Public authorities
Found 40 public authorities in the category ‘Treasury’
The role of the Advisory Panel on Positive Ageing is to lead a national dialogue on ageing issues, improve coordination of policy design across portfol...
0 requests.
Also called AUASB.
To develop, in the public interest, high quality auditing and assurance standards and related guidance as a means to enhance the relevance, reliability...
1 request.
Also called AASB.
The AASB makes accounting standards for the private, public and not-for-profit sectors and participates in the formulation of international accounting...
2 requests.
Also called ABS.
Australian Bureau of Statistics is the central statistical authority for the Australian Government including the conducting of the national census.
62 requests.
The Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) is a new independent statutory office which is responsible for the registration and regu...
7 requests.
Also called ACCC.
A statutory authority responsible for ensuring compliance with the Trade Practices Act.
45 requests.
Also called ACT.
The Australian Competition Tribunal hears applications for review of determinations of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission granting or r...
4 requests.
Also called AER.
The Australian Energy Regulator is responsible for the economic regulation of the electricity transmission and distribution networks in the additional...
9 requests.
The Australian Government Financial Literacy Board is a non statutory body that provides advice to the Government and the Australian Securities and Inv...
1 request.
Also called APRA.
APRA is responsible for prudential regulation of banks, life insurance companies, general insurance companies, superannuation funds, credit unions, bui...
122 requests.
Also called ARPC.
The ARPC is a statutory Government body dealing with terrorism-related insurance claims and protection, in response to the withdrawal of terrorism insu...
3 requests.
Also called ASIC.
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) is Australia's corporate, markets and financial services regulator. We contribute to Austra...
162 requests.
Also called ASAC.
The Australian Statistics Advisory Council (ASAC), established by the Australian Bureau of Statistics ACT 1975, is the key advisory body to the Ministe...
0 requests.
Also called ATO.
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The Australian Taxation Office is the Federal Government's main revenue collection agency...
238 requests.
The Board of Taxation is a non-statutory advisory body charged with contributing a business and broader community perspective to improving the design o...
1 request.
The objective of the CEFC is to overcome capital market barriers that hinder the financing, commercialisation and deployment of renewable energy, energ...
2 requests.
The Commonwealth Consumer Affairs Advisory Council provides the Minister with independent advice on consumer issues.
1 request.
Also called CGC.
An independent statutory authority that operates under the Commonwealth Grants Commission Act 1973. The Commission recommends to the Australian Governm...
6 requests.
Also called CALDB.
An independent body which conducts hearings to determine whether registered auditors and liquidators have contravened provisions of the Corporations La...
0 requests.
Also called CAMAC.
The Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee was set up in 1989 to provide a source of independent advice to the Australian Government on issues tha...
0 requests.
Also called Treasury.
The Treasury provides advice to the Government on a range of matters including: Economic, fiscal and monetary policy; Taxation; Public borrowing; Inter...
130 requests.
The Energy Security Council is no longer operating. The Council was abolished on 22 October 2013, as its role is no longer required given the Governmen...
0 requests.
Also called FRC.
The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) is the peak body responsible for overseeing the effectiveness of the financial reporting framework in Australia....
1 request.
On 27 September 2012, Quentin Bryce, Governor General of the Commonwealth of Australia signed the Corporations Legislation Amendment (Financial Reporti...
0 requests.
The Financial Sector Advisory Council (FSAC) has an ongoing role in providing advice to the Government on proposed initiatives to position Australia as...
1 request.
The Foreign Investment Review Board examines proposals by foreign interests to undertake direct investment in Australia and makes recommendations to th...
2 requests.
Also called IGT.
The Inspector-General of Taxation is an independent statutory office created to review systemic tax administration issues and to report to the Governme...
3 requests.
Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the minister’s capacity as a local member of parliament ar...
3 requests.
Also called NCC.
The National Competition Council's main function is to recommend on the regulation of third party access to services provided by monopoly infrastructur...
1 request.
The National Supply Council is no longer operating. On Friday 8 November 2013, the Government announced the abolition of a number of non-statutory bodi...
0 requests.
Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the parliamentary secretary's capacity as a local member o...
0 requests.
The Payments System Board is required to inform the Government of its policies. In the event of a difference of opinion between the Government and the...
0 requests.
Also called PC.
The Productivity Commission is the Australian Government's independent research and advisory body on a range of economic, social and environmental issu...
7 requests.
Also called RBA.
The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) is Australia's central bank and derives its functions and powers from the Reserve Bank Act 1959. Its duty is to co...
28 requests.
The Small Business Advisory Committee (SBAC) has been established as part of the Government’s Better Regulation Agenda. The SBAC provides government a...
2 requests.
Also called SCT.
An independent tribunal set up by the Commonwealth Government to resolve most complaints that members, former members (or beneficiaries in relation to...
11 requests.
The Takeovers Panel is a peer review body that regulates corporate control transactions in widely held Australian entities, primarily by the efficient,...
0 requests.
The Tax Practitioners Board is responsible for the registration and regulation of tax practitioners and for ensuring compliance with the Tax Agent Serv...
3 requests.
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