Wildlife rangers.

Jason Simpson made this Freedom of Information request to Banyule City Council

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was successful.

Jason Simpson

Dear Banyule City Council, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 can you tell me if the council employees a wildlife ranger. If the answer is yes, how many are employed by council, what hours do they work and what is their role.

Yours faithfully,

Jason Simpson

Banyule City Council

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Thank you for contacting Banyule City Council. Your email will be forwarded onto the most appropriate Council officer.

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Banyule City Council
P O Box 51, Ivanhoe, 3079
Phone: 9490 4222
Fax: 9499 9475

Tristan Gough, Banyule City Council

1 Attachment

Attention: Jason Simpson


Hi Jason,


In answer to your question: No, we don’t employ Wildlife Rangers as such.
Our 10 Bushland Management Unit staff are referred to as Park Rangers and
their key role is revegetation of indigenous flora species. They work a 76
hour 9 day fortnight.


Our role as far as indigenous wildlife goes is confined to nest boxes and
fauna monitoring. Feral animals such as foxes, India Mynas and rabbits are
controlled by contract pest exterminators.


If you have any further enquiries please feel free to contact me on 9490




David Legat



Bushland Management Unit

Parks & Gardens Department

Banyule City Council


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