Requests similar to 'FOI Procedure Manual'

Good morning,   Please find attached decision and documents in relation to your request FOIREQ23/00196.   Regards,   [1][IMG]   Emily Elli...
Dear Eleanor Ryan   Please find attached correspondence from the department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment.     Regards,   Fr...
Dear CR,   Please see the attached documents in relation to your request, FOIREQ24/00523   Please note that due to file size limits, you will...
OAIC ref: FOIREQ24/00508   Dear CR   Please find attached documents in relation to the above FOI request.   Please note this email is part...
Compensation recovery errors caused by data-matching
Response by Services Australia to Julie Middleton on .

Partially successful.

Dear Ms Middleton   Please find attached the decision and documents relating to your Freedom of Information request.   You lodged your FOI req...
Documents pertaining to the 2023 referendum ballot papers
Response by Australian Electoral Commission to CR on .

Partially successful.

Dear CR, Please find attached decision letter of even date, attachments and relevant documents for release regarding your request for an internal rev...
Dear Dan Collins   Thank you for your below request seeking access to documents from the Agency’s Disclosure Log.    I apologise for the delay...
Good afternoon Mr Jordan   Please find attached decision letter and documents relating to your FOI request LEX reference 50074   Regards  ...
Mates ministerial correspondence 2011-2016
Response by Department of Veterans' Affairs to Julie Anderson on .

Awaiting classification.

Dear Ms Anderson,   Please find attached the decision letter and documents relating to your request for access to documents held by the Department...
UNCLASSIFIED This is email three of four   Best regards,     Adam Ivancic Administrator Governance & Policy Commonwealth Superannuatio...
Dear Alex Pentland   Please find attached correspondence on behalf of the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA), in relation to FOI request,...
OFFICIAL: Sensitive//Legal Privilege Our Reference: FOIREQ22/00420   Dear Ms Verity Pane,   Please find attached a decision of today’s date,...
FOI charges letters
Response by Australian Competition and Consumer Commission to CR on .

Withdrawn by the requester.

OFFICIAL   Dear CR,   Please find the attached for your consideration.   Kind regards,     Sonya Petreski (She/Her) FOI Officer | Co...
Dear Dan Collins,   Thank you for your below request seeking access to documents from the Agency’s Disclosure Log.    Please find attached the...
Good afternoon Julie,   Please find attached decision and documents in relation to your FOI request (FOIREQ22/00048).   I have sent the docume...
OAIC reference: FOIREQ23/00174   Dear Stoyan,   Please see attached documents and schedule of today’s date on behalf of the delegate for the a...
OFFICIAL   Dear JS   Please find attached: ·       Document 21 ·       Document 22 ·       Document 23 ·       Document 24 ·       Do...
FOI and FOI Review Statement of Reasons
Response by Office of the Australian Information Commissioner to L on .

Partially successful.

Our reference: FOIREQ24/00134   Dear L   Please find attached correspondence in relation to your below FOI request.   Regards   [1][IMG...
ATSB Style/Brand/Writing guides
Response by Australian Transport Safety Bureau to Alex Pentland on .


OFFICIAL   Dear Alex   Please find attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request of 30 November 2023.   Should you have any quer...
FOI charges from FY22 to 5/11/24
Response by Department of Health to CR on .


Dear CR   We refer to your FOI request received on 5 November 2024.   Please find attached a decision on access together with the documents re...
UNCLASSIFIED FOI 28-1617   Dear Mr Rowe,   Please see attached the documents to which you have been given access under the FOI Act.  For eas...
Dear Posty   Please find attached the Department of Jobs and Small Business’ decision on access in relation to your request dated 1 January 2015....
Public Service Wage Policy
Response by Australian Public Service Commission to Andorra Loom on .


OFFICIAL Dear Applicant, A decision notice is attached. Regards FOI OFFICER Legal Services Australian Public Service Commission Level 4, B Block...
Dear Mr Smith   I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request dated 10 May 2016.   Please find enclosed a copy of my decision, and the rele...
List of Accredited Sponsors
Response by Department of Home Affairs to Ravi on .

Partially successful.

UNCLASSIFIED Dear Ravi   FOI Request FA 20/06/00144   I refer to your FOI request received on 1 June 2020 seeking access to the following:...