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Printed from on February 22, 2025 16:49
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 9)
Our reference: RQ24/02168
Agency reference: FOI 734/23/24
Department Of Defence
By Email: [1][email address]
Julie Anderson
By Email: [...
Dear Ms Anderson,
Please find attached the decision letter and documents relating to your
request for access to documents held by the Department...
Dear Mrs Anderson,
Thank you for your request for information under the FOI Act 1982,
received by the Department on 03 March 2024.
Dear Ms Anderson,
Thank you for your Information Access request.
Your request has now been finalised. Please refer to the attached
Good morning Ms Anderson
Please find attached the decision letter for your access request under LEX
62181. I apologise for the delay in providin...
Good afternoon Julie,
I refer to your request FOI 544/23/24 in which you have sought access to
the following:
“...I'm requestin...
Dear Ms Anderson
I refer to your application under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the
Act) requesting access to:
‘I request a comprehens...
Dear Ms Anderson
Please find attached the decision and document relating to Defence FOI
FOI Disclosure Log
In ac...
Dear Mrs Anderson
Please find attached a letter setting out my decision in respect to your Freedom of Information request of 7 August 2018.
This person's 1 annotation
Here is a full copy of the FOI that DVA wouldn't post here