Requests similar to 'Diplomatic relations'

Diplomatic relations
Request sent to Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade by Semsûrî on .


I seek the dates for the establishment of diplomatic relations between Australia and the following countries: Belgium, Benin, Brazil, Comoros,...
OFFICIAL Dear Lydia Thank you for your payment on 4 March 2024 in relation to DA 24/02/00115. The data you have requested is contained in the atta...
309 processing directives, statistics and procedures.
Response by Department of Home Affairs to Ned on .

Information not held.

OFFICIAL In reply please quote: FOI Request:       FA 21/02/01000 File Number:       OBJ2021/6528   Dear Kris K,     I refer to your FOI...
UNCLASSIFIED Dear Ms Boon-Kuo   I refer to your FOI request received on 6 September 2019, seeking access to the following:   1. The number o...
OFFICIAL   Dear MBV   Please find attached a letter advising the outcome of your FOI request and a copy of the documents to which you have bee...
UNCLASSIFIED Good afternoon 189 applicant   FOI request: FA 20/04/00779   I refer to your FOI request below.   1.       I would be gratef...
Children killed in the Palestinian Territories
Response by Minister for Foreign Affairs to The FOI People on .

Awaiting classification.

OFFICIAL     Dear The FOI People   Please see attached documents relating to your FOI request to the Office of the Foreign Minister (FMO)....
AWM Style/Writing/Brand Guides
Response by Australian War Memorial to Glenn Hamiltonshire on .


  Dear Glenn, Request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 for access to documents 1.       I refer to your request under the Freedom of Inf...
AAT Disclosure Log - access to documents
Response by Administrative Review Tribunal to JS on .


OFFICIAL   Dear JS,   Please find attached a letter notifying you of my FOI decision and the relevant documents released to you under the FOI...
Annual Reports 2000/01 to 2009/10
Response by Australian Federal Police to Asher Hirsch on .


UNCLASSIFIED   Dear Asher   Attached are the 09 and 10 reports.   Kind regards   MATT BAILLIE TEAM LEADER - FREEDOM OF INFORMATION CH...
UNCLASSIFIED Good morning Mr Timmins,   Thank you for your further email to the Department of Finance (Finance).   I'm sure you have read the...
Briefing Notes - Senate Estimates
Response by Department of Defence to James Smith on .

Partially successful.

OFFICIAL Dear James,   Please find attached part 2 of the documents in relation to Defence FOI 1003/23/24. Due to the file size, this email is p...
OFFICIAL Our Ref: FOI-2024-80054   Dear Nosey   Please see attached decision letter for your Freedom of Information Request dated 18 Decembe...
OAIC reference: FOIREQ23/00174   Dear Stoyan,   Please see attached documents and schedule of today’s date on behalf of the delegate for the a...
OFFICIAL Dear Glenn Please find attached a letter outlining ACIAR's decision regarding your FOI request, as well as relevant documents relating to thi...
Retired politicians pensions & benifits.
Request to Department of the Treasury by John Guppy. Annotated by John Guppy on .

Information not held.

In ones quest for information, it is interesting to note that it seems that our government is obviously being controlled by outside powers and helps so...
Naming and identity information
Response by Department of Home Affairs to Jay Doe on .


UNCLASSIFIED Our references: FA 18/01/00498; ADF2018/7211   Dear Mr Doe   I refer to your FOI request received on 15 January 2018, seeking ac...
2023–24 Budget estimate brief on humanitarian places.
Response by Department of Home Affairs to John Smith on .

Awaiting classification.

OFFICIAL FOI Request: FA 23/05/00662 File Number: FA23/05/00662   Dear Mr Smith, I refer to your FOI request received on 9 May 2023.   Th...
Documents relating to Classification of Film
Response by Classification Board to Bre on .


OFFICIAL   Dear Bre   Please find attached the decision and document release for your foi request.   Regards   Melissa FOI team OF...
Diplomatic Relations
Request sent to Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade by John Smith on .


This is a Freedom of Information Request for the purposes of the Freedom of Information Act 1982. I seek access to the following: 1. Documents r...
Is it possible to provide, to extent possible subject to necessary redactions or omissions, copy of formal diplomatic or other statements or notes...
Is it possible to provide, to extent possible subject to necessary redactions or omissions, copy of formal diplomatic or other statements or notes...
Is it possible to provide, to extent possible subject to necessary redactions or omissions, copy of formal diplomatic or other statements or notes...
DFAT communications
Internal review request sent to Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade by A. Anwar on .

Partially successful.

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews. I am writing to request an internal review of Department of Foreign...
The Freedom of Information Act 1982, please provide the codes/prefixes that are allocated to foreign countries and international organisations for t...