Number of ASIC Commonwealth Public Officials referred to the NACC

Currently waiting for a response from National Anti-Corruption Commission, they should respond promptly and normally no later than (details).

Dear National Anti-Corruption Commission,

The documents I seek are documents that would confirm the number of Commonwealth Public Officials employed by ASIC who have been referrred to the NACC to date for alleged contravention of the NACC Act 2022 and/or the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth).

The Australian newspaper (2/2/2024) has reported that a referral has been made concerning former ASIC Deputy Chair - Karen Chester to the NACC.

The current ASIC Deputy Chair, Sarah Court, has also been referred according to this document:

Prior to 1 July 2019 Commonwealth Public Officials were subject to the APS Code of Conduct {Section 13 of the Public Service Act 1999} and there have been a number of these officials who have contravened the APS Code of Conduct before 1 July 2019 and in doing so have caused a detriment to a substantial number of widows of members of one of Australia's oldest Defined Benefit superannuation schemes who have been denied compensation for the theft of their death benefits in their time of need and distress by well known white collar criminals who have been previously convicted for their dishonest conduct in other matters.

It would appear that some Commonwealth Public Officials employed by ASIC are more concerned with the welfare of white-collar criminals who have prior convictions than with the welfare of their more recent widow victims and the compensation due to these widowed victims.

Such dishonest conduct enlives subsection 142.2 of the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) - Abuse of Public Office.

If necessary, the names of other ASIC Commonwealth Public Officials (apart from Karen Chester and Sarah Court) who are known to have been referred to the NACC can be redacted

I also have evidence of serious misconduct by current ASIC Deputy Chair, Sarah Court, and other senior ASIC Commonwealth Public Officials which will be referred to the NACC once the Solictor-General, Dr Stephen Donaghue KC, has confirmed that the victims of a major superannuation fraud do understand the law, after ASIC engaged in "victim blaming" in a response to Questions on Notice from the Senate Economics Reference Committee where ASIC stated on page 39 of 59:

"in some instances, ASIC considered that the Reporters' allegations or their
understanding of the law were misconceived"

Yours faithfully,

P.C. Sweeney