Dear Mr Smith
FOI request FA 23/11/00901
I refer to your FOI request received on 16 November 2023, seeking access
to the follow...
Dear MBV,
Please find attached the decision in FOI 3289.
Yours sincerely,
Freedom of Information Officer
The Treasury, La...
Good afternoon
I refer to your request below for access to documents under the Freedom of
Information Act 1982 (FOI Act).
Good morning Asher
Please find part 4 of the documents released under file reference 2014-037309.
With kind regards
Freedom of Information Section
Hi Paul
Re your FOI application, please find attached the Notice of Decision, the Document Schedule, and the Zip file containing the documents release...
Good morning Debt Hero
Please find attached the decision made in response to the Freedom of
Information request LEX 51531.
Dear Harry
As the department has received the balance of the amount owing for the
processing of your request, the documents are now being releas...
Dear Mr Banner,
We have received your requests for documents listed on the Australian
Digital Health Agency Freedom of Informatio...
Dear Sharon
The decision to change the flightpaths is attached and includes the environmental assessment relied upon in making that change (...
Dear James
Please find attached the Decision and documents relating to Defence FOI
737/23/24. A schedule of documents is also attached.
FOI Request: FA 23/05/00662
File Number: FA23/05/00662
Dear Mr Smith,
I refer to your FOI request received on 9 May 2023.
Good afternoon Mr Terhost
Please find attached the decision on the FOI request FOI 23-07.
FOI and Privacy Officer
This email (inc...
Good afternoon Mr Stafford
Please find attached the decision on the FOI request FOI 23-12.
FOI and Privacy Officer
This email (in...
Dear Ange
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request of 5
December 2020.
Should you have any queries regarding th...
Good afternoon,
Please find attached documents relevant to your request. Again, I
apologise for the short delay in providing these documents....
Dear Ace Chapman,
Thank you for your FOI request.
Please find attached the Notice of Decision and relevant documents.
Kind regards,...
Dear Mr Smith
Please see attached correspondence in respect of your FOI request, FOI
FOI Contact Officer | Informati...
Dear Ragnar Lothbrok
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your Freedom of
Information request.
If you have any questions, pl...
Dear Bob Buckley
Thank you for your request for information.
Please find attached correspondence and documents in relation to Request
1. If you r...
Dear Mr Wonka
Please find attached documents 18 – 38.
FOI Officer
Legal Services
Australian Public Servic...
Dear Mr Ashmore
Thank you for your information access request LEX 56141.
Please find attached my decision letter and documents relating to your reque...
Hi Me
Freedom of Information Request: Acknowledgement
Thank you for your request of 7 March 2025 made under the Freedom of
Information Act 1982 (F...
Dear Mr Buckley,
Please find attached FOI decision made by the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (the NDIS Commission) in relation to the Freedo...
OAIC ref: FOIREQ22/00120
Dear Julie
Please find attached the third and fourth part of the document bundle
being released to you in relatio...
Dear Ms Minnucci
Please see attached access decision in respect of FOI 24-34.
Marcus Bourget
Authorised FOI Deci...