Application To Declare Grant Skinner a Vexatious Litigant

Grant Skinner made this Freedom of Information request to Victorian Department of Justice and Community Safety

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

Victorian Department of Justice and Community Safety did not have the information requested.

Dear Department of Justice & Regulation - Victoria,

In 2012 the Attorney General for the State of Victoria made an application to declare Grant Skinner a Vexatious Litigant in the Supreme Court of Victoria.

Under Freedom of Information I would like to have a copy of the application that was made to the Attorney General in 2012 to declare me vexatious.

I need this document to establish who made the application. Was it Ford Motor Company of Australia. Was it Christopher Stillwell of Stillwell Motor Company or was it the Victoria Police.

This document is important due to the fact Vic Roads have recently disclosed that the vehicle which was the basis of that vexatious application was registered with false registration details making the vehicle an illegally registered commercial vehicle.

To this day I have not been advised who made the application to the Attorney General to declare me vexatious.

I look forward to your response as the Vic Roads disclosure about the false registration has caused me recent distress.

Yours faithfully,

Grant Skinner

Victorian Department of Justice and Community Safety

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Skinner

I refer to your request for documents under the Freedom of Information Act
1982 (the FOI Act), received in this office on 15 January 2016.

Section 17(2A) of the FOI Act requires that an application fee of $27.20
accompany a request for access to documents. The application fee may be
waived in circumstances of hardship. If you wish to seek waiver of the
fee, you will need to provide evidence of hardship, such as a current
healthcare or pension card.

Please note your request will not be considered valid and will therefore
not be processed until payment or application for waiver is received and

Please also note that as a matter of general policy, this office requires
an applicant to provide identification (i.e. a copy of driver’s licence,
passport, birth certificate or similar) when seeking access to personal
documents. This is a routine requirement of all applicants seeking access
to personal documents and ensures that documents are not inappropriately
released to third parties.

For your future reference, the Victorian Government has a website that
allows individuals to submit FOI requests online to many departments and
agencies ([1]  Using the online application form on
this website allows individuals to attach the appropriate supporting
documentation required for their request and also allows for the FOI
application fee to be paid online.

It would also be beneficial if you could provide the department with your
contact details (whether that be in the form of an email address or postal
address), so that any future correspondence in relation to your request
can be sent to you directly.

I would appreciate it if you would respond to the issues raised above
within 28 days of the date of this email, otherwise I will assume that you
do not wish to continue with your request and no further action will be
taken by the department.

Yours sincerely

Jeremy Frampton
A/Team Leader
Freedom of Information
Information Integrity and Access
Department of Justice & Regulation
24/121 Exhibition Street
Melbourne  VIC  3000  
DX 210077
Phone: (03) 8684 0069  |   Fax: (03) 8684 0098
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1. file:///tmp/