Public authorities

Found 217 public authorities beginning with ‘C’

The CRC for Mental Health undertakes research to identify and validate biomarkers for the early detection and treatment of neurodegenerative disorders...
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The CRC for Optimising Resource Extraction (CRC ORE) is facilitating a transformation of the methods used by Australia’s mining and minerals industry t...
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The major challenge addressed by the CRC for Polymers is to establish Australian manufacturing as a leading provider and exporter of products that meet...
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The CRC for Rail Innovation is leading the way in research and development for the future of Australia’s railways. The CRC has managed over 100 researc...
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The CRC for Remote Economic Participation (CRC-REP) is a public good research centre which delivers solutions that address social and economic disadvan...
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The CRC for Sheep Industry Innovation was established to deliver transformational change in the sheep industry. The main challenge was to improve produ...
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The CRC for Spatial Information aims to spatially enable Australian and New Zealand industries and communities by: Supporting the creation of a coordin...
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The CRC for Water Sensitive Cities brings together the inter-disciplinary research expertise and thought-leadership to undertake research that will rev...
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CRCMining’s challenge is to reduce energy consumption at all stages of mining. Mining is a significant consumer of energy, accounting for 4.7% of Austr...
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Creative Partnerships Australia was established to offer a resource hub for the facilitation of business partnerships, social investment and philanthro...
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Also called CRC. Established by the Criminology Research Act 1971 as a CAC agency, the Council is co-funded by the Australian, State and Territory Governments, and meet...
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CrimTrac is the national information-sharing service for Australia’s police, law enforcement and national security agencies.
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Cross River Rail will be delivered by the Cross River Rail Delivery Authority in partnership with the private sector through three major infrastructure...
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Also called CRS. CRS Australia assists people with injuries and disabilities to get and keep jobs. Formerly known as the Commonwealth Rehabilitation Service.
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