ACT Chief Minister, Treasury And Economic Development Directorate

An ACT authority, also called ACT-CMTEDD

CMTEDD leads the ACT Public Service (ACTPS) and provides strategic advice and support to the Chief Minister, Treasurer, Minister for Economic Development and the Cabinet on policy, financial and economic matters, service delivery and whole of government issues.

20 requests
OFFICIAL     Good morning Please see the attached decision letter relating to your recent Freedom of Information request. Regards   Free...
Good afternoon Please see the attached decision letter relating to your recent Freedom of Information request. Kind regards Information Access T...
Dear Karen   FOI-23/130003 - Freedom of Information Decision   Please find attached the decision letter in relation to your Freedom of Informa...
OFFICIAL   Good afternoon Please see the attached decision letter and document in scope relating to your recent Freedom of Information request....
Thank you. Two more than I anticipated ;-) Warmly, Karen
Rapid Antigen Tests

Withdrawn by the requester.

Hello, I'm one of the workers who look after Right to Know. Firstly, I want to apologise that it's taken us so long to look at the error message ab...
OFFICIAL     Good afternoon Please see the attached decision letter relating to your recent Freedom of Information request. Regards   Fr...
Good Morning, Your request has been transferred to Justice and Community Safety Directorate. Kind regards Information Access Team Chief Minister, Trea...
OFFICIAL Good morning Damian Milin, Thank you for your request dated 9 October 2022. To go ahead with the processing of this request, please provide...
OFFICIAL   Good morning,   FOI 22/95689 – RESPONSE TO FREEDOM OF INFORMATION APPLICATION   I refer to your application (attached) received...
Home of Football at Throsby

Partially successful.

Dear Kelly-Jane Thank you. I have received these documents. I will review them over coming days and then decide whether or not to seek an internal re...
Dear UD Please find attached a decision letter from Ms Kirsten Thompson, Director of Corporate Management, in response to your Freedom of Information...
Dear Mr Cooper-Stout Please find attached a letter and associated documents from Ms Kirsten Thompson, Director of Corporate, in response to your Freed...
Dear Mr Gothe-Snape Please find attached a letter, schedule and document from Ms Kirsten Thompson, Director of Corporate Management, in response to yo...

Information not held.

Dear Mr Gothe-Snape Please find attached a letter from Ms Anita Perkins, Director of Communications, in response to your request below. Regards Cori...

Information not held.

Dear Mr Cooper-Stout   Please find attached the Decision-maker's response to your application under the Freedom of Information Act 1989 (as set out...
Sorry I didn't have the time to respond to this request. I'll raise another request soon and contact you to discuss :) Yours sincerely, Ben Fair...
Good afternoon Mr Cooper-Stout,   Please see the attached documents regarding your Freedom of Information request.   Regards, Policy Team |A...
Dear Mr Degan Apologies for the delay in providing you with a response to your request. A decision has now been finalised and is attached. Please fe...
I was not aware that information had already been released. On that basis, I'll withdraw this request. Thanks for your speedy reply! Yours since...

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?