Documents Relating to the Sharing of DVA Client Information
Dear FOI Officer,
I am making this request for access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth).
I seek access to any and all documents, records, data, and supporting material held by [Name of Agency] concerning the sharing of personal information originating from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) over the last ten years. This includes any data transfers from or to the DVA, whether they were one-off exchanges or ongoing, systematic transfers of DVA client information, including personal, medical, financial, or service-related details concerning veterans or their dependents.
I am interested in obtaining a comprehensive understanding of what DVA client information [Authority name] has received or accessed and for what purposes. Specifically, I request:
All records of data sharing arrangements between DVA and [Authority name], including but not limited to memoranda of understanding, service-level agreements, emails, letters, meeting minutes, file transfer logs, internal reports, and instructions that outline what data was shared, when it was shared, and the format or system used for the transfer.
Any policies, procedures, guidelines, or frameworks that govern how [Authority name] requests, obtains, stores, handles, or uses DVA client information. This includes documents that detail the criteria for approving access to such data, any consent or authorization processes, security controls, and retention or destruction policies.
Copies of any ethics committee approvals, privacy impact assessments, internal review board decisions, or other documents that reflect deliberations or authorizations for obtaining DVA client information. This includes records that show the agency considered the ethical, legal, or privacy implications of receiving or using DVA client data.
Documents that outline the intended uses or practical applications of the DVA client data, such as project proposals, business cases, internal strategy papers, or briefings that explain why [Authority name] sought access to this information, how it was intended to be integrated into the agency’s operations, and any expected outcomes or benefits.
A representative sample (in a suitably de-identified or redacted form) of the data or data fields received, so long as providing this sample does not breach any exemption under the FOI Act. The purpose is to understand the nature and granularity of the information shared, without disclosing identifiable personal details.
If the only data [Authority name] received pertains solely to data linked to the Centrelink Confirmation eServices (CCeS) arrangements as described at, and there were no other forms of DVA data shared, then no CCeS-related data needs to be provided under this request.
I emphasize that I am not authorizing the transfer of this FOI request to the Department of Veterans’ Affairs or any other agency. If [Authority name] holds the requested information, it should provide it directly. If there are parts of this request that [Name of Agency] does not understand or believes are not held, I invite you to contact me to clarify or refine the scope under section 24AB of the FOI Act, rather than initiating a transfer. However, I do not consent to the transfer of this request to another entity. The FOI Act places the onus on agencies to process requests for documents they hold, and I expect [Authority name] to meet its responsibilities in this regard.
I note that the statutory timeframe for processing FOI requests is 30 days from the date of receipt. I do not consent to any extension of time due to internal reduced activity periods, holiday stand-down periods, or other internal operational issues. If [Authority name] considers that it cannot meet the 30-day timeframe, it may seek an extension from the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner as provided under section 15AB of the FOI Act. I request to be notified if such an application is made.
If you consider any part of this request too broad or complex, please contact me promptly to discuss refining its scope. I remain willing to consider adjustments that will assist efficient processing, provided that they occur within the statutory timeframe and do not undermine the substance of what I am seeking.
I believe that disclosure of these documents is in the public interest, as it promotes transparency and accountability in how government agencies access and use sensitive personal information about veterans. Should you consider charges applicable, I request that you exercise your discretion to reduce or waive them, given the importance of the matter and its alignment with the principles of open government and public accountability.
I look forward to receiving your acknowledgment and decision within the statutory timeframe. Please contact me at the details below if you require further clarification.
Yours sincerely,
Good afternoon Nosey,
I refer to your application in which you seek access to documents under
the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) (ABS reference FOI
202425/25) regarding:
"access to any and all documents, records, data, and supporting material
held by [Name of Agency] concerning the sharing of personal information
originating from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) over the last
ten years"
Your request was received by the ABS on 14/10/2024 and the 30-day
statutory period for processing your request commenced from the day after
that date.
We understand your request seeks documents concerning the sharing of
personal information that has originated from DVA between 14 December 2014
to 14 December 2024, however we would like to clarify a few things. Please
provide a contact number that we may be able to reach you on.
