AAT Disclosure Log - access to documents

JS made this Freedom of Information request to Administrative Review Tribunal

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was successful.

Dear Administrative Appeals Tribunal,

The most recent entry in the AAT Disclosure Log is dated 19/9/2019.

Under FOI I seek access to all documents released to FOI applicants since 20/9/2019, I limit the scope to documents the release of which should have been subject to an entry in the Disclosure Log.

Yours faithfully,


1 Attachment



Dear "JS"


Please find attached a letter acknowledging your FOI request lodged on 15
February 2021.


Kind regards,


Skye M

Policy Officer


Administrative Appeals Tribunal

Principal Registry, Sydney

Legal & Policy

E: [1][AAT request email]





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Dear Skye M,

Thank you.

PS: Decisions have already been made on access in respect of all the documents requested. The documents were not made available for download as was the case for other documents up to Sept 2019.

Yours sincerely,


19 Attachments

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Dear JS,


Please find attached a letter notifying you of my FOI decision and the
relevant documents released to you under the FOI Act.


Kind regards,


Skye M

Policy Officer


Administrative Appeals Tribunal

Principal Registry, Sydney

Legal & Policy

E: [1][AAT request email]




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Dear FOI,

Thank you for the documents. The AAT Disclosure Log is seriously outdated.

Yours sincerely,