NSW Department of Family and Community Services

A NSW authority, also called FACS

11 requests
Thanks. This is pretty good. Not the flagrant attempt to redact everything I get from the Commonwealth! Two things First, it refers to the ‘care...
    Department of Communities and Justice | Legal Locked Bag 5000 Parramatta NSW 2124 [1]www.dcj.nsw.gov.au     Our Ref: GIPA23/3959...
ME/CFS and Companion Card

Waiting clarification.

Dear Kate, In order for the Department of Communities and Justice to assist you, I would advise you to lodge a formal access application, which can be...
Afternoon, You may lodge a formal access application with the department at https://forms1.facs.nsw.gov.au/register/RTI/, in order to request access t...
Dear Mr Ha, Please see email attached advising you that your informal request has been declined. Regards, Hayley Right to Information Officer Open G...
Afternoon George Please be advised that the information you have requested falls outside the scope of the information that may be requested under the...
Legal expenses
Response by NSW Department of Family and Community Services to George HA on .

Withdrawn by the requester.

Dear Mr Ha, Thank you for your enquiry. An application to access information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act, can be made via...
Letter codes
Response by NSW Department of Family and Community Services to George HA on .

Withdrawn by the requester.

Dear Mr Ha, Thank you for your enquiry. An application to access information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act, can be made via...
Tenant Fraud Unit
Response by NSW Department of Family and Community Services to George HA on .


Good afternoon, Please find attached the response to your informal access application.   Kind regards   Juliet Butterworth Right to Informat...
Good Morning Leeanne,   Please find attached a response letter and the subject information related to your request for the “instruments of delegat...
Dear Mr Smith, Please find attached response to your below email. The Right to Information Unit can be contacted on (02) 9716 2662, if you have any q...

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?