Correspondence about political bias

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Queensland Department of Education should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Queensland Department of Education,

I am writing to request access to correspondence from Kenmore State High School or Kenmore State High P&C Association regarding potentially politically biased conduct including the provision of a written endorsement to a political candidate. The correspondence may include an apology or a complaint and be between school staff, members of the P&C Association or other members of the school community. It may include correspondence and advice from the regional office.

Yours faithfully,


HEADRICK, Fiona, Queensland Department of Education

2 Attachments

Good morning


Thank you for your email seeking access to documents from Kenmore State
High School or Kenmore State High P&C Association.


You may apply for access to department documents from Kenmore State High
School by lodging an application under the Right to Information Act 2009
(Qld) (RTI application). 


An RTI application may be lodged either:

 1. by completing the online [1]Right to Information application form; or
 2. completing the hard copy Right to Information application form
(attached) and sending the application form to [2][QED request email].


Please note: the current application fee for an RTI application is $55.75.


Further information about lodging an RTI application is located on the
[3]Queensland Government Whole of Government Right to Information
webpage.  The Office of the Information Commissioner Queensland also has
an information sheet ‘[4]How do I apply for government documents?’ which
provides further information about lodging an application including
providing specific information about the documents sought which will help
with searching for the documents. 


If you are seeking access to P&C Association records then you should
direct your request to the P&C Association. 


Kind regards



Fiona Headrick

Manager Information Release


Legal Services

Department of Education


P: 07 3513 5314

E: [5][email address]

Level 22 | Education House | 30 Mary Street | Brisbane QLD 4000

PO Box 15033 | City East QLD 4002


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