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Doc 6 
FOI 24-43
Environment Standard & Practices  
Environment Assessment Process for ATM Changes 
Editorial Practices 
  Any specification of the criteria necessary to ensure that 
a product, service or system achieves compliance with 
safety, environment and regulatory and organisational 
  Provides recommended practices on how a standard 
may be met. Business units may develop alternative 
practices provided that they meet the requirements of 
the standard. Business units must ensure that such 
alternative practices provide a due diligence defence for 
Airservices Australia. 
  Printed in italics with the prefix (P).  
  Presents relevant factual information or references, but 
does not constitute part of the Standard or 
Recommended Practice.  
  Prefixed with “Note”. 
  Amendments are indicated by highlighting 
Amendment Record 
Section Amended 
Amended by 
Issue 1 
Original DSEA 
Issue 2 
Front Cover: Directorate Title, Document 
DSEA 29/5/2002 
Issue 2.1 
Throughout Document-Format, TEMS to 
DSEA 27/6/2003 
ARMS, Document Numbers; Front Cover - 
Document Number/Title; Page 2 – Editorial 
Practices/ Key words.  
Issue 2.2 
Section 3 Added clarification that Groups and 
DSEA 30/6/2004 
Sectors entirely over ocean did not need to 
record changes in ARMS unless the change 
influences low flying aircraft. This change did 
not involve a real change in procedures as 
ARMS does not require an assessment of 
these changes over the ocean. Hence the 
change was released as Issue 2.2 rather than 
Issue 3.  
Issue 3 
Revised to reflect new organisational structure.   Environment 
Additional words added to 3.3.1 to emphasise 
proponent requirements to provide information 
for proposal assessments. 
Reference to responsibility of Manager 
Environmental Services with respect to 
proposals assessed as having a significant 
environmental impact added to 2.3. 
Reference to CASA OAR airspace and air 
by Airservices Australia pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth)
route assessment requirements included and 
name of Minister updated. 
Issue 3.1 
Revisions to reflect new organisational 
structure. Revisions to reflect changes to 
Federal environment department title.  Minor 
changes to Definitions section. Typographical 
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Doc 6 
FOI 24-43
Environment Standard & Practices  
Environment Assessment Process for ATM Changes 
Key words 
Environment Management System 
Environment Assessment 
by Airservices Australia pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth)
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Doc 6 
FOI 24-43
Environment Standard & Practices  
Environment Assessment Process for ATM Changes 
Table of Contents 
Editorial Practices ....................................................................................................... 2 
Amendment Record .................................................................................................... 2 
Key words ................................................................................................................... 3 
Table of Contents........................................................................................................ 4 
Definitions ................................................................................................................... 5 
PURPOSE........................................................................................................... 7 
PRINCIPLES....................................................................................................... 7 
All Proposals ......................................................................................... 7 
Significant Environmental Business Risks......................................... 8 
Proposals with Significant Impacts ..................................... ............... 8 
Responsibilities ..................................................................................... 9 
ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ................................................................. 10 
Environment Assessment Process ................................................... 10 
Screening for Environmental Risk Process...................................... 11 
Environmental Impact Assessment Process.................................... 11 
Environment Business Risk Management Process ......................... 12 
3.4.1  Elements of Environmental Business Risk Management ...................... 12 
3.4.2  Environment Business Risk Assessment .............................................. 12 
3.4.3  Environment Business Risk Strategy .................................................... 13 
3.4.4  Reporting of Environment Business Risk .............................................. 13 
Environmental Pre-Implementation Check ....................................... 15 
3.5.1  Elements ................ .............................................................................. 15 
3.5.2  Pre-implementation check ..................................................................... 15 
3.5.3  Recording Implementation in ARMS ..................................................... 15 
REFERENCES/RELATED DOCUMENTS........................................................ 16 
APPENDICES ................................................................................................... 16 
EXPLANATORY NOTES.................................................................................. 17 
by Airservices Australia pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth)
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Environment Standard & Practices  
Environment Assessment Process for ATM Changes 
Airservices Risk Management System is the organisation’s 
database for the identification, assessment and management 
of environmental risks arising from Airservices Australia’s 
activities. It is available on request by contacting Service 
Desk, Business  x5555. 