In addition, before we commence processing your request can you please
confirm the following via return e-mail:
1. Whether you agree to the names and contact details of non-Senior
Executive public servants, and the mobile phone numbers of Senior
Executive public servants being excluded from the scope of this
2. Where there are a number of drafts of a document, whether you are
seeking access to those drafts, or only the final version of documents
(this includes the latest version where no 'final' version was
3. Where there are duplicate documents, whether you agree to exclude them
from the scope of this request;
4. That you confirm the name of the Agency in the scope of your request.
It is ABS policy to impose charges consistent with section 29 of the
FOI Act. We will inform you of our decision in this respect once we have
conducted a search for documents.
To note, information collected under the authority of the Census &
Statistics Act 1905 (C&S Act), is exempt from release under Schedule 2,
Part II, Division 2 of the FOI Act.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns
regarding this email. A response is appreciated as soon as possible.
Kind regards
Policy and Legal Officer
Policy and Legislation Section| Legislative Compliance and Parliamentary
Branch| Australian Bureau of Statistics
(E) [1][ABS request email] (W) [2]
[3]Inactive hide details for "noseyrosey" ---14/12/2024 02:41:15
<[FOI #12576 email]>"noseyrosey" ---14/12/2024
02:41:15 PM---"noseyrosey" <[FOI #12576 email]>
"noseyrosey" 14/12/2024 02:41 PM
<[FOI #12576 email]>
Send To "FOI requests at ABS" <[ABS request email]>
Freedom of Information request - Documents Relating to the
Subject Sharing of DVA Client Information[4]Policy & Legislation
Section WDB
Protective Mark
Information management markers Caveat
Categories Freedom of Information\Requests\Valid\2024/25
Visibility Limited Readers
Editors Angalea Turnbull/Staff/ABS, PALS WDB Access
Readers Angalea Turnbull/Staff/ABS, PALS WDB Access, FOI Stakeholder
Last modified 16/12/2024 11:27:55 AM By Angalea Turnbull/Staff/ABS
Document Id DCOO-DBX6EA
CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless
you recognise the sender
and know the content is safe
Dear FOI Officer,
I am making this request for access to documents under the Freedom of
Information Act 1982 (Cth).
I seek access to any and all documents, records, data, and supporting
material held by [Name of Agency] concerning the sharing of personal
information originating from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA)
over the last ten years. This includes any data transfers from or to the
DVA, whether they were one-off exchanges or ongoing, systematic transfers
of DVA client information, including personal, medical, financial, or
service-related details concerning veterans or their dependents.
I am interested in obtaining a comprehensive understanding of what DVA
client information [Authority name] has received or accessed and for what
purposes. Specifically, I request:
All records of data sharing arrangements between DVA and [Authority name],
including but not limited to memoranda of understanding, service-level
agreements, emails, letters, meeting minutes, file transfer logs, internal
reports, and instructions that outline what data was shared, when it was
shared, and the format or system used for the transfer.
Any policies, procedures, guidelines, or frameworks that govern how
[Authority name] requests, obtains, stores, handles, or uses DVA client
information. This includes documents that detail the criteria for
approving access to such data, any consent or authorization processes,
security controls, and retention or destruction policies.
Copies of any ethics committee approvals, privacy impact assessments,
internal review board decisions, or other documents that reflect
deliberations or authorizations for obtaining DVA client information. This
includes records that show the agency considered the ethical, legal, or
privacy implications of receiving or using DVA client data.
Documents that outline the intended uses or practical applications of the
DVA client data, such as project proposals, business cases, internal
strategy papers, or briefings that explain why [Authority name] sought
access to this information, how it was intended to be integrated into the
agency’s operations, and any expected outcomes or benefits.
A representative sample (in a suitably de-identified or redacted form) of
the data or data fields received, so long as providing this sample does
not breach any exemption under the FOI Act. The purpose is to understand
the nature and granularity of the information shared, without disclosing
identifiable personal details.
If the only data [Authority name] received pertains solely to data linked
to the Centrelink Confirmation eServices (CCeS) arrangements as described
and there were no other forms of DVA data shared, then no CCeS-related
data needs to be provided under this request.
