Department of Education, Skills and Employment

Part of the Education and Training portfolio, part of the Employment portfolio and a Federal authority, also called DESE

The Australian Government Department of Employment is responsible for national policies and programmes that help Australians find and keep employment and work in safe, fair and productive workplaces.

This authority no longer exists, so you cannot make a request to it.

51 requests
Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups: [1]FOI requests at DESE ([DESE request email]) Your message is too large to send. To send it, mak...
Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups: [1]FOI requests at DESE ([DESE request email]) Your message is too large to send. To send it, mak...
Construction Union
Response by Department of Education, Skills and Employment to MBV on .


Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups: [1]FOI requests at DESE ([DESE request email]) Your message is too large to send. To send it, mak...
OFFICIAL   Dear Matthew   Please find attached correspondence in relation to your freedom of information request.   Regards   Freedom...
OFFICIAL: Sensitive Legal privilege   Dear Ms Jones,   We acknowledge receipt of your two attached emails seeking access under the Freedom o...
Dear Mr Houston,   Please find attached a notice under section 29 of the Freedom of Information Act 1982.   If you have any questions, please...
OFFICIAL Dear Mr Cooper-Stout Please find attached the Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business' decision on access in relation to...
Thanks for the comment - very polite. my request was mainly about attempting service improvement that the department sorely lacked any interest in....
  Dear FOI Applicant   Please find attached the Department's decision of 28 March 2018 in relation to your FOI request below.   Sincerely...
The request was not actually refused. The application is taken by the Act to have been withdrawn by the applicant. The deemed withdrawal is because the...
The applicant was told that her request would probably be refused because a "practical refusal reason" existed. The applicant was asked to consult with...
UNCLASSIFIED   Dear Ms Loi   Please find our charges notice attached regarding your FOI request about a Work for the Dole investigation report...
FOI Delegations
Response by Department of Education, Skills and Employment to Ben Fairless on .


UNCLASSIFIED Dear Mr Fairless,   I refer to your request, received by the Department of Jobs and Small Business (the department) on 14 November...
UNCLASSIFIED Good afternoon Ms Loi   We refer to your below email in which you sought access to documents containing the following:   ‘The s...
UNCLASSIFIED Good morning Ms Loi Please find attached correspondence in relation to your below FOI request to the Department of Jobs and Small Busines...
UNCLASSIFIED Good morning Ms Loi Please find attached correspondence in relation to your below FOI request to the Department of Jobs and Small Busines...
UNCLASSIFIED Good morning Ms Loi   Please find attached correspondence from the Department of Jobs and Small Business in relation to your below...
I formally withdraw this request. Yours faithfully, Eliza Berlage
UNCLASSIFIED Good afternoon Mr Gothe-Snape   Please find attached a notice under section 24AB of the Freedom of Information Act 1982(Cth).  ...
UNCLASSIFIED Good afternoon Mr Cooper-Stout   Please find attached the charge notice in relation to your request under the Freedom of Informatio...
UNCLASSIFIED Good afternoon Mr Gothe-Snape   I refer to your email, dated 31 August 2017 (below), requesting information on how ‘events, launche...
UNCLASSIFIED Good afternoon Mr Smith   Please see attached decision under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth), and documents.   Kind r...
Reporting of CN3174232

Partially successful.

Good morning Mr Gothe-Snape   Please find attached the decision in relation to your request, dated 13 March 2017, under the Freedom of Information...
For Official Use Only Dear applicant   I refer to your request for documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth).   Please find...

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?