The Anzac Centenary Advisory Board is part of the Veterans' Affairs portfolio, and functions in an advisory capacity.
The Anzac Centenary Advisory Boa...
0 requests.
Also called AWM.
The Australian War Memorial commemorates the sacrifice of those Australians who have died in war, by developing and maintaining the National Memorial a...
6 requests.
Also called DVA.
Serving members of Australia's veteran and defence force communities, war widows and widowers, widows and dependants, through programs of care, rehabil...
241 requests.
The Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission is part of the Veterans' Affairs portfolio, and functions in an executive management capacity....
0 requests.
Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the minister’s capacity as a local member of parliament ar...
7 requests.
The Prime Minister Advisory Council on Ex-Service Matters considers and advises the Prime Minister and Government on strategic and complex matters impa...
1 request.
The Repatriation Medical Authority determines Statements of Principles for any disease, injury or death that could be related to military service, base...
1 request.
The Specialist Medical Review Council is a statutory body which, on request, reviews decisions made by the Repatriation Medical Authority on Statements...
2 requests.
The VVCS – Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service provides counselling and group programs to Australian veterans, peacekeepers and their fa...
1 request.
The Veterans' Review Board is an independent tribunal to review decisions made by the Repatriation Commission on claims for acceptance of injury or dis...
4 requests.