I emphasize that I am not authorizing the transfer of this FOI request to
the Department of Veterans’ Affairs or any other agency. If [Authority
name] holds the requested information, it should provide it directly. If
there are parts of this request that [Name of Agency] does not understand
or believes are not held, I invite you to contact me to clarify or refine
the scope under section 24AB of the FOI Act, rather than initiating a
transfer. However, I do not consent to the transfer of this request to
another entity. The FOI Act places the onus on agencies to process
requests for documents they hold, and I expect [Authority name] to meet
its responsibilities in this regard.
I note that the statutory timeframe for processing FOI requests is 30 days
from the date of receipt. I do not consent to any extension of time due to
internal reduced activity periods, holiday stand-down periods, or other
internal operational issues. If [Authority name] considers that it cannot
meet the 30-day timeframe, it may seek an extension from the Office of the
Australian Information Commissioner as provided under section 15AB of the
FOI Act. I request to be notified if such an application is made.
If you consider any part of this request too broad or complex, please
contact me promptly to discuss refining its scope. I remain willing to
consider adjustments that will assist efficient processing, provided that
they occur within the statutory timeframe and do not undermine the
substance of what I am seeking.
I believe that disclosure of these documents is in the public interest, as
it promotes transparency and accountability in how government agencies
access and use sensitive personal information about veterans. Should you
consider charges applicable, I request that you exercise your discretion
to reduce or waive them, given the importance of the matter and its
alignment with the principles of open government and public
I look forward to receiving your acknowledgment and decision within the
statutory timeframe. Please contact me at the details below if you require
further clarification.
Yours sincerely,
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #12576 email]
Is [ABS request email] the wrong address for Freedom of
Information requests to Australian Bureau of Statistics? If so, please
contact us using this form:
This request has been made by an individual using Right to Know. This
message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet.
More information on how Right to Know works can be found at:
Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will
be delayed.
If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.
Visible links
1. mailto:[ABS request email]
4. file:///tmp/Notes:/
Dear Kristina,
Thank you for your correspondence dated 18 December 2024, regarding my Freedom of Information (FOI) request received on 14 December 2024. I appreciate your clarification questions and offer the following responses to assist with the processing of my request.
Exclusion of Certain Details
I consent to the exclusion of the names and contact details of non-Senior Executive public servants, as well as the mobile phone numbers of Senior Executive public servants, from the scope of my request.
Draft Documents
I confirm that I am only seeking access to the final version of documents, or the latest version where no formal "final" version exists. Drafts of documents may be excluded from the scope.
Duplicate Documents
I consent to the exclusion of duplicate documents, provided the final or complete version of any email chains or records is retained and included in the scope of the request.
Agency Name
I confirm that the agency referenced in my request is the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).
Charges and Statutory Timeframe
While I note the ABS's policy to impose charges consistent with section 29 of the FOI Act, I request that any charges be waived or reduced on public interest grounds under section 29(5)(b). This request pertains to sensitive information sharing practices involving veterans, which is a matter of significant public interest, transparency, and accountability.
I also acknowledge your reference to the Census & Statistics Act 1905, which may exempt some information from release. If any documents are withheld under this exemption or any other, I request that you provide detailed reasoning for each exemption applied in accordance with the FOI Act.
Please proceed with processing my request as clarified above. I look forward to receiving your decision within the statutory timeframe. Should you require any further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me via email.
Yours sincerely,
Good afternoon Nosey,
Thank you for your response. We are currently searching for documents and
identifying any agreements that may relate to your request. Your request
is very broad, however we believe the agreements will provide the
information you are seeking.
We note your request for a waiver/reduction of charges on public interest
grounds and will notify you of the decision as we progress your request.
