Public authorities

Found 79 public authorities in the category ‘Health’

The Advisory Committee on Biologicals provides independent medical and scientific advice to the Minister for Health and the Therapeutic Goods Administr...
0 requests.
The Advisory Committee on Chemicals Scheduling is part of the Health portfolio, and functions in an advisory capacity. The Advisory Committee on Chemi...
1 request.
Also called ACCM. The Advisory Committee on Complementary Medicines is part of the Health portfolio, and functions in an advisory capacity. The Advisory Committee on Co...
0 requests.
The Advisory Committee on Medical Devices provides independent medical and scientific advice to the Minister for Health and Ageing and the Therapeutic...
3 requests.
The Advisory Committee on Medicines Scheduling advises and makes recommendations to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Ageing on the level o...
3 requests.
The Advisory Committee on Non-prescription Medicines advises and makes recommendations to the Therapeutic Goods Administration regarding the entry of n...
0 requests.
The Advisory Committee on Prescription Medicines advises and makes recommendations to the TGA on prescription medicines.
9 requests.
The Advisory Committee on the Safety of Medical Devices advises and make recommendations to the Minister for Health and the Therapeutic Goods Administr...
2 requests.
The Advisory Committee on the Safety of Medicines advises and makes recommendations to the TGA on the safety of medicines and risk assessment and risk...
3 requests.
"The Advisory Committee on the Safety of Vaccines advises and make recommendations to the Minister for Health and the Therapeutic Goods Administration...
3 requests.
From 8 November 2013, the APMAIF ceased to operate. Previously APMAIF monitored industry compliance with the MAIF Agreement.
0 requests.
The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission is established by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Act 2018, and sits within the Department of H...
1 request.
The Anti Doping Research (ADRP) Panel is part of the Health portfolio. The Panel is not established under legislation but provides expert advice on the...
1 request.
The Anti Doping Research Panel is established as a separate body under the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority Act 2006 (the ASADA Act) to decide,...
1 request.
Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the assistant minister's capacity as a local member of par...
3 requests.
Also called ACSQHC. The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC) lead and coordinate national improvements in safety and quality in health care...
6 requests.
Also called ACPA. Makes recommendations to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Ageing on applications made under section 90 of the National Health Act 1953 for...
7 requests.
Also called ADHA. The Digital Health Agency has responsibility for the strategic management and governance for the national digital health strategy and the design, deliv...
25 requests.
Also called AHPRA. Each health profession that is part of the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme is represented by a National Board. The 14 National Boards ar...
9 requests.
Also called AIHW. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) provides statistical information that governments and the community can use to promote discussion...
11 requests.
Also called ANPHA. The Australian National Preventive Health Agency has been established to advise on and manage national preventive health programs.
1 request.
Also called AOTDTA. The Australian Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation Authority creates a nationally consistent and coordinated approach to organ and tissue don...
2 requests.
Also called ARPANSA. The Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA), a Federal Government agency charged with responsibility for protecting the hea...
30 requests.
Also called ASADA. To protect Australia's sporting integrity through the elimination of doping.
33 requests.
Also called ASC. Australian Sports Commission provides financial support and other assistance to national sporting organisations to deliver participation and high perfo...
6 requests.
The Australian Sports Drug Medical Advisory Committee is part of the Health portfolio. The Australian Sports Drug Medical Advisory Committee approves t...
1 request.
The Australian Sports Foundation works with more than 600 organisations nationally, ranging from grass roots and communities through to elite levels. T...
4 requests.
The Australian Suicide Prevention Advisory Council advises the Government on strategic directions and priorities in relation to the prevention of suici...
1 request.
The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation advises the Minister for Health on the medical administration of vaccines and advises the Pharm...
10 requests.
Also called CA. Cancer Australia was established to coordinate and liaise between the wide range of organisations, groups and service providers with an interest in can...
2 requests.
The COAG Health Council (CHC) and its advisory body, the Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council (AHMAC), provide a mechanism for the Australian...
2 requests.
The Codes of Conduct Advisory Group is an industry led implementation advisory group that is guiding work to implement reforms aimed at strengthening t...
0 requests.
Also called Health. Services for the aged, including carers; Public health and medical research; Health promotion and disease prevention; Primary health care of Aboriginal...
340 requests.
Expert Panel to review Elective Surgery and Emergency Access Targets under the National Partnership Agreement on Improving Public Hospital Services pro...
2 requests.
