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Printed from on February 22, 2025 18:07
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 6)
Thank you for your response. Due to the cost involved I will withdraw my current request regarding the fitment of cargo body to CPA21173 and CPA2456...
Dear Mr Skinner
We attach letter from our office in relation to the above requests for
your attention.
Kind regards,
Sonja Bermes | Senior Leg...
Dear Mr Skinner
I refer to your request for documents under the Freedom of Information Act
1982 (the FOI Act), received in this office on 15 January...
For Official Use Only
Dear Mr Skinner
Grant Jason Skinner v Stillwell Motor Group Cars Australia Pty Ltd t/a
Knox Ford (MLG3/2012)
I ref...
I am out of the office until 15/01/2016.
If you need to get in touch with me, please call me on 0411 221 902 or
email me - I will be checking regu...
Dear Mr Skinner,
Please find attached a statement of reasons in relation to your FOI
request (FOI16/005).
This person's annotations
None made.