Origin of your logo
Dear Reserve Bank of Australia,
This is *not* a request under the FOI Act. However, I would be interested to know the origin of your logo, including, for example, information about the design brief. A URL would be sufficient if the information is already published onlne.
Yours faithfully,
Joe Citizen
Thank you for your email.
Please find attached an article from the Bank’s internal magazine about
the Bank’s logo.
Michael Leslie | Communications Officer | Media & Communications
RESERVE BANK OF AUSTRALIA | 65 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000
p: +61 2 9551 9830 | f: +61 2 9551 8033 | w: [1]www.rba.gov.au
[2]NI NGB Email Signature
Dear RBAInfo,
Great - thanks for the information, exactly what I was interested to know.
Yours sincerely,