Noise Abatement Trial - Survey - HOBART RWY 30 RNP-AR #2

The request was successful.

Dear Airservices Australia,

I refer to my original FOI 23 29 request which has been, in my opinion left short.
Re: Hobart Airport Noise Abatement Procedure (NAP) trial proposal - Flight Path
Design Assessment Outcome

Regarding your survey data:
Q: Could I please obtain the total “actual” number of survey respondents (not in percentages) sorted for each Community and filtered by NAP Option 1, Option 2, Option 3, Option 4 and Option 5.

As mentioned previously in my FOI 23 29 - these survey inputs formed the basis of your Survey analysis and results, so it would be documented and does exist.
You have already referenced your Figure 4 Table from the above NAP document – the data that you used to create this Table are the inputs I require but sorted into the NAP Options for each listed Community.

Yours faithfully,
Cathy Minnucci

MBX FOI, Airservices Australia


Dear Ms Minucci

Airservices Australia (Airservices) acknowledge the receipt of your request for access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) (FOI Act) which has been given the reference FOI 24-42.

You have requested access to the following:

Design Assessment Outcome

Regarding your survey data:

Q: Could I please obtain the total +IBw-actual+IB0- number of survey respondents (not in percentages) sorted for each Community and filtered by NAP Option 1, Option 2, Option 3, Option 4 and Option 5.

As mentioned previously in my FOI 23 29 - these survey inputs formed the basis of your Survey analysis and results, so it would be documented and does exist.

You have already referenced your Figure 4 Table from the above NAP document +IBM- the data that you used to create this Table are the inputs I require but sorted into the NAP Options for each listed Community.

The statutory period for processing your request is 30 calendar days commencing from the day after the day the request for received, in this case 30 May 2024.

However, if your request captures documents that contains information concerning the business, commercial or financial affairs of another organisation or individual (third party), Airservices is required to consult with these third parties concerned before deciding on the release of those documents: see section 27 of the FOI Act.

If consultation is undertaken with third parties, the initial 30-day period for processing your request will be extended by a further 30 days (see section 15(6) of the FOI Act).

Airservices may impose a charge for the work involved in providing access to the documents you requested. We will notify you of any charges in relation to your request as soon as possible, before we process any requested documents.

Please note that subject to certain exceptions, information released under the FOI Act may later be published online on our disclosure log (

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Kind regards

FOI Coordinator

Alan Woods Building, 25 Constitution Ave
Canberra ACT 2600, Australia


show quoted sections

MBX FOI, Airservices Australia

1 Attachment


Dear Ms Minnucci


Ben Ackhurst is no longer with Airservices and I am currently reviewing
our current FOI requests.


Please note that the FOI Act provides a right of access to existing
documents, rather than to information.  The FOI Act does not require an
agency to create a new document in response to a request for access.


Accordingly, your request


“Q: Could I please obtain the total “actual” number of survey respondents
(not in percentages) sorted for each Community and filtered by NAP Option
1, Option 2, Option 3, Option 4 and Option 5.”


Is not a valid request for documents under the FOI Act, and we are unable
to process it further.  For the avoidance of doubt, if the request was
processed it would return a ‘access refused’ decision on the basis that no
documents exist.


I am happy to process a request which falls within the ambit of the FOI
Act, but confirm we are unable to process this request further.  In these
circumstances, I am closing our file in this matter.





Marcus Bourget

Authorised FOI Decision Maker


Alan Woods Building, 25 Constitution Ave

Canberra ACT 2600, Australia



show quoted sections


With due respect Marcus,
Data for the inputs on ASA’s tables does exist – ASA used this data when presenting the narrative that makes up the NAP Summary Report.
The fact ASA have chosen to publish in % not numbers should not preclude this FOI request.
Awaiting the information requested.

Yours sincerely,

Cathy Minnucci

MBX FOI, Airservices Australia

1 Attachment


Dear Ms Minucci


Thank you for your email.


Your request was for 'actual number of survey respondents (not in
percentages) sorted for each Community and filtered by NAP Option 1,
Option 2, Option 3, Option 4 and Option 5' (my highlights).


I confirm my earlier advice that Airservices does not have a document
which responds to this request.


However, I have discussed your request further with my colleagues and can
offer the following alternative; that you amend your request (which
Airservices will accept as a new FOI request) for the "Survey Responses -
Survey: Noise Abatement Procedure options May 2019 – Dec 2022".    This
document will provide you with the individual survey responses as recorded
by the engagement platform which were used in compiling the various charts
and table as previously disclosed to you.


Once in receipt of this document you will be able to process / sort the
data into your desired formats.


Such a request can be actioned and will provide you with the information
which I believe you are seeking, although not in the format / presentation
of data which you have requested (given that such a document does not


As a reminder, the purpose of the Freedom of Information Act is to provide
access to documents not information. 