Air Traffic Management 
Designated Airspace Handbook Amendment Proposal 
Environmental Impact Assessment 
Environmental Business Risk Assessment 
The risk mitigation strategy required for all proposals with an 
Business Risk 
EBRA assessment of “significant environmental business 
risk”. It is developed by recording, in ARMS, objectives and 
Indicates that from an environmental perspective the proposal 
has clearance to be implemented as the proposal has been 
assessed as not having significant impacts and the impacts 
have been minimised. A proposal cannot be implemented 
without "Environmental Clearance". "Environmental 
Clearance" is established in ARMS (in the "Risk Assessment 
Window”) and then recorded in the RFC.  
The criteria used to determine if Environmental Impact 
Risk Screening 
Assessment and Environmental Business Risk assessment is 
required. See also: AA-NOS-ENV-2.120 
An area of high conservations value (including biosphere 
Sensitive Area 
reserves, world heritage areas, Commonwealth reserves, 
Ramsar wetlands, National Parks and conservation reserves) 
or areas highly sensitive to aircraft noise. 
Environmental Management System - the management of 
Airservices’ environmental programs in a systematic, planned 
and documented manner so as  to minimise our 
environmental risks 
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation 
Act 1999- 
Commonwealth legislation that provides a 
framework to manage the environmental impact of actions on 
matters of national environmental significance or on 
Commonwealth land 
by Airservices Australia pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth)
Accountable Manager in Airservices or their delegate 
The Manager, whose actions will or may result in the proposal 
becoming operational. This may or may not be the Proponent 
Unit Manager 
Manager of the Business Centre which is responsible for the 
Released  Manager 
management of the proposal, or the Manager’s delegate. 
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Environment Standard & Practices  
Environment Assessment Process for ATM Changes 
Proposal is any change in Airservices’ air traffic management 
practices that may affect aircraft movements. This would 
include, but would not be limited to, proposals to alter or 
  New or amendments to an instrument approach;  
  A new or amendment to an existing flight path or air 
  Re-classification of airspace; 
  Change to preferred runways;  
  Change in time of day of operation (e.g. amendments 
to tower hours of operations – as the time of day that a 
tower operates may alter the flight path used by 
  A change to a support system that may influence the 
capacity  or mode of operation of an of ATC unit;  
  A change that allows use of a flight path / airspace by 
different type or number of aircraft; 
Note: A tactical decision of an air traffic controller to 
alter the track of an individual aircraft does not 
institute a proposal
Proposal – for 
The documentation of the proposal prepared by a Proponent 
Manager that forms the basis for environmental assessment.  

Request for Change registers, which are managed by the 
Business Centres. 
A proposal assessed as having significant impact in 
accordance with the EPBC Act 
A proposal assessed in Environmental Business Risk 
Assessment as having significant business risks associated 
Business Risk 
with the environmental impacts of the proposal. A proposal 
may be a significant environmental business risk without 
having significant environmental impacts, for example a 
change in an air route that causes public concern but does not 
have a significant impact in terms of noise. 
by Airservices Australia pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth)
Small Remote 
Small residential areas located in a "Designated Remote 
Area" on En Route Charts -ERC (low) or in ERSA  (GEN - FIS 
- In Flight) -  (Central Australia). 
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Environment Standard & Practices  
Environment Assessment Process for ATM Changes 
To establish a standard for the environmental assessment of proposed 
changes to Airservices’ air traffic management practices that may involve a 
change to aircraft operation (proposals).  
The Standard provides a process, designed to ensure sound environmental 
management, and to ensure appropriate due diligence activity, by 
(i)  Compliance with environmental management requirements by: 
(ii)  Identifying proposals that may have significant impacts and ensure that 
appropriate assessment of these proposals is undertaken, as required 
under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 
1999 (EPBC); 
(iii) Ensuring air traffic management practices are conducted in a manner so 
that the environment is protected, as far as is practicable, as required 
under the Air Services Act 1995; and 
(iv) Documenting the process to facilitate demonstration of due diligence. 
