This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 13)
Some of the wanted information is not held by the authority. Other information held by the authority is available for a fee and is therefore not access...
Dear Mr Simpson,
Attached is a letter from ASIC.
Kind regards,
Patricia Hu | Lawyer | Insolvency Practitioners | Brisbane | ' 07 3867
4976 | * [1...
I am out of the office until 24/07/2017.
For urgent matters, please email [email address] in my absence.
Note: This is an automated resp...
Dear Mr Simpson
Please find attached our decision and documents pursuant to your FOI request (FOI-000672).
Should you have any question...
For Official Use Only
Dear Mr Simpson
Please find attached our decision and documents pursuant to your FOI request (FOI-000671).
Should you have any...
For Official Use Only
Dear Mr Simpson
Please find attached letter addressed to you from Ms Sally Dennington,
Director, Customer Feedback and I...
Dear Mr Simpson
Please find attached our decision and documents pursuant to your FOI
request reference FOI-000657.
Kind regards
Hi Jason
We have six Council Rangers authorised under the Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals Act 1986 and the Domestic Animals Act 1994 and other...
Dear Mr Simpson
Please find attached letter of correspondence relating to your FOI request
– reference FOI-000645.
Jennifer Wo...
Dear Mr Simpson
Please see the attached correspondence from ASIC regarding your FOI
Kind regards
Lauren Roy | Escalated Matters...
Attention: Jason Simpson
Hi Jason,
In answer to your question: No, we don’t employ Wildlife Rangers as such.
Our 10 Bushland Management Un...
Thank you for your query regarding Wildlife Rangers at the City of
Whittlesea. Council manages domestic animals through the Local Laws
Dear Mr Simpson
Please see the attached correspondence from ASIC regarding your FOI
Kind regards
Lauren Roy | Escalated Matters...
This person's annotations
None made.