Victorian Department of Education

A Victorian authority

16 requests
School Complaints
Response by Victorian Department of Education to Megan on .

Long overdue.

Dear Megan Thank you for your email regarding your FOI request 2024-1004. I acknowledge that you have experienced significant processing delays and I...
Email 6 Kind regards, Freedom of Information Unit | Assurance, Knowledge and Executive Services Department of Education 2 Treasury Place, East Melbou...
Dear Dr Brady   FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST – FOI 2021-640   We refer to your request received 17 November 2021 by the Department of Educat...
Dear Eric, We refer to your email received 19 February 2024 by the Department of Education seeking an internal review. If you are dissatisfied with o...
Dear Megan   FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST – FOI 2024-178   Please see attached decision released to you in accordance with the Act.   We...
Official Dear Sophie   FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST – FOI 2023-632   We refer to your request received by the Department of Education (the...
Dear Ms Beauregard, I write in reference to your below enquiry. At the outset, I should explain that the role of the Freedom of Information (FOI) Uni...
  Dear Mr Zhuang   FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST   We refer to your request received 10 November 2019 by the Department of Education and Tr...
    Dear Ms Parolin   Please find attached the signed access decision and the documents released in response to your request.   This now c...
Dear Mr Jackson Thank you for your enquiry to the Department about the website, and your request for access to the data underl...
Dear Mr Dasarathi FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST We refer to your query received 12 September 2018 by the Department of Education and Training (the...
Hi Jason, The Victorian FOI system is a little different to the Federal one, as there is a filing fee that must be paid before the request is conside...
School spend on agency staff
Response by Victorian Department of Education to Anthony Graham on .

Long overdue.

Dear Mr Graham I refer to your application received by the Department of Education and Training (the Department) seeking access under the Freedom of I...
Dear Mr Smith   This is a friendly reminder regarding the request for payment of the application charge concerning your Freedom of Information (FO...
I am requesting the following information, 1. The number of students enrolled for grade 7 in 2017 for Northcote High School who's place of residen...
Corporate Plan and Evaluation Plan
Response by Victorian Department of Education to P. Gale on .

Partially successful.

Dear Gale, I believe you may be referring to what we title as the Department's Strategic Plan:

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?