Dear Mr Sweeney
Please see attached correspondence in respect of your Freedom of Information request.
Megan Trethowan
Manager, Legal
Mon, T...
Dear BE,
FOI LEX 45273 – Decision and Documents
Please find attached the decision in response to your Freedom of
Information request submi...
Following on from a discussion with the Requester, I've uploaded a ZIP file of the documents from the website provided by the Department.
Good morning Glenn,
Please find attached the response to your FOI request, received 18
November 2024.
Best regards,
Dear Mr Ashmore
Thank you for your request for information under the FOI Act 1982,
received by the Department on 17 May 2024.
Please find...
Dear Mr Hamiltonshire
Please see attached Notice of Decision relating to your FOI 216, along
with the documents.
If you hav...
Dear Mike,
Thank you for your request for an internal review of the 20 March 2024
decision on your 8 April 2024 Freedom of Information request....
Good afternoon Alex,
Please find attached the decision letter relating to your FOI request CB
22-008 received on 05 April 2022....
Our references: FA 15/02/00568; ADF2015/5383
Dear CD,
I refer to your FOI request for the following:
… any emails held...
The notice provided:
A decision regarding your FOI request is located at
Please enter 1-135BO41V in the search field to...
Dear Waldek
Freedom of Information Request FOI23/463 and FOI23/500
I refer to your requests to the Attorney-General's Depart...
Dear Dan Collins
Thank you for your below request seeking access to documents from the
Agency’s Disclosure Log.
Please find attached the...
Dear Mr Brown
Please find attached the email correspondence which was originally sent to the relevant Right to Know address on 31 May 2018. There appe...
Dear Mr Posty
On 8 January 2019, the Department of Human Services (department)
acknowledged your email dated 1 January 2019 and advised that we...
Ombudsman reference: FOI-2022-10022
Dear Cynthia
Please find attached to this email my decision notice and the documents released under my d...
Dear Brian
Thank you for your email.
Would you be free to discuss your request sometime today or tomorrow over
the phone (and if so, can y...
Dear Applicant,
A decision notice is attached.
Legal Services
Australian Public Service Commission
Level 4, B Block...
Dear Verity Pane
FOI 24429 Decision and Statement of Reasons
Please find attached the decision in relation to your freedom of
Dear Jenny,
Thank you for your request for information under the FOI Act 1982,
received by the Department on 19 February 2024.
Please find...
Dear Alby
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request of 29
August 2020.
Should you have any queries regarding t...
Dear Mr Fairless,
Please see attached correspondence in relation to your freedom of
information request.
FOI Legal Team
Dear Me
Thank you for your request for information.
Please find attached correspondence and documents in relation to your
request. If you...
Dear Mr Parel
Attached are some of the documents you requested.
Kind regards,
Senior Legal Advisor
Legal Services...
Dear Mr Tweedale
Please find attached a decision letter and documents in relation to your
request made under the Freedom of Information Act 1982...
Dear JH
Please find attached correspondence from the Department of Agriculture,
Fisheries and Forestry.
Kind regards,
FOI Contact Of...