Kind regards
Kristina Chan
Policy and Legal Officer
Policy and Legislation Section | Planning, Compliance and Risk Branch
| Australian Bureau of Statistics
(E) [1][ABS request email] (W) [2]
[3]Inactive hide details for "Angalea Turnbull" ---01/01/2025 09:27:27
AM---"Angalea Turnbull" <[email address]>"Angalea Turnbull"
---01/01/2025 09:27:27 AM---"Angalea Turnbull"
<[email address]>
"Angalea Turnbull" <[email address]> 01/01/2025 09:27 AM
Send To "Policy & Legislation Section WDB"
<[email address]>
FW: Acknowledgement of your FOI request ABS reference:
Subject [FOI202425/25] [SEC=OFFICIAL][4]Policy & Legislation Section
Protective Mark OFFICIAL
Information management markers Caveat
Categories Freedom of Information\Requests\Valid\2024/25
Visibility Limited Readers
Angalea Turnbull/Staff/ABS, "Angalea Turnbull"
Editors <[email address]>, PALS WDB Access, Deborah
Readers Angalea Turnbull/Staff/ABS, PALS WDB Access, FOI Stakeholder
Document Information Management - determines recordkeeping action
Last modified 02/01/2025 09:35:17 AM By Kristina Chan/Staff/ABS
Document Id DCOO-DCGUD3
-----Original Message-----
From: noseyrosey <[FOI #12576 email]>
Sent: Monday, 30 December 2024 5:59 PM
To: Angalea Turnbull <[email address]>
Subject: Re: Acknowledgement of your FOI request ABS reference:
[FOI202425/25] [SEC=OFFICIAL]
CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless
you recognise the sender
and know the content is safe
Dear Kristina,
Thank you for your correspondence dated 18 December 2024, regarding my
Freedom of Information (FOI) request received on 14 December 2024. I
appreciate your clarification questions and offer the following responses
to assist with the processing of my request.
Exclusion of Certain Details
I consent to the exclusion of the names and contact details of non-Senior
Executive public servants, as well as the mobile phone numbers of Senior
Executive public servants, from the scope of my request.
Draft Documents
I confirm that I am only seeking access to the final version of documents,
or the latest version where no formal "final" version exists. Drafts of
documents may be excluded from the scope.
Duplicate Documents
I consent to the exclusion of duplicate documents, provided the final or
complete version of any email chains or records is retained and included
in the scope of the request.
Agency Name
I confirm that the agency referenced in my request is the Australian
Bureau of Statistics (ABS).
Charges and Statutory Timeframe
While I note the ABS's policy to impose charges consistent with section 29
of the FOI Act, I request that any charges be waived or reduced on public
interest grounds under section 29(5)(b). This request pertains to
sensitive information sharing practices involving veterans, which is a
matter of significant public interest, transparency, and accountability.
I also acknowledge your reference to the Census & Statistics Act 1905,
which may exempt some information from release. If any documents are
withheld under this exemption or any other, I request that you provide
detailed reasoning for each exemption applied in accordance with the FOI
Please proceed with processing my request as clarified above. I look
forward to receiving your decision within the statutory timeframe. Should
you require any further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact
me via email.
Yours sincerely,
-----Original Message-----
Good afternoon Nosey,
I refer to your application in which you seek access to documents under
the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) (ABS reference FOI
202425/25) regarding:
"access to any and all documents, records, data, and supporting material
held by [Name of Agency] concerning the sharing of personal information
originating from the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) over the last
ten years"
Your request was received by the ABS on 14/10/2024 and the 30-day
statutory period for processing your request commenced from the day after
that date.
We understand your request seeks documents concerning the sharing of
personal information that has originated from DVA between 14 December 2014
to 14 December 2024, however we would like to clarify a few things. Please
provide a contact number that we may be able to reach you on.
In addition, before we commence processing your request can you please
confirm the following via return e-mail:
1. Whether you agree to the names and contact details of non-Senior
Executive public servants, and the mobile phone numbers of Senior
Executive public servants being excluded from the scope of this
2. Where there are a number of drafts of a document, whether you are
seeking access to those drafts, or only the final version of documents
(this includes the latest version where no 'final' version was
3. Where there are duplicate documents, whether you agree to exclude them
from the scope of this request;
4. That you confirm the name of the Agency in the scope of your request.
It is ABS policy to impose charges consistent with section 29 of the
FOI Act. We will inform you of our decision in this respect once we have
conducted a search for documents.
To note, information collected under the authority of the Census &
Statistics Act 1905 (C&S Act), is exempt from release under Schedule 2,
Part II, Division 2 of the FOI Act.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns
regarding this email. A response is appreciated as soon as possible.