Also called FSANZ. Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ)'s role is to protect the health and safety of people in Australia and New Zealand through the maintenance...
3 requests.
Australian General Practice Training incorporates two Australian Government-funded general practice and training programs, the Australian General Pract...
0 requests.
The General Practice Recognition Appeal Committee is part of the Health portfolio, and functions in an regulatory, review, inquiry, commission capacity...
0 requests.
The General Practice Recognition Eligibility Committee is part of the Health portfolio, and functions in an regulatory, review, inquiry, commission cap...
0 requests.
Also called GTECCC. The function of the Gene Technology Ethics and Community Consultative Committee is to provide advice, on the request of the Regulator or the Ministeria...
0 requests.
Also called GTTAC. The Gene Technology Technical Advisory Committee provides scientific and technical advice, on at the request of the Gene Technology Regulator or the Ge...
0 requests.
Healthdirect Australia was established, and is jointly funded, by the Australian Government and the governments of the Australian Capital Territory, Ne...
2 requests.
Also called HWA. HWA advises the health and higher sectors on health workforce planning, policy and program initiatives, reform, international recruitment and training.
1 request.
The Hearing Services Consultative Committee is part of the Health portfolio, and functions in an advisory capacity. The Hearing Services Consultative...
0 requests.
The Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA) is a corporate Commonwealth entity under the Public Governance, Performance and Account...
0 requests.
Also called IHPA. The Independent Hospital Pricing Authority is part of the Health portfolio, and functions in an executive management capacity. The Independent Hospita...
1 request.
Also called GT Forum. The Legislative and Governance Forum on Gene Technology was previously known as the Gene Technology Ministerial Council (Ministerial Council). The then...
1 request.
The Medical Services Advisory Committee is part of the Health portfolio, and functions in an advisory capacity. The Medical Services Advisory Committe...
5 requests.
MPRCs are independent statutory committees established on a case by case basis to make independent determinations of whether a practitioner, or where r...
2 requests.
Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the minister’s capacity as a local member of parliament ar...
8 requests.
The Ministerial Advisory Committee on Blood Borne Viruses & Sexually Transmissible Infections provides independent and expert advice to the Minister fo...
2 requests.
The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Equality Council (NATSIHEC) provides national leadership in responding to the Australian Gove...
1 request.
Also called NBA. The National Blood Authority is a Commonwealth agency established under the National Blood Authority Act to improve and enhance the management of the A...
3 requests.
Also called NHMRC. The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) is Australia's peak body for supporting health and medical research; for developing health adv...
16 requests.
The function of the National Health Funding Body (NHFB) is to assist the Administrator in performing his or her functions under Commonwealth and state...
1 request.
The role of the Administrator, with support from the National Health Funding Body, is to administer the National Health Funding Pool according to the N...
1 request.
Also called NHPA. The National Health Performance Authority's main role is to report on the performance of the health system at the local level, including trends over ti...
2 requests.
Also called NICNAS. NICNAS, located within the Health portfolio, is the Australian Government regulator for industrial chemicals. It provides a national notification and a...
0 requests.
The National Lead Clinicians Group provide advice to the Minister for Health and Ageing on clinical matters and to share information with local Lead Cl...
0 requests.
Also called NMHC. The Commission plays a key role in the Government’s commitment to long-term reforms in mental health. It will manage and administer the annual ‘Nationa...
5 requests.
Also called NPAAC. The National Pathology Accreditation Advisory Council advises the Commonwealth, state and territory health ministers on matters relating to the accredi...
0 requests.
The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission is an independent agency established to improve the quality and safety of NDIS supports and services. They w...
18 requests.
Also called IGAC. The Office of the Inspector-General of Aged Care is established by the Inspector-General of Aged Care Act 2023. it sits within the Health department, a...
1 request.
The PCEHR Act established the PCEHR Independent Advisory Council (PCEHR IAC) to advise on the operation and participation in the PCEHR system, clinical...
0 requests.
The PCEHR Act established the PCEHR Jurisdictional Advisory Committee (PCEHR JAC) to advise the System Operator on matters relating to the interests of...
0 requests.
The Programs Reference Group advises the Minister for Health and Ageing and the Agreement Consultative Committee, when such advice is requested, on the...
0 requests.
Also called TGA. The Therapeutic Goods Administration is responsible for regulating therapeutic goods including medicines, medical devices, blood and blood products.
72 requests.
Also called TGACC. The Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code Council advises the Minister on matters concerning the regulation of advertising of therapeutic goods, including...
1 request.
The Therapeutic Goods Committee advises the Minister for Health and Ageing on the adoption of standards for therapeutic goods, matters relating to stan...
2 requests.

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