Management of environmentally related business risk. 
All Proposals 
All proposed changes to Airservices’ air traffic management practices 
(proposals) that may affect aircraft operations shall: 
(i)  Reflect environmental considerations in their design and must be 
consistent with Airservices’ "Environmental Principles for Minimising the 
Impact of Aircraft Operations (including Noise)"  (See AA-NOS-ENV-
(ii)  Be recorded in ARMS (the database that supports the Airservices’ 
environmental management system) and Airservices’ Request for 
Change (RFC) register by the Proponent Manager; 
(iii) Be assessed in accordance with the ATM Environmental Assessment 
process outlined in this Standard, and the outcome of the assessment 
(including whether "Environmental Clearance" for implementation is 
established) shall be recorded and approved using ARMS, and recorded 
in the RFC register and (where relevant) DAHAP; 
(iv) NOT be implemented without "Environmental Clearance" as designated 
in ARMS; and 
(v)  Be reassessed under the Environment Assessment process prior to 
by Airservices Australia pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth)
implementation, if the proposal has been modified after "Environmental 
Clearance” for implementation” has been established in accordance with 
this Standard. 
All proposals for airspace and air route changes are also assessed by the 
CASA Office of Airspace Regulation (OAR).   
Released  Note: OAR does not assess proposals associated with departure and approach 
procedures such as SIDs, STARs and Instrument Approach Procedures. 
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Environment Standard & Practices  
Environment Assessment Process for ATM Changes 
In the case of airspace and air route changes where Airservices is the 
proponent, Airservices shall undertake an environmental assessment of the 
proposal in accordance with EMS requirements before forwarding the proposal 
to OAR for approval where appropriate.  OAR will undertake their own 
environmental assessment in accordance with OAR documented procedures.   
Significant Environmental Business Risks 
2.2.1 All 
proposals assessed as having a “significant environment business risk” 
(i)  Have an appropriate environmental risk management strategy (i.e. 
objectives and targets which aim to manage the environment related 
business risks) developed by the Proponent Manager and these shall be 
recorded in ARMS;  
(ii)  Be reported to the Board; and 
(iii) Be informally reported to the Commonwealth environment department, 
by the Manager Environmental Services, for their information - even if 
the environmental impact assessment is not significant. 
Proposals with Significant Impacts 
2.3.1 All 
proposals assessed as having "significant impacts", shall be referred, by 
the General Manager Environment to the Commonwealth environment 
portfolio Minister for advice, (unless the proponent manager decides not to 
proceed with the proposal). 
(i)  The Commonwealth environment portfolio Minister advice shall be 
considered by the CEO; and  
(ii)  The action taken (e.g. in relation to implementation of the proposal) shall 
be recorded, and if the Minister’s advice was not given effect, the 
reasons why, shall be documented and forwarded to the Commonwealth 
environment portfolio Minister, by the CEO, in accordance with the 
EPBC Act. 
Note: For Explanation see Explanatory Notes for Section 2.3. 
by Airservices Australia pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth)
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Environment Standard & Practices  
Environment Assessment Process for ATM Changes 
Screening for Environmental Risk Process 
3.2.1 The 
Proponent Manager shall:  
(i)  Enter the proposal into ARMS and the RFC; 
(ii)  Undertake the Screening for Environmental Risk for all proposals using 
(iii) Advise Environmental Services of the outcome; and 
(iv) Record in the RFC, the Screening result (including whether 
"Environmental Clearance" for implementation is established) and 
(where appropriate) DAHAP. 
If the Screening result is: 
(i)  "Criteria Satisfied": then, “Environmental Clearance” (to be 
implemented) can be established (without further assessment) by the 
Proponent Manager approving the Screening result in ARMS  
(ii)  "Criteria Not Satisfied": then, EBRA and EIA are required. 
