Documents pertaining to the removal of the term 'Gonski'
Dear Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations,
I am wanting to access any documents, emails, etc. that concern the removal of the 'Review of Funding for Schooling Report' from the department's website, and any such documentation regarding that may help to explain why the term 'Gonski' now yields no results when used a search term on the department's website. Additionally, I would like access to any documents, emails, etc. that concern the decommissioning of website and also how the decision was made to decommission it.
Yours faithfully,
Nikos Thomacos
For Official Use Only
Dear Mr Thomacos
Please find attached correspondence from the Department of Education in
relation to your request under the Commonwealth Freedom of Information Act
Kind regards
Alexandra Brown (nee Pilarski)
Senior Government Lawyer
Freedom of Information, Privacy and People Legal Branch
Legal and Investigations Group
Australian Government Department of Education
(02) 6240 2570 I ext 42570
GPO Box 9880
Location Code: C12MT1
On 18 September 2013, Machinery of Government changes established the
Department of Education and the Department of Employment out of the former
Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR).
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Alex Sadleir left an annotation ()
Fairfax did an FOI about where the Gonski report went... leading to Gonski documents being put back onto the FOI page
Karen Dearne left an annotation ()
I suspect the reason the information does not exist is because the department - along with all the rest - has "archived" all previous material at the National Library's Pandora archive of online material. Effectively all this material has vanished, as it's not discoverable by web searching. See