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Printed from on February 23, 2025 10:34
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 3)
Attention: Karen Dearne
Please see attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request to the
Department of Health.
Kind regards
This request was partially successful. I did not pursue it because of the excessive charges, but part of the document has been released by the Health D...
This person's 11 annotations
Give the Govt all of your information here!
Hi Mark, Some exploration of the issues in the Student Identifiers Bill 2014 by the Senate Standing Committee on the scrutiny of bills
Unfortunately, mygov is not adequately concerned about citizens' right to privacy and data security, it appears. See
It appears that the OAIC "advised" the DHS on MyGov PIA under its contract with the department:
Advice to the Department of Human Services
An MOU bet...
There is no record of a tender or contract issued for a myGov PIA - the only one I can find was for the previous account, done in July...
This seems new? Replies contained in a secure email that you have to register for means the material cannot be seen by others... So we cannot provide a...
I suspect the reason the information does not exist is because the department - along with all the rest - has "archived" all previous material at the N...
This request was partially successful. I did not pursue it because of the excessive charges, but part of the document has been released by the Health D...
Can anyone advise whether MOUs have the same legal standing as a National Agreement when it comes to funding/financial commitments?
This request will be processed upon payment of $279, but the document involved should have been published on the Standing Council on Federal Financial...