Note: For explanation see Explanatory Notes for Section 3.2:   
Environmental Impact Assessment Process  
For all proposals that do not satisfy the Environment Risk Screening 
(i) The Proponent Manager shall:  
(a) Provide all the relevant proposal details, including any ongoing 
revisions or changes to the proposal, necessary for the 
Environmental Assessment, to the Manager Environmental 
in a timely manner; and 
(ii) The Manager Environmental Services,  in managing the Environment 
Impact Assessment Process, shall: 
(a) Ensure that all necessary proposal details are obtained from the 
Proponent Manager and clarify any potential ambiguities in a 
timely fashion; 
(b) Undertake an Initial Impact Assessment of all proposals that do 
not satisfy the Environment Risk Screening Criteria; 
(c) Undertake a Full Impact Assessment for all proposals assessed 
in the Initial Impact Assessment as requiring "Further Impact 
(d) Initiate and manage the "Formal EPBC Impact Assessment" for 
all proposals assessed in the Full Impact Assessment as having or 
likely to have significant impacts, Unless the Proponent Manager 
by Airservices Australia pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth)
decides not to proceed with the proposal; 
(e) Document and approve the assessments, and record the 
findings in ARMS,; and 
(f)  Advise the Proponent Manager of the environmental impact 
assessment findings and referencing this advice in ARMS. 
(iii) The Proponent Manager shall:  
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Environment Assessment Process for ATM Changes 
(a) Record in the RFC, the EIA result (including whether 
"Environmental Clearance" for implementation is established and 
any conditions). 
(b) In the case of airspace and air route changes, where Airservices is 
the proponent, forward the completed environmental assessment 
approval and any associated reports to the Regulatory Services 
Manager for submission to OAR. 
(iv) In the case of airspace and air route changes where Airservices is the 
proponent, the Regulatory Services Manager shall:  
(a) Forward the results of Airservices environmental assessments to 
OAR as part of the Airspace Change Proposal (ACP)  
(v) The Manager,  Environmental Services shall: 
(a) Advise the Commonwealth environment department of all 
proposals and the EIA assessment findings where the EBRA is 
significant environmental business risk. 
These actions shall be undertaken in accordance with: 
(i) this Standard; 
(ii)  Environmental Principles for Minimising the Impact of Aircraft 
Operations (including Noise) AA-NOS-ENV-2.110; and 
(iii) Initial Environmental Impact Assessment Process AA-NOS-ENV-2.130. 
Note: For explanation see Explanatory Notes for Section 3.3 
Environment Business Risk Management 

Elements of Environmental Business Risk Management 
The Airservices’ ATM environmental business risk assessment process 
incorporates three elements: 
(i)  Identification of significant environmental business risk through the 
Environmental Business Risk Assessment (EBRA); 
(ii)  Development of environmental business risks mitigation strategies for 
proposals with significant environmental business risks; and 
(iii) Reporting of significant business risks (and their mitigation strategies) to 
the Board. 
Environment Business Risk Assessment  
by Airservices Australia pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) 
The Manager Environmental Services shall: 
(i)  Undertake an assessment of the Environmental Business Risk (using 
ARMS) for all proposals that do not satisfy the Environment Risk 
Screening Criteria; 
(ii)  Record the outcome in ARMS; and 
(iii) Inform the Proponent Manager of the outcome. The 
Proponent Manager shall 
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Environment Assessment Process for ATM Changes 
(i)  Record in the RFC, the EBRA result (i.e. whether it is a “Significant 
Environmental Business Risk”). 
Environment Business Risk Strategy 
For all proposals that are assessed as having a significant environment 
business risk, the Proponent Manager shall: 
(i)  Develop an Environmental Business Risk Strategy to manage the 
business risks by recording in ARMS, objectives and targets;  
(ii)  Record in the RFC, a reference to the Environmental Business Risk 
Strategy; and 
(iii) Implement the strategy (objectives and targets) and record its 
implementation in ARMS.  
Reporting of Environment Business Risk 
The General Manager, Environment shall report the significant environment 
business risk (and their mitigation strategies) to the Board.  
