Freedom of Information requests made by this person
This person has made no Freedom of Information requests using this site.
This person's 17 annotations
The authority sent emails on the 17th of February 2025 to the wrong request email address. This has now been corrected and the emails are attached to t...
So it appears that the Department of Education, Skills and Employment is now defunct - replaced by the Department of Education (https://www.righttoknow...
I have updated this request to show that it's been transferred to the Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General. Emails before this note...
I have updated this request to show that it's been transferred to the Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General. Emails before this note...
We've asked if the City of West Torrens can send the documents like normal email attachments instead of using a third party portal.
Ben - Ri...
We’ve manually updated the authority for this request to Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet as the request was transferred from DFAT to them.
At the request of the Department of Defence, we have hidden the name of an FOI Officer that was inadvertently disclosed. We decided to do this as the n...
We've been contacted by the CRDC who have advised us that we have the wrong email address on file. We have updated the email address and re-sent the re...
In Western Australia, you need to "give an address in Australia to which notices under this Act can be sent" in order for a request to be valid. I'm go...
The ADHA has reached out to Right to Know, letting us know they haven't been getting our requests.
As this appears to be a duplicate of another reque...
The ADHA has reached out to Right to Know, letting us know they haven't been getting our requests.
To assist the ADHA, I have re-sent the original re...
After reviewing the notes on this request and the FOI Act in Victoria, I am updating the status on this request to "Rejected" because the person making...
We have reached out to QCS to see if they are getting our emails.
We have been working with the NSW Department of Justice, and have resolved the issues with them receiving our emails!
Hello everyone,
A number of comments have been hidden on this request as they do not comply with our policy on annotations:
“Annotations on Right t...
I have transferred this request from the local council to VIDA per the email chain above.
Ben - OpenAustralia Foundation
This is poor form on the part of the Classification Board. They should be releasing the documents via email like anyone else.