Requests similar to 'Victoria School Building Authority - workplace culture'

Dear Jarred FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST - FOI 2024-721 Please see attached decision and documents released to you in accordance with the Act. As t...
School Complaints
Response by Victorian Department of Education to Megan on .

Long overdue.

OFFICIAL Sensitive - Personal Privacy Dear Megan Please note that we are unable to provide an invoice. The link below is to our online portal, via wh...
Dear Megan   FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST – FOI 2024-178   We refer to your request received 13 March 2024 by the Department of Education (t...
Dear Mr Dasarathi FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST We refer to your query received 12 September 2018 by the Department of Education and Training (the...
Dear Mr Jackson Thank you for your enquiry to the Department about the website, and your request for access to the data underl...
Official Dear Sophie   FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST – FOI 2023-632   We refer to your request received by the Department of Education (the...
Good afternoon Eric, We refer to your request received 1 December 2023 by the Department of Education (the department) seeking access under the Freedo...
  Dear Mr Zhuang   FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST   We refer to your request received 10 November 2019 by the Department of Education and Tr...
Dear Dr Brady   FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST – FOI 2021-640   We refer to your request received 17 November 2021 by the Department of Educat...
Michael Manthorpe's emails
Response by Commonwealth Ombudsman to S Rivken on .


OFFICIAL Dear Anonymous   I attach the documents released under my decision dated 14 January 2021 in this matter.   Yours sincerely    ...
Dear Ms Beauregard, I write in reference to your below enquiry. At the outset, I should explain that the role of the Freedom of Information (FOI) Uni...
Dear Mr Smith   This is a friendly reminder regarding the request for payment of the application charge concerning your Freedom of Information (FO...
Pat rates of ANMF vic branch staff
Response by Fair Work Commission to Jimmy Parel on .

Partially successful.

Dear Mr Parel   Attached are some of the documents you requested.   Kind regards,   ALEXANDRA SWAN Senior Legal Advisor Legal Services...
SEC=OFFICIAL Dear Mr Drake   Freedom of Information Request – FOI 22/54 Thank you for your email to the Department of Finance (Finance) request...
Corporate Plan and Evaluation Plan
Response by Victorian Department of Education to P. Gale on .

Partially successful.

Dear Gale, I believe you may be referring to what we title as the Department's Strategic Plan:
Annual Reports 2000/01 to 2009/10
Response by Australian Federal Police to Asher Hirsch on .


UNCLASSIFIED   Dear Asher   Attached are the 09 and 10 reports.   Kind regards   MATT BAILLIE TEAM LEADER - FREEDOM OF INFORMATION CH...
Dear James Adams,   I refer to my previous email.   Please find attached the Registered Providers List. This list is only correct as at 20 Sep...
Developmental coordination disorder
Response by National Disability Insurance Agency to Kayla on .


Dear Kayla                                                                                                                                         ...
Dear CR, Please find attached documents in relation to FOIREQ24/00508. Please note this email contains documents 3 of 3, in relation to part 2 of...
Question Time Briefs
Response by Department of Finance to BE on .

Partially successful.

SEC=OFFICIAL Dear BE Please see attached a decision in relation to your FOI request (our reference FOI 22/57). Kind regards   [1]cid:image00...
Dear Mr Diamond,   In reference to your request made on 16 May 2014, please find our decision, a schedule of documents and the relevant file attac...
Senate Estimates briefs 2024-25
Response by Services Australia to Gary Moorcroft on .

Partially successful.

Dear Gary   Please find attached the decision letter and documents relating to your request for access to documents held by Services Australia....
Dear Brian   Thank you for your email.   Would you be free to discuss your request sometime today or tomorrow over the phone (and if so, can y...
Briefing Notes - Senate Estimates
Response by Department of Defence to James Smith on .

Partially successful.

OFFICIAL Dear James Smith,   During the processing of your request, it has been identified that Defence can administratively release the followi...
OFFICIAL Dear Aupa   FOI request FA 23/07/00824   I refer to your FOI request received on 13 July 2023, seeking access to the following: I...