Kind regards
Policy and Legal Officer
Policy and Legislation Section| Legislative Compliance and Parliamentary
Branch| Australian Bureau of Statistics
(E) [1][ABS request email] (W) [2]
[3]Inactive hide details for "noseyrosey" ---14/12/2024 02:41:15
<[FOI #12576 email]>"noseyrosey" ---14/12/2024
02:41:15 PM---"noseyrosey" <[FOI #12576 email]>
"noseyrosey" 14/12/2024 02:41 PM
<[FOI #12576 email]>
Send To "FOI requests at ABS" <[ABS request email]>
Freedom of Information request - Documents Relating to the
Subject Sharing of DVA Client Information[4]Policy & Legislation
Section WDB
Protective Mark
Information management markers Caveat
Categories Freedom of Information\Requests\Valid\2024/25
Visibility Limited Readers
Editors Angalea Turnbull/Staff/ABS, PALS WDB Access
Readers Angalea Turnbull/Staff/ABS, PALS WDB Access, FOI Stakeholder
Last modified 16/12/2024 11:27:55 AM By Angalea Turnbull/Staff/ABS
Document Id DCOO-DBX6EA
CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless
you recognise the sender
and know the content is safe
Dear FOI Officer,
I am making this request for access to documents under the Freedom of
Information Act 1982 (Cth).
I seek access to any and all documents, records, data, and supporting
material held by [Name of Agency] concerning the sharing of personal
information originating from the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA)
over the last ten years. This includes any data transfers from or to the
DVA, whether they were one-off exchanges or ongoing, systematic transfers
of DVA client information, including personal, medical, financial, or
service-related details concerning veterans or their dependents.
I am interested in obtaining a comprehensive understanding of what DVA
client information [Authority name] has received or accessed and for what
purposes. Specifically, I request:
All records of data sharing arrangements between DVA and [Authority name],
including but not limited to memoranda of understanding, service-level
agreements, emails, letters, meeting minutes, file transfer logs, internal
reports, and instructions that outline what data was shared, when it was
shared, and the format or system used for the transfer.
Any policies, procedures, guidelines, or frameworks that govern how
[Authority name] requests, obtains, stores, handles, or uses DVA client
information. This includes documents that detail the criteria for
approving access to such data, any consent or authorization processes,
security controls, and retention or destruction policies.
Copies of any ethics committee approvals, privacy impact assessments,
internal review board decisions, or other documents that reflect
deliberations or authorizations for obtaining DVA client information. This
includes records that show the agency considered the ethical, legal, or
privacy implications of receiving or using DVA client data.
Documents that outline the intended uses or practical applications of the
DVA client data, such as project proposals, business cases, internal
strategy papers, or briefings that explain why [Authority name] sought
access to this information, how it was intended to be integrated into the
agency's operations, and any expected outcomes or benefits.
A representative sample (in a suitably de-identified or redacted form) of
the data or data fields received, so long as providing this sample does
not breach any exemption under the FOI Act. The purpose is to understand
the nature and granularity of the information shared, without disclosing
identifiable personal details.
If the only data [Authority name] received pertains solely to data linked
to the Centrelink Confirmation eServices (CCeS) arrangements as described
and there were no other forms of DVA data shared, then no CCeS-related
data needs to be provided under this request.
I emphasize that I am not authorizing the transfer of this FOI request to
the Department of Veterans' Affairs or any other agency. If [Authority
name] holds the requested information, it should provide it directly. If
there are parts of this request that [Name of Agency] does not understand
or believes are not held, I invite you to contact me to clarify or refine
the scope under section 24AB of the FOI Act, rather than initiating a
transfer. However, I do not consent to the transfer of this request to
another entity. The FOI Act places the onus on agencies to process
requests for documents they hold, and I expect [Authority name] to meet
its responsibilities in this regard.
I note that the statutory timeframe for processing FOI requests is 30 days
from the date of receipt. I do not consent to any extension of time due to
internal reduced activity periods, holiday stand-down periods, or other
internal operational issues. If [Authority name] considers that it cannot
meet the 30-day timeframe, it may seek an extension from the Office of the
Australian Information Commissioner as provided under section 15AB of the
FOI Act. I request to be notified if such an application is made.