Note: For explanation see Explanatory Notes for Section 3.4 
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Environment Standard & Practices  
Environment Assessment Process for ATM Changes 
Environmental Pre-Implementation Check 
Airservices’ Environmental Pre-Implementation Check process 
incorporates two elements: 
(i)  A pre-implementation check of the RFC, prior to the operational 
implementation of the proposal, to ensure that the proposal has 
“Environmental Clearance”; and  
(ii)  Recording implementation of the proposal in ARMS. 
Pre-implementation check The 
Implementation / Production Unit Manager shall, prior to 
implementation of any proposal, verify, using the RFC, that "Environmental 
Clearance" has been established. It is the Proponent Manager’s 
responsibility to ensure that this occurs. 
(i) If "Environmental Clearance" is recorded in the RFC, the Production 
/ Implementation Unit Manager may (from an environmental perspective) 
proceed with implementation.  
(ii) If "Environmental Clearance" is not recorded in the RFC, the 
Production / Implementation Unit Manager, shall : 
  Not implement the proposal, until "Environmental Clearance" has 
been established and recorded in the RFC; and 
  Inform the Proponent Manager that the proposal is not being 
implemented because it does not have "Environmental 
Recording Implementation in ARMS 
After a proposal becomes operational, the Proponent Manager (or the 
Implementation / Production Unit Manager, on behalf of the Proponent 
Manager) shall record in ARMS (and may record in the RFC register and 
DAHAP) that the proposal has been implemented. 
For details - See:  
(i)  AA-GUIDE-ARMS-2.000, Environment Assessment process for ATM 
changes Use Guide 
Note: For explanation see Explanatory Notes for Section 3.5. 
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Environment Standard & Practices  
Environment Assessment Process for ATM Changes 
4.1 Airservices’ 
ARMS data base 
4.3 RFC 
(Note: These appendices form part of the Standard) 
AA-NOS-ENV-2.110: Environmental Principles for Minimising the Impact 
of Aircraft Operations (including Noise) 

AA-NOS-ENV-2.120: Environment Risk Screening Criteria 
Details the Criteria used in ARMS for the Screening for Environmental Risk 
AA-NOS ENV-2.130: Environmental Impact Assessment Process for ATM 
proposals undertaken by Environmental Services 
Outlines in flow-chart form the Initial Environment Impact Assessment Process for 
ARS proposals that is undertaken by Environmental Services  
AA-NOS-ENV-2.140: ATM Environmental Business Risk Matrix 
Details the Matrix used in ARMS to assess the Environmental Business Risks of 
ATM proposals 
AA-GUIDE-ARMS-2.000: ARMS User Guide (For Environmental Risks 
associated with ATS 
Provides a user guide for ARMS users.  
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Environment Standard & Practices  
Environment Assessment Process for ATM Changes 
For Section 2.3: Proposals with Significant Impacts 
The environmental assessment requirements for airspace management are 
established under the Commonwealth EPBC Act. 
The EPBC Act requires Commonwealth agencies to: 
  obtain and consider advice from the Commonwealth environment portfolio 
Minister before authorising any change to an aviation airspace management plan 
/ procedure, involving aircraft operations that has or are likely to have a 
significant impact on the environment; and  
  report to the Commonwealth environment portfolio Minister on the actions taken 
and the reason why the Minister's advice was not given effect, if such a 
circumstance arises.  
The Commonwealth environment portfolio Minister may also request a referral of a 
proposal for his advice. 
The EPBC Act assessment requirement for aviation airspace management differs 
from the assessment requirements for all other actions (except that for major airport 
development & foreign aid projects i.e. those listed in Section 160).  
All other actions (i.e. any action that will or is likely to have a significant impact on 
Commonwealth land or a matter of national environmental significance, and any 
action undertaken by a Commonwealth body that will or is likely to have a significant 
environmental impact) must be referred to the Commonwealth environment portfolio 
Minister (where provision for public comment is made) who decides: 
  if the action is likely to have a significant impact (and therefore whether the 
proposal requires EPBC assessment);  
  the level of formal assessment required; and  
  subsequent to the assessment, whether the proposal has approval to proceed. 
