The information requested non-personal information sought and is covered under the Freedom of Information laws.
Please provide the information requ...
Good morning,
I refer to your request for information pertaining to data pertaining to parent complaints for Southport Special School.
As per previou...
Good morning,
I refer to your request for information pertaining to data from the
Integrity and Employee Relations Unit. This appears to be a du...
The information requested non-personal information sought and is covered under the Freedom of Information laws.
Please provide the information requ...
The information requested non-personal information sought and is covered under the Freedom of Information laws.
Please provide the information req...
Good morning
Thank you for your email seeking access to documents from Kenmore State
High School or Kenmore State High P&C Association.
Good morning,
Yes that is correct - by 'central' I meant both central office and regional offices.
Kind Regards,
Caroline Cole
A/Manager, Informatio...
Good afternoon,
The Department acknowledges receipt of your request for the QASMT staff list. Your request has been forwarded to the Regional Office f...
5 months have passed. The information has not been provided and the Qld Department of Education has not provided an update.
Yours sincerely,
Could you please provide an update on this request?
Yours sincerely,
Please provide the complete list of words in the Education Queensland M365 tenancy that trigger the email flow blocking an email from being sent to...
Dear Ms Doig
Thank you for your email. I apologise for the delay in responding to your
To make a Right to Information application...
Dear Mr Graham
Thank you for your email.
To make a request for access to information under the Right to information
Act 2009 you will hav...
Have a look at my annotation here ( ). It is also applicable to this reque...
Only requests made using Right to Know are shown.