Glenn Hamiltonshire

Dear Australian War Memorial,
This is a Freedom of Information Request for the purposes of the Freedom of Information Act 1982.

I request access to the Style Guides/Brand Guides/Writing Guides currently used for the Australian War Memorial,

Given the upcoming holiday period for the APS (happy holidays to you reading this), I forecast my consent for any required 30 day extension to deal with the request at this time.

Yours faithfully,

Glenn Hamiltonshire

foi, Australian War Memorial

Dear Glenn,
Your Freedom of Information Request
I refer to your email on 18 December 2024 seeking access to a documents
under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act). I understand you
1.    Style Guides/Brand Guides/Writing Guides currently used for the
Australian War Memorial.
Timeframe for receiving your decision
The statutory timeframe for processing a request is 30 days from the date
upon which your application was received by the Memorial. The decision
date of your request is Friday, 17 January 2025.
This timeframe may be extended where:

* charges are levied as prescribed by the Freedom of Information (Fees
and Charges) Regulations 1982 (the FOI Regulations);

* consultation with third parties is necessary (see consultation with
third parties below).

I also note your permission for an extension if required.
Agencies may decide that an applicant is liable to pay a charge in respect
of a request for access to documents. These charges are set by the FOI
Regulations and are for search and retrieval of documents, decision making
and provision of access (for example, copying and postage). 
If the Memorial decides to charge you in respect of this FOI request, we
will send you a preliminary assessment of the charges as soon as possible
following retrieval of any documents that may be relevant to your
Consultation with third parties
The Memorial may be required under the FOI Act to consult other parties
(third parties) where information relating to third parties arises in
documents sought by your request.  The FOI Act prescribes a further 30
days processing time for the Memorial to undertake this consultation. You
will be advised as soon as possible of any requirement to consult with a
third party.
If you require clarification of any of the matters discussed in this
email, or have any queries throughout the process, please contact me via
email at [1][email address].
Rick Berry
Governance Manager | Corporate Services
[2][email address] | t 02 6206 9821 | m 0418 866 228
Australian War Memorial | GPO Box 345 Canberra ACT 2601 |

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foi, Australian War Memorial

2 Attachments


Dear Glenn,

Request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 for access to documents

1.       I refer to your request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982
(FOI Act), in which you sought access to the following:

·         Style Guides/Brand Guides/Writing Guides currently used for the
Australian War Memorial.

Authority to make this decision

2.       The decision has been taken by me as an authorised decision-maker
for the purposes of section 23 of the FOI Act and this letter gives notice
of my decision.

Material taken into account

3.       I have taken the following material into account in making my

                    I.            the terms of your request

                  II.            the documents relevant to the request

                 III.            the FOI Act

                IV.            the Guidelines published by the Office of
the Information Commissioner under section 93A of the FOI Act (the FOI


4.       In processing your request, I requested the relevant staff to
search our corporate information systems and records to identify the
documents related to your request.

5.       Having regard to your request and the types of documents that may
fall within the scope of that request, I am satisfied that the searches
conducted were thorough and all reasonable steps have been taken to locate
the documents relevant to your request.

6.       The Schedule of Documents (attached) outlines the documents that
were located as falling within the scope of your request.


7.       I have decided to release documents 1 and 2 in full.


10. Section 29 of the FOI Act allows for the imposition of charges for
providing access to a document. These charges may be applied or waived
at the discretion of the agency.
11. I have waived all charges associated with this request.

Review Rights

12. Under the FOI Act you may seek a review of my decision through:

               I.             an internal review that is conducted by the
Australian War Memorial – see Part VI of the FOI Act; or

              II.            a review by the Information Commissioner -
see Part VII of the FOI Act.

Internal Review

13. If you wish to seek an internal review, you must apply to the
Australian War Memorial within 30 days after the day you are notified
of this decision.
14. An application for internal review of the decision made must be made
in writing. No particular form is required but it is helpful if you
set out in the application the grounds on which you consider that the
decision should be reviewed. Your application for internal review
should be sent to:

[1][email address]

Attn: Ms Leanne Patterson

Assistant Director, Branch Head Corporate Services

Review by the Information Commissioner

15. Alternatively, you may seek a review of the decision by the
Information Commissioner.
16. The option to seek an internal review (see above) does not prevent you
from seeking a review by the Information Commissioner at a later stage
- this is because the Information Commissioner can also review an
internal review.
17. If you wish to seek a review of the decision by the Information
Commissioner you must apply within 60 days after the day on which
notice of this decision was given to you or after the day on which
notice of the internal review decision was given.
18. Your application must be in writing and must provide details of how
notices may be sent to you and include a copy of this decision letter.
The Information Commissioner also suggests that your application sets
out why you are objecting to the decision. Your application can be
lodged in one of the following ways:

Online: [2]
Post: GPO 5218, Sydney NSW 2001

Email: [3][email address]


19. You may also make a complaint to the Information Commissioner if you
have concerns about how the Australian War Memorial has handled this
part (or any part) or your request under the FOI Act.

Further assistance

Please contact the Memorial on 02 6206 9821 or by email at
[4][email address] for any assistance with your request.


Kind regards,



Rick Berry

Governance Manager | Corporate Services

[5][email address] | t 02 6206 9821

Australian War Memorial | GPO Box 345 Canberra ACT 2601 |

[7]AWM Logo not displayed in text email

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