To maximise due diligence, in the absence of the option to refer the proposal to the 
Commonwealth environment portfolio Minister (for a decision on whether the impacts 
are likely to be significant and subsequently the assessment requirements and 
whether the project is approved), the Manager Environmental Services will inform 
Commonwealth environment department of all proposals that are assessed as 
having significant business risk (e.g. high risk of strong public concern). 
For Section 3.1: Environment Assessment Process 
The Environmental Assessment process has been designed to enhance efficiency of 
the assessment process, while maintaining the rigour (effectiveness) of the system. 
by Airservices Australia pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth)
Key elements of its efficiency /effectiveness include: 
  Use of ARMS (a purpose built database that supports the Airservices’ 
environmental management system) for screening of risks and environmental 
record management; and 
  A staged approach to assessment with screening and initial assessment stages 
being adopted to enable proposals with no risks or low-level impacts to be fast 
tracked through the process. 
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Environment Standard & Practices  
Environment Assessment Process for ATM Changes 
For Section 3.2: Screening for Environment Risk 

Screening for Environmental Risk is:  
  A quick screening process to identify those: 
o  proposals that may create a significant environmental risk and therefore 
require Environmental Impact Assessment & Environmental Business Risk 
Assessment; & 
o  proposals for which ATC Group  may establish the “Environmental 
Clearance”, as they have been screened as having no risk of creating a 
significant environmental impact or business risk. 
  Compulsory for all proposals and is the first step in the ATM environmental 
assessment process.  
For Section 3.3: Environmental Impact Assessment 

The Environmental Impact Assessment process:   
  Is compulsory for all proposals that do not satisfy the Environment Risk 
Screening Criteria (to establish whether ATC Group can establish “environmental 
  Is designed to facilitate compliance with EPBC Act assessment requirements and 
Air Services Act requirements to minimise the impacts, as far as practicable, and 
facilitate due diligence; and   
  Is a three staged assessment process managed by the Manager Environmental 
Services, consisting of: 
o  Initial Environmental Impact Assessment: a quick assessment process to 
identify proposals that can be implemented without a full impact assessment 
(i.e. where the initial assessment indicates that there is no potential for 
significant impacts and the impacts have been minimised). This is undertaken 
for all proposals that do not satisfy the Environment Risk Screening Criteria; 
o  Full Environmental Impact Assessment: A rigorous assessment to 
determine if impacts may be significant or impacts are not minimised. This is 
only undertaken for proposals assessed as requiring "Further Assessment" in 
the Initial Environmental Assessment; and 
o  Formal EPBC Impact Assessment: A formal system of assessment 
undertaken in accordance with the EPBC Act requirements and considering 
the advice of the Commonwealth environment portfolio Minister. This shall be 
undertaken for all proposals assessed as having, or likely to have  "significant 
environmental impacts", unless the Proponent Manager decides not to 
proceed with the proposal; and 
  Identifies proposals within 3 categories. Proposals that: 
by Airservices Australia pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth)
o  Minimise the impacts on the environment, as far as practicable, (as required 
under Air Service Act)  and do not have the potential to create significant 
impacts (an EPBC Act requirement) and establishes such proposals have 
"Environmental Clearance" to be implemented; 
o  Have significant impacts and therefore require formal assessment under the 
EPBC Act and ensures that appropriate formal assessment under the EPBC 
Act is implemented; and  
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Environment Assessment Process for ATM Changes 
o  Do not minimise the impact on the environment, as far as practicable, (as 
required under Air Services Act) and therefore need to be modified to 
minimise the impacts prior to implementation. 
For Section 3.4: Environment Business Assessment 

Environmental Business Risk Assessment is designed to identify early in a proposals’ 
development, if the proposal may raise significant environmental business risk and 
establishes a framework for managing these risks. 
A proposal may raise significant environmental related business risks for Airservices, 
even though it may not have significant environmental impacts, under EPBC Act. 
Usually such risks are associated with public outrage. 
For Section 3.5: Environmental Pre-Implementation 

Pre-Implementation Check (of "Environment Clearance"): is a "safety-net" to help 
ensure proposals are not implemented without "Environmental Clearance" and to 
record the implementation / cancellation of proposals. 
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