Airservices Australia

Part of the Infrastructure and Regional Development portfolio and a Federal authority, also called Airservices

Airservices is a government-owned corporation providing safe, secure, efficient and environmentally responsible services to the aviation industry. We manage air traffic operations for around 75 million passengers on more than three million flights every year.

52 requests
OFFICIAL Dear Mr Terhorst Please find Document 1 attached which was originally deferred under the decision for request F24-78. Document 1 is also pu...
OFFICIAL Hi Jimp Please refer to my decision letter and release document, attached. Thanks Saira. Freedom of Information foi+AEA-airservicesaustra...
OFFICIAL Hi CR Please refer to my release documents (Part 2 of 2), attached. Thanks Saira. Freedom of Information
Runway 30 NAP Trial Breach 4 July 2024
Response by Airservices Australia to Andrew Terhorst on .


OFFICIAL Dear Mr Terhorst   I refer to your FOI request of 10 July 2024 and attach the decision letter and document.   As this decision was...
Runway 30 NAP Trial Breach
Response by Airservices Australia to Andrew Terhorst on .


OFFICIAL Dear Mr Terhorst   I refer to your FOI request of 10 July 2024 and attach the decision letter and document.   As this decision was...
OFFICIAL Dear Ms Minucci   Thank you for your email. To provide context around the survey responses I can confirm the following:   100 com...
OFFICIAL Dear Mr Terhorst,   Please see attached decision on access.   Regards   Marcus Bourget Authorised FOI Decision Maker   Ala...
OFFICIAL Marcus Bourget Senior Legal Counsel, Environment +ACY- Regulatory M: 0422 555 007 OFFICIAL Dear Ms Minucci Please see following em...
Hi Ben, I have had to send through another FOI request as some documents were missing. Yours sincerely, Cathy Minnucci
Noise Abatement Trial - Survey
Response by Airservices Australia to Cathy Minnucci on .

Partially successful.

OFFICIAL Dear Ms Minnucci A decision regarding this FOI was provided to you on 11 October 2023. There are no further documents that meet the terms of...
OFFICIAL Dear Mr Terhorst Please find the attached decision in respect of your request for internal review. Kind regards Ben FOI Coordinator Ala...
OFFICIAL Dear Ms Nicholson Please find the attached decision in respect of your FOI request. Kind regards Ben FOI Coordinator Alan Woods Building...
OFFICIAL Dear Mr McGrath Please find the attached decision in respect of your FOI request. Kind regards Ben FOI Coordinator Alan Woods Building,...
OFFICIAL   Dear Ms Minnucci   Please find attached the Access Decision in respect of your FOI Request FOI 24-14.   Regards Marcus Bourge...
OFFICIAL Dear Mr Terhost Please find attached the decision on the request FOI 23-33. Regards FOI and Privacy Officer This email (including any att...
Gold Coast Roster for 29th June 2023
Response by Airservices Australia to BS on .


OFFICIAL Good afternoon BS Please find attached the document sought by the request FOI 23-18. As we have decided to disclose it to you in full we are...
Details of Hobart airflight path change pre-2017
Response by Airservices Australia to Cathy Minnucci on .

Partially successful.

OFFICIAL Dear Cathy You have been provided with Airservices' record of decision to change the flight paths in 2017 at Hobart Area, implementing the r...
OFFICIAL Good afternoon Mr Terhost Please find attached the decision on the request FOI 23-14. Regards FOI and Privacy Officer This email (includi...
OFFICIAL Good afternoon Mr Terhost Please find attached the decision on the FOI request FOI 23-07. Regards FOI and Privacy Officer This email (inc...
ARFFS Service Delivery
Response by Airservices Australia to Thomas Gifford on .


OFFICIAL Good afternoon Mr Gifford We apologise for the delay in processing this request. Airservices Australia has had reduced capacity to process F...
Gift Registry - last 3 years
Response by Airservices Australia to Phil Richards on .


Dear Mr Richards   Please find attached the notice of decision and relevant documents in relation to your FOI request FOI36-0719.   Kind regar...
legal costs from March 2017 to the current date.
Response by Airservices Australia to Phil Richards on .

Partially successful.

Dear Mr Richards   Please find attached the notice of decision and the relevant documents related to your Freedom of Information request FOI28-051...
Canberra Airport Fire Station
Response by Airservices Australia to Phil Richards on .

Partially successful.

Dear Mr Richards, Please find attached the access decision on your FOI request. Please note that we are unable to release the documents until the $35...
Credit Card Expenses
Response by Airservices Australia to Phil Richards on .

Partially successful.

Email 3 of 3   Kind regards     Shan Gunawardena FOI Coodinator Office of General Counsel Airservices Australia   [email address]...
Number of FOI Request
Response by Airservices Australia to Phil Richards on .

Partially successful.

Dear Mr Richards,   Please find attached an access decision regarding FOI39-0618 regarding FOI information. The documents being released are als...

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?