provide approval documentation for fitment of cargo body to CPA21173 and CPA24563
Dear Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development,
Under freedom of information I request a copy of the approval documentation that was supplied to your department for the fitment of a cargo body to both CPA 21173 and CPA 24563 when these vehicles were complied and tested for aporoval.
Yours faithfully,
Grant Skinner
Dear Mr skinner
Thank you for your recent FOI request through the Right to Know website. In order to assist you and process the request in a timely manner, the Department would like to clarify some aspects of your application with you.
We note you are seeking access to approval documentation that was supplied to the department relating to CPA 21173 and CPA 24563. Grateful if you could clarify whether you are seeking access to approval documents issued by the Department or copies of application documents that were submitted to the Department in relation to these CPAs? Approval documents are not supplied to the Department.
Further, in order to refine your request to a more manageable number of documents we would appreciate advice on whether you are seeking access to these documents for a specific vehicle and for a specific period of time.
Your request is considered to be on hold until we receive clarification of these issues.
To assist the Department in responding to your future communication on this request, please quote the FOI tracking number located in the subject line.
Kind regards
Kieran Vassallo
Assistant Director
FOI and Client Service Team Leader
Governance and Performance Section | Governance Unit
Corporate Services Division
Department of Infrastructure and Regional DevelopmentD
D (02) 6274 6495
Dear FOI,
Hi Kieran. Thank you for your prompt response.
To clarify what i am looking for with regards to CPA21173 and CPA24563 is the application documentation that was supplied to the Department of Transport regarding the Ford Falcon 6x2 conversion in the year 2000.
The reason for the request for the application documentation regarding compliance is to establish if either Ford Motor Company of Australia or Transit Engineering supplied proof in their respective applications to show that van bodies had been specified as being tested and approved in the respective application documentation to the Department of Transport in 2000.
CPA24563 was the application in 2000 by Transit Engineering to attach a lazy axle to the rear of CPA21173 which was the original Ford Motor Company Cab Chassis.
I would greatly appreciate a copy of the application documentation that was submitted by both Ford Motor Company CPA21173 and Transit Engineering CPA24563 to establish if any bodies were tested and approved in the applications that were submitted to the Department of Transport in 2000.
Thank You again for your prompt response.
Yours sincerely,
Grant Skinner
Dear Mr Skinner
Charges Notice - FOI 16-60 – Documents related to identification plate
I refer to your request for access to documents in the possession of the
Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development (the Department) in
accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 1982.
A determination of your liability to pay a charge and a preliminary
charges estimate is attached.
Please contact me if you have any questions regarding the processing of
your request. I can be reached by telephone on (02) 6274 6495 (or through
the Department’s switchboard number on 1800 075 001) or by email at
[email address].
FOI Team | Governance and Performance
Governance Unit | Corporate Services
Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development
GPO Box 594, Canberra ACT 2601
t 02 6274 6495 |
e [Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development request email] | w [1]
Dear FOI,
I have received the costs estimate with regards to the freedom of information search.
If as soon as possible could you please provide me a breakdown of how the estimate of $1103.49 has been estimated by the Department.
Before I commit to the initial deposit I need to know if the cost of $1103.49 is due to the volume of paper work that is involved in this freedom of information request.If the cost is due to the large volume of pages in the documents that I have requested then can you please advise me as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely,
Grant Skinner
Dear Mr Skinner
Thank you for your email below. Charges estimates for FOI matters are calculated in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Charges) Regulations 1982. The approach taken by the Department applies a standard timeframe in which to locate and review a document, and a page which is then applied against the values in the Regulations to produce the charge amount. I can confirm that from initial searches for the documents in scope of your request the Department has identified approximately 127 documents comprising 246 pages.
The volume of documents as well as the requirement under the FOI Act for the Department to consult with two affected third parties in relation to the release of the documents has resulted in the estimate provided.
As noted this is only an estimate and final charges will be reassessed upon further processing and may be reduced.
Please do not hesitate to contact the FOI team should you wish to discuss this matter further.
FOI Team | Governance and Performance
Governance Unit | Corporate Services
Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development
GPO Box 594, Canberra ACT 2601
t 02 6274 6495 |
e [email address] | w
Dear FOI,
Thank you for your response. Due to the cost involved I will withdraw my current request regarding the fitment of cargo body to CPA21173 and CPA24563.
I was advised today that I can check general compliance details on the RVCS website.
Thank you again for your prompt response.
Yours sincerely,
Grant Skinner