If you consider any part of this request too broad or complex, please
contact me promptly to discuss refining its scope. I remain willing to
consider adjustments that will assist efficient processing, provided that
they occur within the statutory timeframe and do not undermine the
substance of what I am seeking.
I believe that disclosure of these documents is in the public interest, as
it promotes transparency and accountability in how government agencies
access and use sensitive personal information about veterans. Should you
consider charges applicable, I request that you exercise your discretion
to reduce or waive them, given the importance of the matter and its
alignment with the principles of open government and public
I look forward to receiving your acknowledgment and decision within the
statutory timeframe. Please contact me at the details below if you require
further clarification.
Yours sincerely,
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #12576 email]
Is [ABS request email] the wrong address for Freedom of
Information requests to Australian Bureau of Statistics? If so, please
contact us using this form:
This request has been made by an individual using Right to Know. This
message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet.
More information on how Right to Know works can be found at:
Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will
be delayed.
If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.
Visible links
1. mailto:[ABS request email]
2. [8]
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #12576 email]
This request has been made by an individual using Right to Know. This
message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet.
More information on how Right to Know works can be found at:
Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will
be delayed.
If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
4. file:///tmp/Notes:/
9. file:///tmp/Notes:/
Good afternoon Nosey,
Please find attached the response from the ABS regarding your Freedom of
Information request.
(See attached file: Consultation Request from the ABS.pdf)
Angalea Turnbull
Policy & Legislation Section | Legislative Compliance & Parliamentary
Australian Bureau of Statistics
(E) [1][email address] (W) [2]
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
Dear Deborah Wallace,
Thank you for your letter dated 6 January 2025 regarding my Freedom of Information (FOI) request. I appreciate the opportunity to consult and revise the scope of my request to facilitate its processing. However, I must also remind you of the agency's obligations under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) to assist applicants in framing their requests, as set out in section 15(3) of the FOI Act.
The FOI Act requires agencies to take reasonable steps to assist applicants to make requests in a manner that complies with the Act. Further, section 3(4) emphasises that agencies are to exercise their functions and powers under the Act to facilitate and promote public access to information promptly and at the lowest reasonable cost. Sending generic refusal notices without actively assisting in refining the request does not align with these principles.
To address the grounds for practical refusal outlined in your letter, I propose the following revised request:
Revised Scope
I seek access to:
Memoranda of understanding (MOUs), agreements, or similar documents that govern the sharing of personal information between the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) over the last ten years.
Policies, procedures, or guidelines that outline how the ABS requests, receives, handles, stores, or uses client information originating from the DVA.
Reports, summaries, or reviews conducted by the ABS that evaluate or discuss the sharing of personal information between the ABS and the DVA.
Additional Clarifications
I am seeking documents that specifically pertain to DVA-collected client information shared with the ABS.
Please limit the search to documents held by Senior Executive Service (SES) or project management staff.
I consent to the exclusion of names and contact details of non-Senior Executive staff, mobile numbers, duplicate documents, and draft versions.
This revised scope narrows the request to a manageable range of high-level documents, as suggested in your letter, while ensuring its purpose is met.
Obligations Under the FOI Act
I respectfully remind you of the agency's obligation under section 24AB(3) to actively assist in refining the scope of requests during a practical refusal consultation process. This includes:
Clearly identifying why the request, as currently framed, is considered too broad.
Suggesting alternative, narrower scopes that would allow the agency to process the request without unreasonable diversion of resources.
Failure to provide adequate assistance or to engage meaningfully in this process would constitute non-compliance with the FOI Act and its intent to promote access to information.
I trust this revised request addresses your concerns and facilitates the processing of my request. If further clarification or adjustments are required, I ask that you outline these in detail, as required by the FOI Act, before the end of the consultation period.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your confirmation that my revised request can now proceed.
Yours sincerely,
Good morning Nosey,
Thank you for your quick response and refining the scope of your request.
You will receive a response to your request from the ABS soon.
