Public authorities

Found 411 public authorities matching the tag ‘WA’

Comprises the former institutes of C Y O'Connor Institute, Durack Institute of Technology, and Goldfields Institute of Technology
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Also called ECU.
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Also called GDC.
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Also called GEDC.
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Formerly the WA Greyhound Racing Association
1 request.
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Formerly the WA Health Promotion Foundation
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Also known as the State Heritage Office
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Formerly the WA Regional Power Corporation
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Also called ICWA.
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Also called KAB.
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Wholly owned by the WA Housing Authority
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Also called KDC.
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Formerly the WA Land Authority, Western Australian (LandCorp)
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Formerly the Land Information Authority, Western Australian (Landgate), and includes the WA Valuer General
1 request.
Formerly the WA Lotteries Commission
3 requests.
Also called MRIWA. Formerly known as the Minerals and Energy Research Institute of WA - WA
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5 requests.
Comprises the institutes of Central Institute of Technology, and West Coast Institute of Training
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Comprises the institutes of Kimberley Training Institute, and Pilbara Institute
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Formerly known as Perth Market Authority
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Formerly the WA Gold Corporation
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Also called RWAA.
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Formerly known as the Office of Road Safety - WA
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Administered by the Department of Culture and the Arts
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