Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation

Part of the Treasury portfolio and a Federal authority, also called ARPC

The ARPC is a statutory Government body dealing with terrorism-related insurance claims and protection, in response to the withdrawal of terrorism insurance cover by insurance companies following terrorist attacks around the world.

3 requests
OFFICIAL Dear Mr Hamiltonshire Further to your email below, please find attached ARPC's decision letter regarding your request. Kind Regards, Dee Jo...
Thank you for your reply of 30 November 2018. I have reviewed the ARPC's response to my request and the information provided. I believe that the...
FOI Delegations - 2016
Response by Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation to Ben Fairless on .


Dear Mr Fairless, Please find attached correspondence relating to your FOI request. Regards, Alison Savary Manager, Finance Australian Reinsurance P...

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?