Dear Transport Canberra and City Services,

Under the FOI act, I am seeking documents relating to the following:

1. MyWay+ contract with NEC and costings of the project

2. Other contractors/vendors and their offers.

Yours faithfully,

John Flymore

TCCS_FreedomOfInformation, Transport Canberra and City Services

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TCCS_FreedomOfInformation, Transport Canberra and City Services

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OFFICIAL: Sensitive

Dear Mr Flymore

Please find attached a notice of decision in response to your application FOI 24-128.


TCCS FOI Coordinator
Email: [email address]
Information Access | Procurement, Legal and Information Access | Transport Canberra and City Services Directorate | ACT Government
480 Northbourne Avenue, Dickson 2602 | GPO Box 158 Canberra ACT 2601 |

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