Hopefully, this suggestion is an acceptable solution to your request.


Please let me know if you would like to proceed on this basis.



Marcus Bourget

Authorised FOI Decision Maker


Alan Woods Building, 25 Constitution Ave

Canberra ACT 2600, Australia



show quoted sections

Thank you, Marcus
If you could provide the required information that would be appreciated.

BUT I NOTE THE FOLLOWING: ...not exactly sure why your suggested NAP Survey document covers 'May 2019 – Dec 2022' as the actual NAP Survey was undertaken FOLLOWING the community meetings in November/ December 2022.
Your document Hobart Airport Noise Abatement Procedure (NAP) trial proposal - Flight Path
Design Assessment Outcome (undated with no page numbers) was produced AFTER the Community Engagements and released publicly in the latter part of your suggested document would not actual provide the correct data.

If you review my various FOI requests on both Noise Abatement Trial - Survey - HOBART RWY 30 RNP-AR & Noise Abatement Trial - Survey - HOBART RWY 30 RNP-AR #2 you will see the request is unchanged.
As your published document listed that 47% did not want any change (which was Option 4), the data should be easily obtainable on the remaining 53% (≈49 respondents) without having to complete any major sort on your part.
As mentioned, please provide the document for the actual number of survey respondents (not in
percentages) sorted for each Community and filtered by NAP Option 1, Option 2, Option 3, Option 4 and Option 5'.
Your assistance with this simple request would be appreciated.

Yours sincerely,
Cathy Minnucci

MBX FOI, Airservices Australia

1 Attachment


Dear Ms Minucci


Thank you for your email.


I have no information as to why the document is entitled as it is.


However, I can see the survey responses were obtained between the
following dates:


               "14 November 2022 - December 11 2022."


This is consistent with the period is referenced in paragraph 2 'Community
Engagement' (Page 2 / 34) of the document titled 'Hobart Airport Noise
Abatement Procedure (NAP) trial proposal - Flight Path Design Outcome
Assessment Outcome' released to you as part of our response to FOI 23-39
and I also confirm that I have been advised that this document is the raw
survey results which were used to create the figures and charts in the
document (including Figure 4 RWY30 Arrival NAP Survey Results by Location
(page 4/34).


I believe this is the information you are looking for.  Please confirm
that you are happy for me to process an FOI request on your behalf in
respect of this document.


For the avoidance of doubt, if you press your request for "As mentioned,
please provide the document for the actual number of survey respondents
(not in percentages) sorted for each Community and filtered by NAP Option
1, Option 2, Option 3, Option 4 and Option 5'."  this will result in an
access refusal decision on the basis that no documents exist (see s24A FOI
Act).  As I have mentioned previously, the purpose of Freedom of
Information is to provide access to existing documents held by a
Commonwealth Agency.  As I have advised, we do not have an existing
document which responds to the request as you have framed it, and it is
not the function of freedom of information function to create a document
in the manner you are proposing.


The data that you will access through the raw survey responses (should you
choose to lodge and FOI request for them) will, I believe, allow you to
undertake this activity should you wish to do so.


I am trying to be as helpful as possible to facilitate your request.  What
I am proposing will give you to the document you require to determine the
relevant information you are seeking.


I look forward to hearing from you.



Marcus Bourget

Authorised FOI Decision Maker


Alan Woods Building, 25 Constitution Ave

Canberra ACT 2600, Australia



show quoted sections


Thank you Marcus,
I can only hope that the document does contain the required information.
Please provide a copy of the "Survey Responses - Survey: Noise Abatement Procedure options May 2019 – Dec 2022".
Thanking you

Yours sincerely,

Cathy Minnucci

MBX FOI, Airservices Australia

1 Attachment


Dear Ms Minucci


Airservices Australia (Airservices) acknowledge the receipt of your
request for access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982
(Cth) (FOI Act) which has been given the reference FOI 24-51.


You have requested access to the following document:


"Survey Responses - Survey: Noise Abatement Procedure options May 2019 –
Dec 2022".


The statutory period for processing your request is 30 calendar days
commencing from the day after the day the request for received, which is
26 July 2024.


However, if your request captures documents that contains information
concerning the business, commercial or financial affairs of another
organisation or individual (third party), Airservices is required to
consult with these third parties concerned before deciding on the release
of those documents: see section 27 of the FOI Act.


If consultation is undertaken with third parties, the initial 30-day
period for processing your request will be extended by a further 30 days
(see section 15(6) of the FOI Act).


Airservices may impose a charge for the work involved in providing access
to the documents you requested. We will notify you of any charges in
relation to your request as soon as possible, before we process any
requested documents.


Please note that subject to certain exceptions, information released under
the FOI Act may later be published online on our disclosure log


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
[2][Airservices request email].


