Dear Queensland Department of Education and Training,

Could you please share data from the Integrity and Employee Relations Unit (formerly Safety and Integrity) regarding Southport special school for each year 2019 to present which lists:

1. the total number of complaints received by intake and assessment in each year
2. the total number of public interest disclosures made in each year
3. the number of complaints internally referred for further action / investigation in each year
4. the number of substantiated complaints in each year
5. the number of complaints where no further action was required in each year
7. the number of complaints referred to external authorities such as the QPS or CCC in each year
8. the number of unresolved complaints (ie no outcome provided to the complainant)

Yours faithfully,


Dear Queensland Department of Education,

Could I please follow up on this outstanding request.
by law, the authority should normally have responded promptly and by June 07, 2024.
Your prompt response is appreciated

Yours faithfully,


Dear Queensland Department of Education,
This is long overdue. Please up

Yours faithfully,


Dear Queensland Department of Education,

A further reminder

Yours faithfully,


ADMINLAW, rti, Queensland Department of Education

1 Attachment

Good afternoon,


Thank you for your email.


You may apply for access to department documents by lodging an application
under the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld) (RTI application). 


An RTI application may be lodged either:

(1)          by completing the [1]online Right to Information application
form; or

(2)          completing the hard copy Right to Information application
form (attached) and sending the application form to [QED request email].


Please note: the current application fee for an RTI application is $55.75.


Further information about lodging an RTI application is located on the
[2]Queensland Government Whole of Government Right to Information
webpage.  The Office of the Information Commissioner Queensland also has
an information sheet ‘[3]How do I apply for government documents?’ which
provides further information about lodging an application.


Kind regards



Fiona Headrick

Manager Information Release

Legal Services

Department of Education

Level 22 | Education House | 30 Mary Street | Brisbane QLD 4000

PO Box 15033 | City East QLD 4002


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show quoted sections

Dear ADMINLAW, rti, Fiona Headrick

Could you please advise the valid legal reason why this request has been declined?

Yours sincerely,


Dear Queensland Department of Education,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Queensland Department of Education's handling of my FOI request 'Southport special School'.

This request is long overdue.
Could you please advise the valid legal reason why this request has still not been completed.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,


ADMINLAW, rti, Queensland Department of Education

Good morning,

I refer to your request for information pertaining to data from the Integrity and Employee Relations Unit.

As per previous correspondence regarding those requests:
• Some of the information requested would be impractical or otherwise unsuitable for administrative release
• A Right to Information application would be required for any non-personal information sought

It is noted that Queensland government records are subject to the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld) (IP Act) and the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld) (RTI Act). The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) (FOI Act) does not apply to the records you have sought and therefore any requests made via the Right to Know website are administrative requests, rather than legislative, and the Department is not required by law to respond. Should you wish to proceed with a new request for the various information you are seeking, the correct avenue is to lodge either an IP or RTI application. This can be done online at:

For further information on accessing records of the Department of Education (Qld), please refer to the Department’s webpage ‘How do I access information?’ available at:

Kind Regards,

Caroline Cole
Senior Lawyer

Legal Services Branch
Department of Education

P: (07) 3513 5862
E: [email address]
Level 22 | Education House | 30 Mary Street | Brisbane QLD 4000
PO Box 15033 | City East QLD 4002

show quoted sections

Dear Queensland Department of Education,

The information requested non-personal information sought and is covered under the Freedom of Information laws.
Please provide the information requested.

Alternatively, please advise the specific legislation (specific section of the Act) plain English explanation detailing why general information about a school bus shed being vandalised is protected information held by the department. Please advise specifics in which you rely upon to decline this request.

You can see all 5 of my FOI requests by tapping on the hyperlink to my name
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Queensland Department of Education's handling of my FOI request 'Allegations of misconduct on department of education Queensland provided Special school transportation services'.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Queensland Department of Education's handling of my FOI request 'Southport special School'.


A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,
