Journal list relating to the 2010 Excellence in Research for Australia round
FOI Contact Officer
Australian Research Council
GPO Box 2702
Dear FOI Contact Officer
Request under the Freedom of Information Act
In re documents relating to the 2010 ERA round
I request a copy of the spreadsheet document that was, I think, entitled ERA_journal_list.xls containing a list (nominally a "final list") of approximately 9000 journals, each together with its corresponding ERA identifier, rank, areas of research and ISSN information. Unfortunately, I cannot find the list on the Australian Research Council website despite locating other material relating to the 2010 Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA).
It would be convenient to receive the document as it was originally created, in Microsoft Excel form, but in any other format (including scanned PDF) I will be able to render it rapidly into spreadsheet form.
If there is any additional information that you need to locate the relevant document, please let me know.
Yours faithfully,
Mark R. Diamond
Dear Mr Diamond,
We have received your request under the Freedom of Information Act for
documents relating to the 2010 ERA round.
We have 30 days to complete this request, and will respond to you with the
relevant documents within this time period.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any further
Thank you,
Alicia Haesslein
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you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the
material from your computer. The opinions expressed in this email are not
necessarily the views of the Australian Research Council. Email message
has been scanned.
Dear Mr Diamond,
In reference to your request made on 16 May 2014, please find our
decision, a schedule of documents and the relevant file attached.
Thank you,
Alicia Haesslein
Disclaimer: The information transmitted is intended only for the person or
entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or
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you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the
material from your computer. The opinions expressed in this email are not
necessarily the views of the Australian Research Council. Email message
has been scanned.
Australian Research Council
Attention: Ms Letitia Abela, In-house legal counsel
GPO Box 2702
Dear Ms Abela
In re my request for documents relating to the 2010 ERA round
Many thanks for your very prompt, no fuss response to my FOI request. I also appreciate the additional information that you included in your letter regarding the reasons for discontinuing the use of the list.
Yours sincerely,
Mark R. Diamond
You are welcome.
Letitia Abela
In-House Legal Counsel
Office of the CEO
Australian Research Council
Tel: 02 6287 6622
Fax: 02 6287 6601
[email address]

Henare Degan left an annotation ()
Many thanks to Mark for getting in touch with us about this request and sending us through his fixed spreadsheet.
I didn't have any problem opening it but in any case I've converted it to a more standard format (CSV) and uploaded it to Datahub ( where you can also do fancy things like previewing it (
Right To Know administrator
P.S. Thanks also to Alex for helping me upload this to Datahub
Mark R. Diamond left an annotation ()
I had some trouble opening the Excel 2003 formatted workbook that was sent by the Australian Research Council. Whether that is because the file is damaged, or simply because Microsoft Office 2010 does not work well in its "compatibility mode", I do not know. In any case, I managed to convert the file to OpenDocument Spreadsheet format (.ods) using LibreOffice and have sent a copy of the .ods file to the Right to Know administrators. I hope that they will upload it to this web page.