National Disability Insurance Agency

Part of the Social Services portfolio and a Federal authority, also called NDIA

Do not request personal information using this site. Why?

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is an independent statutory agency, whose role is to implement the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), which will support a better life for hundreds of thousands of Australians with a significant and permanent disability and their families and carers. The National Disability Insurance Scheme will mean peace of mind for every Australian, for anyone who has or might acquire a disability.

270 requests

(page 3)

Dear Karen and Rob Stewart   Thank you for your request for information.   Please find attached correspondence and documents in relation to you...
Access Request Assessment Guidelines
Response by National Disability Insurance Agency to B on .


Dear B    Thank you for your request for information.    You have requested access to the following documents:   “…copies of all current pr...
Dear Brittany Smith Thank you for your request for information. Please find attached correspondence in relation to your request.  If you require t...
NDIA Information Security Risk Management Policy and Procedures
Request to National Disability Insurance Agency by Shirley. Annotated by Ben Fairless on .

Withdrawn by the requester.

Hi Shirley, I'm sorry it's come across this way. I've only recently come back on board and I'm going through issues that happened several years ago....
Dear J.Finch   Thank you for your request for information.   I sincerely apologise for the delay in providing you with a response.   Please...
Public interest disclosures
Response by National Disability Insurance Agency to Brutus on .


Dear Brutus   Thank you for your request for information.   Please find attached correspondence in relation to your request.  If you require t...
Dear Sam Thank you for your request for information. Please find attached correspondence in relation to your request. If you require this in a dif...
Dear Josh (Right to Know) Thank you for your request for information. Please find attached correspondence in relation to your request. If you requ...
Dear D.Davidson   Thank you for your request for information.   Please find attached correspondence and documents in relation to your request....
Dear Angelique   Thank you for your below request seeking access to documents from the Agency’s Disclosure Log.    Please find attached the fo...
Dear Christina Torres   Thank you for your request for information.   Please find attached correspondence in relation to your request. If you...
Dear J.Finch   Thank you for your request for information.   Please find attached correspondence in relation to your request. If you require t...
Skills Assessment Tests and Documents
Response by National Disability Insurance Agency to Christina Torres on .

Waiting clarification.

Dear Christina Torres Thank you for your request for information. Please find attached correspondence in relation to your request. If you require thi...
Question re: Staffing
Response by National Disability Insurance Agency to Robert Stokes on .


Dear Robert Stokes,   Thank you for your below request for internal review.   Please find attached correspondence in relation to your request. ...
Dear Florence   Thank you for your request for information.   Please find attached correspondence in relation to your request.  If you require...
Definition “Family”
Response by National Disability Insurance Agency to AS on .


Dear AS Thank you for your request for information. Please find attached correspondence and documents in relation to your request. If you require the...
Dear John Smith   Thank you for your request for information.   Please find attached correspondence and documents in relation to your request....
Thank you. Non-FOI feedback to pass to the relevant area: 1. One of the media TP drafts had 'ADHD is a learning difficulty'. Good thing that was...
Eligibility Reassessment Policy
Follow up sent to National Disability Insurance Agency by AS on .

Partially successful.

Thankyou for providing the documents in relation to my request. Can you please confirm if the Eligibility checklist provided is currently in use?...
Dear AS   Thank you for your email, A document was inadvertantly attached that did not belong to this matter. This was removed but the refence to...
Dear Florence Thank you for your request for information.   Please find attached correspondence and documents in relation to your request. If yo...
NDIA operational guidelines and similar
Follow up sent to National Disability Insurance Agency by Me on .

Information not held.

Thanks for this. I appreciate that NDIA progresses things even when past the statutory timeframe I'm happy with the decision, I accept that all re...
Dear Des   Thank you for your correspondence, in which you requested “a copy of FOI 20/21-0876".   We have taken your email below to be a requ...
Dear Robert Lavingne   Thank you for your request for information.   Please find attached correspondence in relation to your request. If you r...
Organisational Structure NDIA
Internal review request sent to National Disability Insurance Agency by Robert Stokes on .

Awaiting internal review.

Thank you - I am aware of the Governance, Risk & Integrity Directory. Is it possible that someone address the substance of the original request?...

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?