Runway 30 Hobart Airport - Environmental Management of Changes to Aircraft Operations#2- FOI 24 -31

The request was successful.

Dear Airservices Australia,

I refer to my previous FOI 24-31 regarding copies of ASA's Environmental Management of Changes to Aircraft Operations AA-NOS-ENV-2.100.
The request was for versions of each document that covered period from 1 Jan 2015 up to April 2024...on closer review I seem to be missing some documents.

Could I please obtain all copies of Environmental Management of Changes to Aircraft Operations AA-NOS-ENV-2.100 prior to Version 8 that incorporates 1st Jan 2015.

Also as Version 17 and Version 18 of Environmental Management of Changes to Aircraft Operations AA-NOS-ENV-2.100 were both listed as effective 1 July 2022???, could I now please obtain a copy of all following Versions from 17 up to and including 31 May 2024.

Hoping this can be actioned in a timely manner given the original request back in early April 2024 was not fully serviced.
Thanking you

Yours faithfully,

Cathy Minnucci

MBX FOI, Airservices Australia


Dear Ms Minnucci

Airservices Australia (Airservices) acknowledge the receipt of your request for access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) (FOI Act) which has been given the reference FOI 24-43.

You have requested access to the following:

Could I please obtain all copies of Environmental Management of Changes to Aircraft Operations AA-NOS-ENV-2.100 prior to Version 8 that incorporates 1st Jan 2015.

Also as Version 17 and Version 18 of Environmental Management of Changes to Aircraft Operations AA-NOS-ENV-2.100 were both listed as effective 1 July 2022???, could I now please obtain a copy of all following Versions from 17 up to and including 31 May 2024.

The statutory period for processing your request is 30 calendar days commencing from the day after the day the request for received, in this case 31 May 2024.

However, if your request captures documents that contains information concerning the business, commercial or financial affairs of another organisation or individual (third party), Airservices is required to consult with these third parties concerned before deciding on the release of those documents: see section 27 of the FOI Act.

If consultation is undertaken with third parties, the initial 30-day period for processing your request will be extended by a further 30 days (see section 15(6) of the FOI Act).

Airservices may impose a charge for the work involved in providing access to the documents you requested. We will notify you of any charges in relation to your request as soon as possible, before we process any requested documents.

Please note that subject to certain exceptions, information released under the FOI Act may later be published online on our disclosure log (

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Kind regards

FOI Coordinator

Alan Woods Building, 25 Constitution Ave
Canberra ACT 2600, Australia


show quoted sections


Once again - I refer to my previous FOI 24-31 in April regarding copies of ASA's Environmental Management of Changes to Aircraft Operations AA-NOS-ENV-2.100.
The request was for versions of each document that covered period from 1 Jan 2015 up to April 2024...on closer review some of the requested documents were missing.

This request is now overdue

Yours sincerely,

Cathy Minnucci

MBX FOI, Airservices Australia

1 Attachment


Dear Ms Minucci


These documents were provided to you on 20 June 2024.


I will resend the decision email to you shortly.  Please let me know if
you do not receive it.  Perhaps there is a size restriction in right to



Marcus Bourget

Authorised FOI Decision Maker


Alan Woods Building, 25 Constitution Ave

Canberra ACT 2600, Australia



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Thank you Marcus,
As you can see from the thread, no communication from you is listed on the 20th June.
I require the missing documents from my original request.
Once again, thanking for looking into it for me.

Yours sincerely,

Cathy Minnucci

MBX FOI, Airservices Australia

8 Attachments


Dear Ms Minucci

I am resending the email of the 20th June (attached). However, I am sending it in three parts to reduce the file size. Hopefully, you will receive it without further issue.


Marcus Bourget
Senior Legal Counsel, Environment +ACY- Regulatory
M: 0422 555 007


show quoted sections

MBX FOI, Airservices Australia

6 Attachments


Email 2 of 3

Marcus Bourget
Senior Legal Counsel, Environment +ACY- Regulatory
M: 0422 555 007


show quoted sections

MBX FOI, Airservices Australia

7 Attachments


Email 3 of 3

Marcus Bourget
Senior Legal Counsel, Environment +ACY- Regulatory
M: 0422 555 007


show quoted sections


Thank you Marcus,
Just for clarity, I cannot see the email address used for the 20th June so am assuming your download capacity was exceeded so no information was sent.
In regards to my request:
Document 10 - Version 7 covers the period from Jan 2015 - Thank you
Documents 12 & 13 (versions 17 & 18) as previously stated are both effective from 1 July 2022....??
I requested versions that cover up to and including 31 May 2024?
As the majority of the NOS updates occur annually, by my calculations I am missing all copies from version 18 onwards.

Yours sincerely,

Cathy Minnucci

MBX FOI, Airservices Australia


Dear Ms Minucci

I understand that version 17 was drafted, but never implemented, rather version 18 became the document in use. I also confirm that v18 is the current version of the document, and there are no later version of the document.

I will resend the 3 emails I sent last week attaching all the relevant documents which respond to the request.


Marcus Bourget
Authorised FOI Decision Maker

Alan Woods Building, 25 Constitution Ave
Canberra ACT 2600, Australia


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MBX FOI, Airservices Australia

7 Attachments


Marcus Bourget
Senior Legal Counsel, Environment +ACY- Regulatory
M: 0422 555 007


show quoted sections

MBX FOI, Airservices Australia

6 Attachments


Marcus Bourget
Senior Legal Counsel, Environment +ACY- Regulatory
M: 0422 555 007


show quoted sections

MBX FOI, Airservices Australia

8 Attachments


Marcus Bourget
Senior Legal Counsel, Environment +ACY- Regulatory
M: 0422 555 007


show quoted sections


Thank you, Marcus,
Appreciate your explanation.
I will now go with supplied copies of Version 7 - 18.
Thank you

Yours sincerely,

Cathy Minnucci