Reserve Bank of Australia

Part of the Treasury portfolio and a Federal authority, also called RBA

The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) is Australia's central bank and derives its functions and powers from the Reserve Bank Act 1959. Its duty is to contribute to the stability of the currency, full employment, and the economic prosperity and welfare of the Australian people. It does this by setting the cash rate to meet an agreed medium-term inflation target, working to maintain a strong financial system and efficient payments system, and issuing the nation's banknotes.

The RBA provides certain banking services as required to the Australian Government and its agencies, and to a number of overseas central banks and official institutions. Additionally, it manages Australia's gold and foreign exchange reserves.

28 requests
Academic Panel
Response by Reserve Bank of Australia to Grace on .


Dear Grace, I refer to your recent request seeking ‘invite list and attendance of people at the RBA's Academic Panel and Private sector economist pa...
Dear Mr Pentland, I have been appointed in accordance with s54C of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) to review the decision made by Mr Antho...
Change to $5 note
Response by Reserve Bank of Australia to H on .

Partially successful.

Dear H, I refer to your recent request seeking all documents since 22 May 2022 relating to the Reserve Bank’s decision in relation to future design...
Dear Grace, I refer to your recent request seeking: any research or analysis conducted by the RBA in the period 2015 - 2019 on the probability tha...
Documents on Private Briefings
Response by Reserve Bank of Australia to Grace on .


Dear Grace I refer to your recent request seeking documents relating to the Governor’s attendance at a lunch hosted by Barrenjoey on 9 February 2023...
Love letters to the RBA
Response by Reserve Bank of Australia to Ayn Rand Superfan on .

Partially successful.

Dear Ayn Rand Superfan, I refer to your recent request seeking correspondence with the Bank that includes positive views and/or comments about the B...
Communication between the Treasurer and Governor
Response by Reserve Bank of Australia to H on .


Dear H, I refer to your recent request seeking: all correspondence between the Governor and Treasurer between 1 October 2022 and 20 January 2023....
Dear Mr Chapman, Please see below answers to your new questions. For further queries of this nature, please direct them to our general enquiries emai...
Dear Mr Sweeney, I refer to your recent request seeking: correspondence sent by the Reserve Bank to the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (a...
Dear Mr Sweeney, I refer to your recent request seeking a copy of the original trust deed (or rules) of the Reserve Bank Officers Superannuation Fund...
Dear Mr Sweeney, I refer to your recent request seeking a document showing the reasons for the transfer of the Reserve Bank Officers Superannuation Fu...
Dear Mr Ward, I refer to your request seeking travel documentation relating to the attendance of Reserve Bank officials at the Global Economy Meetings...
Dear Mr Wilson,   I refer to your recent request seeking: documents that detail scientific or medical analysis of the cleanliness or otherwise o...
Dear Mr Houghton,   I refer to your recent request (enclosed below) regarding alcohol purchases by the Reserve Bank of Australia over the last thr...
FOI Delegations - 2016
Response by Reserve Bank of Australia to Ben Fairless on .


Dear Mr Fairless I refer to your recent FOI request seeking a copy of our current FOI Delegations and any related directions issued in respect of FO...
Origin of your logo
Follow up sent to Reserve Bank of Australia by chris on .


Great - thanks for the information, exactly what I was interested to know. Yours sincerely, chris

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?