribunal. From 1 July 201...
3 requests.
The Hon. Greg Combet MP, Minister for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency appointed the Independent Expert Group in 2012 to advise him on the developm...
0 requests.
The Independent Expert Scientific Committee on Coal Seam Gas and Large Coal Mining Development is part of the Environment portfolio, and functions in a...
1 request.
Also called IHPA. The Independent Hospital Pricing Authority is part of the Health portfolio, and functions in an executive management capacity. The Independent Hospita...
1 request.
Also called IPEA.
3 requests.
The Indigenous Advisory Committee provides advice to the Minister and department regarding better access to and engagement with our programs for Aborig...
1 request.
Also called IBA. Indigenous Business Australia (IBA) is a progressive, commercially focused organisation that promotes and encourages self-management, self-sufficiency...
0 requests.
Also called ILC. Assists Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to acquire and manage land to provide cultural, social, environmental and economic benefits.
2 requests.
Also called NSWIRC.
0 requests.
The Information and Privacy Commission NSW (IPC) is an independent statutory authority that administers New South Wales (NSW) legislation dealing with...
7 requests.
Infrastructure Australia is a statutory body, established under the Infrastructure Australia Act 2008 which came into effect on 9 April 2008. Infrastr...
12 requests.
Also called iNSW.
4 requests.
0 requests.
Inner West Council is a new Council formed by the merger of the former Leichhardt, Ashfield and Marrickville Councils.
10 requests.
The Innovation Australia Board assists with the administration of the Australian Government's innovation and venture capital programs to support indust...
1 request.
The Innovation Australia - Venture Capital Committee assists Innovation Australia to administer a suite of venture capital investment programs by asses...
0 requests.
Also called ITSA. The Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia is the government agency responsible for the administration and regulation of the personal insolvency syst...
0 requests.
Also called IGIS. The Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security is an independent statutory office holder who reviews the activities of the six intelligence agencie...
7 requests.
Also called IGT. The Inspector-General of Taxation is an independent statutory office created to review systemic tax administration issues and to report to the Governme...
2 requests.
Also called icare. Delivers insurance and care services to the people of New South Wales.
1 request.
Also called ICWA.
2 requests.
Also called IASC. The International Air Services Commission is an independent statutory authority established under the International Air Services Commission Act 1992 (t...
3 requests.
The Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre (IA CRC) aims to counteract the environmental, social and economic impacts of invasive animals, throug...
0 requests.
0 requests.
IP Australia receives and processes patent, trade mark, designs and plant breeder's rights applications, conducts hearings and decides on disputed matt...
10 requests.
2 requests.
The objectives of the Foundation are to contribute to the improvement in the quality of health care provision associated with the Ipswich Hospital thro...
0 requests.
The function of the trust is to carry out works designed to improve the flow of water in the rivers and tributaries within the City of Ipswich to corre...
0 requests.
6 requests.
The Joint Accreditation System of Australia/New Zealand (JAS-ANZ) Governing Board is responsible for JAS-ANZ's accreditation of conformity assessment b...
0 requests.
1 request.
The Kakadu Board of Management is established under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. The Board manages the park in co...
1 request.
0 requests.
Also called KAB.
0 requests.
5 requests.
0 requests.
Wholly owned by the WA Housing Authority
0 requests.
Also called KDC.
0 requests.
1 request.
0 requests.
0 requests.

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