Angalea Turnbull
Policy & Legislation Section | Planning, Compliance & Risk Branch
Australian Bureau of Statistics
(E) [1][email address] (W) [2]
[3]Inactive hide details for "Angalea Turnbull" ---08/01/2025 08:28:50
AM---"Angalea Turnbull""Angalea Turnbull" ---08/01/2025 08:28:50
AM---"Angalea Turnbull"
"Angalea Turnbull" 08/01/2025 08:28 AM
[email address]
Send To "Policy & Legislation Section WDB"
<[email address]>
Subject FW: Consultation request from the ABS [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Protective Mark
Information management markers Caveat
Categories Freedom of Information\Requests\Valid\2024/25
Visibility Limited Readers
Editors Angalea Turnbull/Staff/ABS, PALS WDB Access, Deborah
Readers Angalea Turnbull/Staff/ABS, PALS WDB Access, FOI Stakeholder
Last modified 08/01/2025 08:33:37 AM By Angalea Turnbull/Staff/ABS
Document Id DCOO-DCPT8P
-----Original Message-----
From: noseyrosey <[FOI #12576 email]>
Sent: Tuesday, 7 January 2025 7:14 PM
To: Angalea Turnbull <[email address]>
Subject: Re: Consultation request from the ABS [SEC=OFFICIAL]
CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless
you recognise the sender
and know the content is safe
Dear Deborah Wallace,
Thank you for your letter dated 6 January 2025 regarding my Freedom of
Information (FOI) request. I appreciate the opportunity to consult and
revise the scope of my request to facilitate its processing. However, I
must also remind you of the agency's obligations under the Freedom of
Information Act 1982 (Cth) to assist applicants in framing their requests,
as set out in section 15(3) of the FOI Act.
The FOI Act requires agencies to take reasonable steps to assist
applicants to make requests in a manner that complies with the Act.
Further, section 3(4) emphasises that agencies are to exercise their
functions and powers under the Act to facilitate and promote public access
to information promptly and at the lowest reasonable cost. Sending generic
refusal notices without actively assisting in refining the request does
not align with these principles.
To address the grounds for practical refusal outlined in your letter, I
propose the following revised request:
Revised Scope
I seek access to:
Memoranda of understanding (MOUs), agreements, or similar documents that
govern the sharing of personal information between the Australian Bureau
of Statistics (ABS) and the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) over the
last ten years.
Policies, procedures, or guidelines that outline how the ABS requests,
receives, handles, stores, or uses client information originating from the
Reports, summaries, or reviews conducted by the ABS that evaluate or
discuss the sharing of personal information between the ABS and the DVA.
Additional Clarifications
I am seeking documents that specifically pertain to DVA-collected client
information shared with the ABS.
Please limit the search to documents held by Senior Executive Service
(SES) or project management staff.
I consent to the exclusion of names and contact details of non-Senior
Executive staff, mobile numbers, duplicate documents, and draft versions.
This revised scope narrows the request to a manageable range of high-level
documents, as suggested in your letter, while ensuring its purpose is met.
Obligations Under the FOI Act
I respectfully remind you of the agency's obligation under section 24AB(3)
to actively assist in refining the scope of requests during a practical
refusal consultation process. This includes:
Clearly identifying why the request, as currently framed, is considered
too broad.
Suggesting alternative, narrower scopes that would allow the agency to
process the request without unreasonable diversion of resources.
Failure to provide adequate assistance or to engage meaningfully in this
process would constitute non-compliance with the FOI Act and its intent to
promote access to information.
I trust this revised request addresses your concerns and facilitates the
processing of my request. If further clarification or adjustments are
required, I ask that you outline these in detail, as required by the FOI
Act, before the end of the consultation period.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your
confirmation that my revised request can now proceed.
Yours sincerely,
-----Original Message-----
Good afternoon Nosey,
Please find attached the response from the ABS regarding your Freedom of
Information request.
(See attached file: Consultation Request from the ABS.pdf)
Angalea Turnbull
Policy & Legislation Section | Legislative Compliance & Parliamentary
Australian Bureau of Statistics
(E) [1][email address] (W) [2]
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2. [4]
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Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
Dear Nosey,
Please find attached the response from the ABS regarding your Freedom of
Information request.
(See attached file: ABS Response to your FOI Request.pdf)
Kind regards,
FOI Contact Officer
Freedom of Information
Policy & Legislation Section | Legislative Compliance and Parliamentary
Australian Bureau of Statistics