Kind regards



Marcus Bourget

Authorised FOI Decision Maker


Alan Woods Building, 25 Constitution Ave

Canberra ACT 2600, Australia



show quoted sections

MBX FOI, Airservices Australia

1 Attachment


Dear Ms Minucci


I confirm that this FOI request has been replaced with the request set out
in FOI 24-51.



Marcus Bourget

Authorised FOI Decision Maker


Alan Woods Building, 25 Constitution Ave

Canberra ACT 2600, Australia



From: MBX FOI <[Airservices request email]>
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2024 3:45 PM
To: MBX FOI <[Airservices request email]>; Cathy Minnucci
<[FOI #11463 email]>; MBX FOI
<[Airservices request email]>
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request - Noise Abatement Trial -
Survey - HOBART RWY 30 RNP-AR #2




Dear Ms Minnucci


Ben Ackhurst is no longer with Airservices and I am currently reviewing
our current FOI requests.


Please note that the FOI Act provides a right of access to existing
documents, rather than to information.  The FOI Act does not require an
agency to create a new document in response to a request for access.


Accordingly, your request


“Q: Could I please obtain the total “actual” number of survey respondents
(not in percentages) sorted for each Community and filtered by NAP Option
1, Option 2, Option 3, Option 4 and Option 5.”


Is not a valid request for documents under the FOI Act, and we are unable
to process it further.  For the avoidance of doubt, if the request was
processed it would return a ‘access refused’ decision on the basis that no
documents exist.


I am happy to process a request which falls within the ambit of the FOI
Act, but confirm we are unable to process this request further.  In these
circumstances, I am closing our file in this matter.





Marcus Bourget

Authorised FOI Decision Maker


Alan Woods Building, 25 Constitution Ave

Canberra ACT 2600, Australia




show quoted sections

MBX FOI, Airservices Australia

3 Attachments


Dear Ms Minucci


Please see attached correspondence.



Marcus Bourget

Authorised FOI Decision Maker


Alan Woods Building, 25 Constitution Ave

Canberra ACT 2600, Australia



show quoted sections

Thank you Marcus,

Just clarifying...previous information listed 100 responses...which was reduced to 91 for the survey.
Your documents list 98 responses with one heavily redacted??
Just checking that ALL documents for survey were provided?

Also, in regard to timeframes I note Survey was open from 14 Nov 2022 - 11 Dec 2022.
Survey changes were made and Option 5 was added after the 16 Nov 2022.
Your reporting indicates some members of the public had already completed the survey before the Option 5 was included.

I do thank you for working with me to provide the requested documents.
Once again, the title of your ASA documents is extremely puzzling given reporting was completed in 2023.

Yours sincerely,

Cathy Minnucci

MBX FOI, Airservices Australia

1 Attachment


Dear Ms Minucci


Thank you for your email.


Unfortunately, I do not have any knowledge to provide insight into the


I can double check that the document provided to you is comprehensive but
am unable to answer any specific questions.





Marcus Bourget

Authorised FOI Decision Maker


Alan Woods Building, 25 Constitution Ave

Canberra ACT 2600, Australia



show quoted sections


Thank you, Marcus,
If you could please clarify that all survey input were attached, that would be appreciated.
Yours sincerely,

Cathy Minnucci

MBX FOI, Airservices Australia

1 Attachment


Dear Ms Minucci


Thank you for your email.

To provide context around the survey responses I can confirm the


100 community responses were received, 3 of which were NOT received the
engage survey portal.  They were received manually, and we while we no
longer have the relevant responses (i.e. I am advised that we have no
documents), I am advised the responses were as follows:


Submission Which NAPs option would Which trial Freeform text What area do
you prefer?  period would you live in?
you prefer?
Manual No change to current   Primrose
submission operations 6 months Sands
Manual Primrose
submission Nominate your own time 12 months 24 hrs a day Sands
Manual 9am-12pm and Address not
submission Nominate your own time 12 months 7pm-10pm provided


Please note I have not included in any personal information in the above


This is why they do not appear in the engage survey report.


To assist in your understanding of the engage report, I can also confirm


2 responses were removed from the survey as they were duplicates (the
first response of the three was kept and used).


7 responses were not able to be used as they did not provide a valid time
period (just commentary).


As a result, there were 91 usable responses to the survey.


I hope this assists.






Marcus Bourget

Authorised FOI Decision Maker


Alan Woods Building, 25 Constitution Ave

Canberra ACT 2600, Australia



show quoted sections

Thank you Marcus,
I do appreciate your help with all this.

I note: The fact that manual survey inputs were added (which now shifts survey responses above 100) and no copies are actually available, further throws doubt on both how this survey data was actually compiled and the accuracy of the report.

Yours sincerely,

Cathy Minnucci